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An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment
Succinct, straightforward, and rich with engaging learning features, Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment, 6th Edition, establishes ...
Succinct, straightforward, and rich with engaging learning features, Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment, 6th Edition, establishes a fundamental understanding of the science and treatment of stuttering and other fluency disorders. This respected text is logically organized, delivering an overview of stuttering’s etiology and development followed by the latest approaches to accurate assessment and treatment. Incorporating a wealth of new content, videos, review questions, this 6th Edition reflects the most up-to-date methodologies and equips users for confidence from the classroom to clinical practice.
NEW! Chapter on the treatment of adolescents brings new perspectives to stuttering therapy with teens.
UPDATED! Online video sclarify important stuttering concepts and treatment techniques in vivid detail.
NEW! Sections provide essential coverage of emerging topics in the field, including stuttering acceptance and techniques to help clients reduce fear and shame.
UPDATED! 150 new review questions enhance an already robust online question bank that tests students’ retention and reinforces key chapter content.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
January 5, 2024
Barry Guitar
ix Preface?v Acknowledgments?vii Sec tion I Nature of Stuttering 1. Introduction to Stuttering 3 Perspective 4 Overview of the Disorder 6 Definitions?7 The Human Face of Stuttering?13 Basic Facts about Stuttering and Their Implications for the Nature of Stuttering?13 2. Primary Etiological Factors in Stuttering 26 What Do We Know About Constitutional Factors in Stuttering??27 Hereditary Factors?28 Congenital and Early Childhood Trauma Studies?37 Brain Function and Structure?39 3. Sensorimotor, Language, and Emotional Factors in Stuttering 53 Sensorimotor Factors?54 Language Factors?63 Emotional Factors?65 4. Developmental and Environmental Factors in Stuttering 73 Developmental Factors?76 Environmental Factors?89 5. Learning and Unlearning 99 Learning?100 Unlearning?108 6. Theories About Stuttering 114 Theoretical Perspectives About Constitutional Factors in Stuttering?117 Theoretical Perspectives on Developmental and Environmental Factors?127 Integration of Perspectives on Stuttering?130 7. Typical Disfluency and the Development of Stuttering 143 Overview?145 Typical Disfluency?147 Younger Preschool Children: Borderline Stuttering?152 Older Preschool Children: Beginning Stuttering?155 School-Age Children: Intermediate Stuttering?159 Older Teens and Adults: Advanced Stuttering?163 8. Atypical Disfluency 171 Overview?172 Acquired Neurogenic Stuttering?172 Stuttering as a Result of Stress and Injuries While in the Military?174 Functional (Previously Termed “Psychogenic”) Stuttering?175 Malingering?177 Cluttering?179 Contentsx Contents Sec tion II Assessment of Stuttering 9. Preliminaries to Assessment 185 The Client’s Needs?187 Insurance Considerations?188 Clients’ Right to Privacy?189 Multicultural and Multilingual Considerations?190 The Clinician’s Expertise?194 Assessing Stuttering Behavior?194 Assessing Speech Naturalness?203 Assessing Speaking and Reading Rate?205 Using FluencyBank to Assess Stuttering Behaviors?206 Assessing Feelings and Attitudes?206 10. Assessment of Preschool Children Who Stutter 209 Steps in Assessment of Preschool Children Who Stutter?210 11. Assessment of School Age Children, Adolescents, and Adults Who Stutter 236 School-Age Children?237 Adolescent?252 Adult?264 Sec tion III Treatment of Stuttering 12. Preliminaries to Treatment 277 Clinician’s Attributes?278 Clinician’s Beliefs?281 Treatment Goals?282 Therapy Procedures?286 13. Treatment of Younger Preschool Children: Borderline Stuttering 295 An Integrated Approach?296 Other Approaches?305 14. Treatment of Older Preschool Children: Beginning Stuttering 312 An Integrated Approach?313 Another Clinician’s Approach: Sheryl Gottwald?326 Treatment of Concomitant Speech and Language Problems?328 15. Treatment of School-Age Children: Intermediate Stuttering 333 An Integrated Approach?334 Approaches of Other Clinicians?357 Treatment of Stuttering Accompanied by Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?359 Treatment of Stuttering Accompanied by Autism?360 16. Treatment of Adolescents: Advanced Stuttering 364 Introduction?365 Background on Adolescence?366 Setting the Tone for Therapy?366 Stuttering With Greater Ease?368 Developing Healthier Thoughts and Feelings About Stuttering?371 Reducing Avoidance of Sounds, Words, and Situations?377 17. Treatment of Adults: Advanced Stuttering 381 An Integrated Approach?383 Other Approaches?399 18. Treatment of Atypical Fluency Disorders 404 Introduction?405 Acquired Neurogenic Stuttering?405 Functional (Psychogenic) Acquired Stuttering?409 Malingering?412 Cluttering?413 Bibliography?421 Author Index?449 Subject Index?457
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