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CONTINUUM - Dementia Issue

Lifelong Learning in Neurology: The Official CME Journal of the American Academy of Neurology
Publication Date:
June 1, 2022
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This product is for a single back issue of Continuum® - our June 2022 issue. Please note there is limited ...
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  • This product is for a single back issue of Continuum® - our June 2022 issue. Please note there is limited stock.

    American Academy of Neurology (AAN) members enjoy the most economical subscription price to Continuum® and Continuum® Audio. To become a member of the AAN, please visit 
    AAN.com/membership. Member orders will be validated with the AAN.  When subscribing as a member, be sure to select "Member Price" from the Price Type field above. You may also order by calling 800-361-0633 (outside North America call 301-223-2300).

    Subscribers to Continuum and Continuum Audio receive both the definitive text of Continuum and the in-depth audio conversations of Continuum Audio in one subscription.
    • Comprehensive curriculum of single-topic issues, each covering a core neurologic subspecialty area; published 6 times a year.
    • Clinical applications of the latest research and up-to-date information about diagnosis, treatment, and management.
    • Subscription includes online access to full Continuum archives
    • Opportunity to earn up to 20 Self-Assessment AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ per issue
    Continuum Audio
    • In-depth conversations with expert authors of each articles from the Continuum journal.
    • Ability to listen to any interview of interest on any topic, from the entire library of Continuum Audio content.
    • Subscription includes access to online platform, MP3 files, and iOS/Android apps.
    • Opportunity to earn CME credits for each interview. Once 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ have been earned, they and all subsequent credits may apply toward ABPN MOC Self-Assessment credit.
    Back issues are available for purchase six months after publication date by calling 800-361-0633 or visiting lwwforms.com/backissues

    The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology has reviewed Continuum and has approved this product as part of a comprehensive lifelong learning and self-assessment program, which is mandated by the ABMS as a necessary component of maintenance of certification.

    Experience the enhanced features on Continuum’s website, ContinuumJournal.com, including advanced search functionality, video gallery, and article collections, as well as access to the entire issue archive. Access to ContinuumJournal.com is only available to active subscribers.

    Please allow maximum two business days for order processing before online access is granted and up to four business days for CME processing.
    Product Format
    Journal Single Issue (Print)
    Publication Date
    June 1, 2022
  • Steven L. Lewis MD, FAAN
    Timothy M. Breidegam Chair and Chief of Neurology
    Lehigh Valley Health Network
$ 70.00 USD $70.00

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CONTINUUM - Dementia Issue

CONTINUUM - Dementia Issue

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