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Visual Aid for Perioperative Patient Consult

An Illustrated Guide to Surgical Procedures
Edition: 1
Publication Date:
July 31, 2025
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Residents and practitioners frequently use visual aids to enhance patient communication, making complex procedures easier to explain and understand. Clear, ...
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  • Residents and practitioners frequently use visual aids to enhance patient communication, making complex procedures easier to explain and understand. Clear, simple images can bridge language barriers and improve comprehension for both patients and their families. Visual Aid for Perioperative Patient Consult: An Illustrated Guide to Surgical Procedures, by Dr. Lucy Nam, provides surgeons and other clinicians with ready-made drawings of 120 common surgical procedures for use in perioperative patient consults. Using minimal, yet accurate anatomical detail, this convenient handbook offers not only a simple visual guide to procedures, but also describes the key steps involved in an easy-to-understand manner.
    • Presents each operation as a full-color, two-page spread, with a clear, simple drawing on the right and the procedure’s key steps on the left
    • Saves valuable time in patient communication, providing high-quality, easy-to-understand drawings that can be accessed at a moment’s notice
    • Covers a wide range of common procedures in general surgery, including abdominal, gastrointestinal, thoracic, hepatobiliary, colorectal, breast, skin, soft tissue, oncology, burns, endocrine, vascular, cardiac, pediatric, transplant, and miscellaneous procedures
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    July 31, 2025
  • Lucy Nam
$ 94.99 USD $94.99

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Visual Aid for Perioperative Patient Consult

Visual Aid for Perioperative Patient Consult

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975235666
USD $94.99 Quantity:
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