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Reshaping Health Systems

What Drives Health Care and How You Can Change It
Edition: 1
Publication Date:
November 15, 2024
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Reshaping Health Systems: What Drives Health Care and How You Can Change It illuminates how forces in the health care ...
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  • Reshaping Health Systems: What Drives Health Care and How You Can Change It illuminates how forces in the health care system (“systems factors”) impact patient care before outlining strategies (“systems solutions”) to enact change and improve care delivery. Using a case-based format that mirrors real-world scenarios involving patients and clinicians, Drs. Liao, Staloff, and Joo impart foundational health systems knowledge and skills in ways that are intuitive, enjoyable, and accessible for clinicians and health system leaders alike.
    The book is divided into two parts. Part I follows the journey of a patient navigating systems factors that influence her care across care settings. Part II follows the journey of a clinician working to improve care delivery using “systems solutions” from fields such as quality improvement, design thinking, change management, and implementation science. Together, the book provides foundational and actionable training in health systems for a wide range of clinical and non-clinical team members and leaders in health care. Readers will not only understand how our health care system works; they will be equipped to improve it.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    November 15, 2024
  • Joshua M. Liao
    Jonathan A. Staloff
    Joseph H. Joo
    • Provides foundational knowledge about health systems and a toolbox of solutions for improving care delivery
    • Includes takeaways and multiple-choice questions to reinforce key concepts and learning points
    • Illuminates how systems factors can influence health care access, cost, quality, and equity
    • Uses a case-based approach to provide a point-of-care guide
    • Presents systems factors that influence care delivery across clinicians and care settings (e.g., ambulatory, emergency, hospital, postacute)
    • Illustrates systems solutions that can be used to improve care delivery from fields such as quality improvement, change management, design thinking, and implementation science
    • Serves as an ideal resource for clinicians across specialties and fulfills ACGME requirements for systems-based practice and quality improvement
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Reshaping Health Systems

Reshaping Health Systems

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975221232
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