Home / Ethics of Sport and Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Application 2e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

Ethics of Sport and Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Application 2e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
October 4, 2023
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With this purchase, you will receive a physical copy of the text bundled with a printed code providing access to ...
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  • With this purchase, you will receive a physical copy of the text bundled with a printed code providing access to Lippincott® Connect, including an Interactive eBook, multimedia content, and assessment questions.

    Lippincott® Connect enhances your student experience in an all-in-one learning solution designed to strengthen comprehension and prepare you for success in your course. Your instructor may customize the course, create assignments, and track your progress. Valuable feedback and remediation are provided to you in real-time, identifying any topics which might need extra attention in your studies. Lippincott® Connect provides key performance insights, reported in a user-friendly dashboard, that allow you to tailor your learning experiences and maximize efficiency.
    In addition to the content of the eBook described below, this title includes the following digital assets:
    •            Chapter proficiency quizzes, aligned to book chapters, with rationale and remediation
    •            PrepU test questions, organized by chapter, with rationale and remediation

    Timely, accessible, and focused on practical application, Ethics of Sport & Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Applications, Second Edition, details the theories and mechanics of moral reasoning, ethical and unethical behavior in sport, and the development of moral education through sport. This well-organized, case-based approach to sport-related dilemmas teaches readers how to successfully apply moral reasoning skills in good decision making to ensure confidence in sports management.
    Extensively updated with real-world examples drawn from the latest sports headlines, this Second Edition is designed to help readers grapple with the many complicated ethical challenges they’ll encounter in today’s sports professions, including performance enhancement, violence in sports, and racial and gender discrimination. An expanded emphasis on applying knowledge and concepts in sport management further equips readers to confront specific scenarios, ultimately improving the overall moral integrity of sport without diminishing its competitive element.
    • UPDATED Coverage familiarizes you with the most pressing sport-related ethical issues you’ll encounter in practice, including discrimination, drug usage, parental involvement in student athletics and challenges related to online/fantasy sports.
    • NEW Moral Application in Sport Management section equips you with an effective understanding of the emotional intelligence, organization politics, and employee and athlete motivation involved in successful sport management.
    • UPDATED Case studies at the end of each chapter provide essential practice applying ethical reasoning to commonly encountered sport situations.
    • UPDATED Mini-case studies throughout each chapter reinforce ethical concepts with specific, real-world sport examples. 
    • NEW Review questions test your comprehension and place chapter concepts in broader sport contexts.
    • Decision-making models boost your confidence in applying concepts to commonly encountered ethical considerations in a sport context.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Standard Package
    Lippincott Connect
    Publication Date
    October 4, 2023
  • Robert C. Schneider
$ 99.76 USD $99.76

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Ethics of Sport and Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Application 2e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

Ethics of Sport and Athletics: Theory, Issues, and Application 2e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975229757
USD $99.76 Quantity :
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