Home/Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Member Subscriptions
Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Member Subscriptions
a member of the SBCN, you have access to discounted subscriptions to the
following Wolters Kluwer neurology titles, including Cognitive and
Behavioral Neurology. Discount will be applied at checkout.
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology seeks to advance the understanding and treatment of cognitive and behavioral difficulties caused by disorders of th...
Founded in 1874, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease is the world's oldest independent scientific monthly in the field of human behavior. Articl...
Discover Cutting-Edge Insights in Behavioral Pharmacology Dive into cutting-edge research with Behavioral Pharmacology. Each issue brings you the late...
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal directed to an audience of clinicians and researchers, with pri...
Psychiatric Genetics addresses new areas of research which have been opened up following the success of new technology in cloning many genes related t...
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