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LPN to RN Transitions: Achieving Success in Your New Role, 6th Edition, is an essential guide, designed as a comprehensive toolkit preparing students as they cross the bridge from licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) to registered nurse (RN). This text serves as a core resource as students navigate career advancement, discovering a new scope of practice.
LPN to RN Transitions: Achieving Success in Your New Role is tailored to accommodate diverse adult learning styles and settings, catering to individuals engaged in classroom collaborations, virtual discussions, or solitary study sessions. This updated edition provides a structured pathway with interactive exercises designed to propel learners toward their academic and professional objectives.
Helpful case studies in each chapter vividly depict the real-life narratives of fellow LPNs/LVNs embarking on the same educational journey. Through these compelling stories, students are empowered by the shared experiences and challenges in the transition to the RN role. In an ever-evolving healthcare landscape, this text arms students with confidence, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to lifelong learning.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
6 x 9
Publication Date
September 30, 2024
UNIT I THE TRANSITION PROCESS Chapter 1 Lifelong Learning: Returning to School Chapter 2 Role Development and Transition Chapter 3 Adapting to Change Chapter 4 Transitions Throughout Nursing's History Chapter 5 Learning at the ADN Level Chapter 6 Individualizing a Plan for Role Transition Chapter 7 Test Success for the LPN: Challenge of NCLEX-RN Questions
UNIT II Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Practice Chapter 8 Practicing Within Regulatory Frameworks Chapter 9 Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment in Nursing
UNIT III ROLE CONCEPTS ESSENTIAL FOR RN PRACTICE PART A PROVIDER OF CARE Chapter 10 The Nursing Process: Assessment and Caring Interventions Chapter 11 The Nurse as Communicator Chapter 12 The Nurse as Teacher
PART B MANAGER OF CARE Chapter 13 Managing Unique Client Care Chapter 14 Decision Making and Managing Time, Conflict, and Resources
PART C MEMBER OF THE DISCIPLINE OF NURSING Chapter 15 Professional Responsibilities Chapter 16 Legal Accountability Chapter 17 Ethical Issues
Appendix: Answers to “The NCLEX-RN Might Ask” Questions
Case Studies: Real student experiences presented at the beginning of each chapter demonstrate how others have faced and conquered the challenges of transitioning from the LPN/LVN role to the RN role.
“Thinking Critically”: These situations and exercises encourage students to reflect on the material and apply theoretical content to clinical settings.
Student Exercises: Included at the end of most chapters, these exercises reinforce key concepts through self-reflection, interaction with classmates and instructors, and hands-on, application-based activities and scenarios.
NCLEX Style Questions: These questions include rationales to help students prepare for the NCLEX exam.
Evidence-Based PracticeStrategies: These tips are integrated throughout the text.
College Success Strategies: Practical advice on study skills, time management, and accommodating various learning styles supports student success.
Learning Outcomes: Clearly defined learning outcomes at the start of each chapter guide students through the material.
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