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Orthopaedic Imaging

A Practical Approach
Edition: 8
Publication Date:
May 15, 2025
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Through seven outstanding editions, Orthopaedic Imaging: A Practical Approach has been trusted by both radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons for reliable, ...
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  • Through seven outstanding editions, Orthopaedic Imaging: A Practical Approach has been trusted by both radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons for reliable, comprehensive guidance on the interpretation of musculoskeletal images. The 8th Edition, authored by Drs. Adam Greenspan and Andrew J. Grainger, continues this tradition of excellence with easy-to-read text and large illustrations that clearly depict all relevant imaging modalities and all pathological entities. Now in two convenient volumes, this authoritative reference is an ideal resource at every stage of training and practice.
    • Divides the text into two easy-to-manage volumes: Volume 1 includes introductory material and trauma; Volume 2 focuses on non-trauma concerns such as arthritides, tumors, infections, and metabolic and congenital conditions
    • Includes new chapters addressing metastases, scoliosis, aspects of fracture healing, and soft tissue trauma
    • Contains significantly expanded and updated coverage of ultrasound, MRI (including the use of ZTE MRI techniques to produce CT-like images, postoperative imaging of metal, and more), PET/CT, and PET/MRI, as well as new orthopaedic approaches to joint replacements
    • Features more than 4,000 high-quality images to help you interpret a full range of findings
    • Emphasizes the scientific foundation of radiology, integrating the latest insights into disease genetics and featuring high-quality histopathologic photomicrographs to illustrate the correlation between radiology and pathology
    • Provides guidance in choosing the best imaging approach for each patient with discussions of each technique’s accuracy, speed, and cost
    • Features informative diagrams and schematics, as well as “Practical Points” summaries at the end of each chapter for quick review
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Multi-Volume Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    May 15, 2025
    Andrew Grainger
$ 399.99 USD $399.99

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Orthopaedic Imaging

Orthopaedic Imaging

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975216818
USD $399.99 Quantity:
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