Designed to help readers make connections between foundational concepts and clinical application, Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Speech-Language P...
Develop a practical understanding of neuroscience and confidently prepare for your future career as a clinician, researcher, or instructor with this t...
Topics in Language Disorders (TLD) is a peer-reviewed journal focused on language disorders, aimed at speech-language pathologists, educators, and rel...
life-size model of the larynx with tongue, medially sectioned to show details of the larynx and cartilages, ligamentsmuscles, relief of mucous membra...
This chart of the Pharynx and Larynx shows several views of both structures. Each illustration is finely detailed and labeled. Includes the following:...
Discover a world of knowledge with Ear and Hearing Explore everything from the basics of hearing and balance disorders to the latest in auditory techn...
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