Home / Medicine / Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review: eBook with Multimedia

Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review: eBook with Multimedia

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
March 1, 2023
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Your enhanced VST eBook includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline: Anytime, anywhere access ...
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  • Your enhanced VST eBook includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline:
    • Anytime, anywhere access – study on the go with 100% offline access to your downloaded title
    • Margin notes – make annotations as you are reading
    • Read aloud – listen and follow along as your book is read to you
    • Workbook – improve your focus as you edit notes, add bookmarks, and review key concepts in one place
    • Global search – search across book content, figures, and your workbook
    Based on the proven concept of high-probability review and recall, Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review, Second Edition, offers immediate practice for testing your knowledge and ensuring success on the American Board of Family Medicine exam. This easy-to-use, up-to-date review tool by Drs. Frank J. Domino and Laurel Banach is aligned with the new ABFM exam blueprint, with content weighted according to new ABFM exam coverage. In a concise, "just the facts" format, it provides a series of 1,300 short answer questions organized according to Family Medicine specialty rotations: Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery/Emergency Care, Geriatrics, and General (electives).  

    •Helps you build a strong, current, and accessible knowledge base which can be drawn on to help answer test questions  

    •Features updated content and more than 250 new facts throughout, including coverage of COVID-19  

    •Contains helpful sections on the ABFM examination structure and the Skill and Art of Test Taking  

    •eBook format includes flashcard capability that allows you to quiz yourself easily in either print or electronic formats  

    •Ideal for family medicine residents, medical students in their family medicine clerkship, and physicians taking the ABFM recertification exam, and the perfect companion to Robert A. Baldor's Family Medicine Board Review Book 
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    •Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.  

    •Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    March 1, 2023
  • Frank Domino
$ USD $74.99 59.99 USD $59.99
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Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review: eBook with Multimedia

Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review: eBook with Multimedia

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975207281
USD $74.99 Quantity:
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