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Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function 4e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access

Edition: 4
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With this purchase, you will receive instant digital access to Lippincott® Connect, including an interactive eBook, multimedia content, and assessment ...
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  • With this purchase, you will receive instant digital access to Lippincott® Connect, including an interactive eBook, multimedia content, and assessment questions.

    Lippincott® Connect enhances your student experience in an all-in-one learning solution designed to strengthen comprehension and prepare you for success in your course. Your instructor may customize the course, create assignments, and track your progress. Valuable feedback and remediation are provided to you in real-time, identifying topics that need extra attention in your studies. Lippincott® Connect provides key performance insights, reported in a user-friendly dashboard, that allow you to tailor your learning experiences and maximize efficiency.
    In addition to the content of the eBook described below, this title includes the following digital assets:
    •            Chapter proficiency quizzes, aligned to book chapters, with rationale and remediation
    •            PrepU test questions, organized by chapter, with rationale and remediation
    •            42 videos covering joint range of motion assessment and manual muscle testing

    Develop the skills needed to proficiently evaluate a patient’s present functional status and create effective range of motion and muscle strength goals.  

    This updated fourth edition of Hazel Clarkson’s Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function: A Research-Based Practical Guide offers a straight forward student-friendly approach to learning the clinical evaluation of Joint Range of Motion (ROM), Muscle Length, and Manual Muscle Testing (MMT). Now in striking full color, the fourth edition provides the right amount of detail students need to prepare for effective practice. 

    Each chapter is devoted to a separate anatomical region to help Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists-in-training hone their understanding of pertinent surface and deep anatomy. The clear narrative outlines the steps taken in the assessment techniques and interpreting the results and is enhanced by a strong art program with meticulously created color illustrations and photographs that demonstrate patient and therapist positions and instrument placement.

    • NEW! Full-color photos and colorized line illustrations help students master key techniques in conjunction with the pertinent anatomy. 
    • Reviews of articulations, movements, and muscle anatomy set the foundation for all of the assessment techniques.
    • Online Practice Makes Perfect-Summary & Evaluation Forms (PMP Forms) list the criteria and correct sequence for performing each assessment technique. 
    • NEW! Color-coded chapters with “Quick Find” table of contents make it easy to locate key information.
    • Functional Applications of assessment findings help in setting treatment goals to restore or maintain movement and strength to meet the requirements for activities of daily living (ADL). 
    • A video library, mapped to this text, covering ROM and MMT, makes it easy to master key concepts and techniques. 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Digital Instant Access
    Lippincott Connect
  • Hazel Clarkson
$ 99.29 USD $99.29

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Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function 4e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access

Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function 4e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975229498
USD $99.29 Quantity:
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9781975229498 Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function 4e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access 9781975229498 Home / Australia_NZ / Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function 4e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access 61 https://shop.lww.com/Musculoskeletal-Assessment--Joint-Range-of-Motion--Muscle-Testing--and-Function-4e-Lippincott-Connect-Instant-/p/9781975229498 //cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/eba519b4-55e0-4a86-bd42-029e6785da8f 99.29 99.29 99.29 1

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