Offering a holistic, comprehensive understanding of essential skills grounded in compassionate patient care, Lippincott Textbook for Nursing Assistant...
Awarded second place in the 2023 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Nursing Research category! The go-to guide to evidence-based practice in nursing f...
The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators and Academic Clinical Nurse Educators, Third EditionLinda S. Christensen, EdD, JD, RN, CNE; Larry E...
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!How to Nurse: Relational Inquiry in Action, Second Edition, presents a groundbreaking, research-informed app...
How we teach and what we teach is being questioned by multiple stakeholders in higher education, including the public at large. Given these forces, Sc...
Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Practical/Vocational, Diploma, Baccalaureate, Master's Practice Doctorate, and Research Doctorate Programs in Nursing
Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Practical/Vocational, Diploma, Associate Degree, Baccalaureate, Master's. Practice Doctorate, and Research ...
Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Practical/Vocational, Diploma, Baccalaureate, Master's Practice Doctorate, and Research Doctorate Programs in Nursing
Building the Science of Nursing Education: Foundation for Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning is the culmination of a seven-year project by the NLN T...
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