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AudioDigest® Mental Health Conditions CME Topical Collection

Discover pertinent topics in mental health conditions through our concise, expertly curated collections designed to help you earn relevant CME/MOC. Each collection includes expert lectures, meticulously organized into easily digestible playlists.
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Get deep insight on anxiety and depressive disorders, ADHD, eating disorders, suicide prevention, and more from leading experts with our ...
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  • Get deep insight on anxiety and depressive disorders, ADHD, eating disorders, suicide prevention, and more from leading experts with our mental health conditions CME topical collection.
    Product Format
    Digital Instant Access
    Topical Collection
  • For over 70 years, AudioDigest has been a premier provider of quality audio continuing medical education. We provide content that is current and relevant to your practice in the most convenient way, allowing you to stay abreast of developments in your field and improve your standards of care for your patients.
    • Anxiety and Depression
    • Disorders of Mind and Body
    • Eating Disorders
    • Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    • Pediatric and Adolescent Mental Health
    • Psychiatric Emergency
    • Psychopharmacology
    • Risk Management
    • Suicide Prevention and Treatment
$ 299.00 USD $299.00

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AudioDigest® Mental Health Conditions CME Topical Collection

AudioDigest® Mental Health Conditions CME Topical Collection

USD $299.00 Quantity :
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