Providing summaries of the latest and best publications, clinical trials, and evidence in endocrinology, this portable handbook is a time-saving addition to your professional library. In a concise, easy-to-read format, it offers evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders and provides a comprehensive summary of pertinent clinical studies supporting the practice recommendations.
Covers the major areas of endocrinology: hypothalamic-pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, metabolic bone, reproductive, diabetes, lipid disorders, obesity and nutrition, endocrine malignancies, and genetics
Features hundreds of new references and careful revision of every chapter to bring you up to date
Provides updated tables for quick reference
Presents a comprehensive update of new therapies and the latest clinical guidelines for diabetes, thyroid, and metabolic bone diseases
Includes a new chapter on the management of transgender patients
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
5 x 8
Publication Date
November 27, 2019
Pauline M Camacho MD
Director, Loyola University Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease Center, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Contents Contributors iv Preface vii Acknowledgments viii Chapter 1 Hypothalamic Pituitary Disease ................................... 1 SHANIKA SAMARASINGHE, GERALD A. CHARNOGURSKY, ANNE MARGARETTE BACAL, AND ALALEH MAZHARI Introduction of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary Axis 1 Pituitary Adenomas and Sellar Masses 1 Hypopituitarism 5 Imaging of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary System 10 Disorders of the Prolactin System 13 Acromegaly 19 Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Secreting Pituitary Adenomas 22 Cushing Disease 23 Diabetes Insipidus 27 SIADH 30 References 33 Chapter 2 Thyroid Disorders ...................................................... 41 NAYKKY SINGH OSPINA, HOSSEIN GHARIB, AND M. REGINA CASTRO Evaluation of Thyroid Function 41 Thyroid Imaging 44 Hyperthyroidism 46 Hypothyroidism 52 Thyroid Nodules 54 Thyroid Cancer 57 Euthyroid Sick Syndrome 63 References 64 Chapter 3 Adrenal Disorders ...................................................... 73 DANA Z. ERICKSON, DIANE M. DONEGAN, AND STEVEN A. DE JONG Evaluation of Adrenal Function 73 Adrenal Imaging 75 Primary Hyperaldosteronism 79 Cushing Syndrome 82 Adrenal Incidentaloma 86 Adrenal Insufficiency 90 Pheochromocytoma 94 References 99 Chapter 4 Metabolic Bone Disorders ....................................... 108 ROD MARIANNE ARCEO-MENDOZA, SARAH NADEEM, AND PAULINE M. CAMACHO Evaluation of Metabolic Bone Disorders 108 Bone Imaging 111 Osteoporosis 114 Paget Disease of the Bone 135 Primary Hyperparathyroidism 137x Contents Parathyroid Carcinoma 142 Hypercalcemia 144 Hypocalcemia 147 Osteomalacia 150 Vitamin D Deficiency 153 References 156 Chapter 5 Reproductive Disorders .............................................. 166 RHODA H. COBIN, NEIL F. GOODMAN, AND SUMEET JAIN Amenorrhea 166 Precocious Puberty 181 Hyperandrogenism 192 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 199 Menopause 220 Infertility 239 Male Hypogonadism 242 References 247 Chapter 6 Diabetes Mellitus ......................................................... 266 MARY ANN EMANUELE, FARAH MEAH, LILY AGRAWAL, ZUBAIR ILYAS, AND NICHOLAS V. EMANUELE Epidemiology and Prevalence 266 Types of Diabetes Mellitus 266 Clinical Presentation 270 Screening for Diabetes 270 Assessing Glycemic Control 272 Treatment of Diabetes 277 Inpatient Diabetes Management 286 Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes 290 The Impact of Multifactorial Intervention 290 The Cardiovascular Impact of Treatment of Hyperglycemia 290 The Cardiovascular Impact of Treatment of Hypertension 292 The Cardiovascular Impact of Treatment of Hyperlipidemia 294 The Cardiovascular Impact of Antiplatelet Therapy 297 Microvascular Complications of Diabetes 297 Hypoglycemia 305 Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus 306 References 309 Chapter 7 Lipid Disorders ............................................................ 318 FRANCIS Q. ALMEDA Introduction 318 Treatment Options for Lowering LDL Cholesterol 326 Clinical Outcomes Data with PCSK9 Inhibition 337 Future Studies with PCSK9 Inhibitors 339 High-Density-Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Triglycerides 341 Treatment Options for Triglycerides 345 Summary 351 References 352 Chapter 8 Obesity ......................................................................... 356 KARL Z. NADOLSKY Definition 356 Epidemiology 358 Etiology 358 Pathophysiology 359 Evaluation 360 Contents xi Treatment 360 Pharmacotherapy 366 Bariatric/Metabolic Surgery 371 References 374 Chapter 9 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia .................................... 383 NORMA LOPEZ AND GLEN W. SIZEMORE MEN Type 1 385 MEN Type 2 392 References 397 Chapter 10 Carcinoid Tumors ........................................................ 403 NATHAN J. O’DORISIO, THOMAS M. O’DORISIO, AND M. SUE O’DORISIO Definition 403 Pathology 403 Biology 404 Epidemiology 405 Diagnosis 405 Treatment 406 Summary 408 References 408 Chapter 11 Paraneoplastic Endocrine Syndromes ....................... 410 SUBHASH KUKREJA Hypercalcemia of Malignancy 410 Hypocalcemia 416 Tumor-Induced Osteomalacia 417 Ectopic Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Syndrome 417 Non–Islet Cell Tumor–Induced Hypoglycemia 419 Acromegaly 419 Hyperthyroidism 420 References 420 Chapter 12 Genetics........................................................................ 423 PETER KOPP Definition 423 Etiology 429 Epidemiology 429 Pathophysiology 430 Diagnosis 430 References 436 Chapter 13 Transgender Care ........................................................ 440 MANSI KANHERE, SUSAN JONES, AND VIN TANGPRICHA Introduction 440 Definitions 440 Mental Health 441 Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy in Adults 442 Special Considerations in Management of Gender Nonconforming Children and Transgender Youth 446 Gender-Affirming Surgery 450 Conclusion 450 References 450 Index 453
Covers the major areas of endocrinology: hypothalamic-pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, metabolic bone, reproductive, diabetes, lipid disorders, obesity and nutrition, endocrine malignancies, and genetics
Features hundreds of new references and careful revision of every chapter to bring you up to date
Provides updated tables for quick reference
Presents a comprehensive update of new therapies and the latest clinical guidelines for diabetes, thyroid, and metabolic bone diseases
Includes a new chapter on the management of transgender patients
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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