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Pocket Anatomy & Protocols for Obstetrics & Gynecology Ultrasound

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
January 3, 2025
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Practical, succinct, and easy to use, Pocket Anatomy & Protocols for Obstetrics & GynecologyUltrasound packs essential information into a convenient, ...
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  • Practical, succinct, and easy to use, Pocket Anatomy & Protocols for Obstetrics & GynecologyUltrasound packs essential information into a convenient, compact format for quick reference. Author Steven M. Penny provides clear information regarding clinical history, the most up-to-date practice parameters, measurement techniques, and the common pathologies, for OB-GYN sonography. The small size, concise, bulleted format, and image-rich presentation make this handbook an ideal point-of-care reference.
    • Provides fast access to patient preparation and suggested transducer, scanning tips, laboratory values tables, sonography anatomy, common pathology, and references in each section
    • Presents sonographic images and full-color drawings to reinforce your understanding and help you make confident, accurate observations
    • Features proper measurement techniques for specific structures, as well as diagrams and other essential tables with must-know information
    • An ideal pocket resource for practicing sonographers and students, as well as medical radiology and OB-GYN  residents during imaging rotations
    • Provides an overview of the most frequently identified pathologies in gynecology and common chromosomal abnormalities for obstetrics
    • Includes three-dimensional ultrasound images and multiple gestations information
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    4 1/4 x 7 1/8
    Publication Date
    January 3, 2025
    PREFACE vi •
    Section 1: Gynecologic Sonography 1
    1: Gynecologic Sonography Overview 1
    2: Adult Female Pelvic Sonography 30
    3: Pediatric Female Pelvic Sonography 76
    4: Sonohysterography and Three-Dimensional
    Gynecologic Sonography 105
    Section 2: Obstetric Sonography 123
    5: Overview of Obstetric Sonography 123
    6: Standard First-Trimester Sonography 158
    7: Detailed First-Trimester Sonography 201
    8: Standard Second- or Third-Trimester Sonography 245
    9: Detailed Second- or Third-Trimester Sonography
    and Multiple Gestations 292
    10: Chromosomal Abnormalities and Neural
    Tube Defects 320
    INDEX 345
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Pocket Anatomy & Protocols for Obstetrics & Gynecology Ultrasound

Pocket Anatomy & Protocols for Obstetrics & Gynecology Ultrasound

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975218614
USD $64.99 Quantity:
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