Succinct and highly practical, The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2026 provides rapid access to the information you need to help you make accurate decisions at the point of care. Organized alphabetically by diagnosis, it presents brief, bulleted points about diagnosis, treatment, medications, follow-up care, and associated conditions for more than 500 disease and condition topics, all in a highly templated format. The book also contains more than 100 diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms. Revised annually, this bestselling reference delivers maximum clinical confidence as efficiently as possible, allowing you to focus your valuable time on providing high-quality care to your patients.
Get quick access to all-new content, including CREST Syndrome, Histamine Intolerance Syndrome, and Diabetes Insipidus, as well as new algorithms on Acute and New Onset Headache, Choosing the Right Contraception, and more
Find the answers you need quickly thanks to an intuitive, at-a-glance format, with concise, bulleted text, hundreds of diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms, and ICD-10 codes
Make confident decisions aided by current evidence-based designations in each topic
A reliable, go-to resource for clinicians in primary care, family medicine, emergency medicine, nursing, and pediatrics
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