Home / Medicine / Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
September 30, 2025
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Part of the highly regarded Biopsy Interpretation Series, Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition, written by Drs. Cyril ...
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  • Part of the highly regarded Biopsy Interpretation Series, Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition, written by Drs. Cyril Fisher, Elizabeth A. Montgomery, and Khin Thway, provides practical, highly illustrated information on interpreting the full range of pathologic alterations encountered in soft tissue tumors, including open and percutaneous core needle biopsies. Well-organized and highly readable, this fully revised volume offers the information you need to successfully navigate both common and unusual issues that arise in day-to-day practice, making it the perfect bench reference for surgical pathologists in practice or in training.
    • Parallels the diagnostic process, using a concise, systematic format for quick access to diagnostic features and differential diagnostic considerations
    • Details key differential diagnostic features of specific tumors in an easy-access tabular format, using morphologic, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and genetic data
    • Covers new tumor types and features extensive updates to molecular content
    • Contains more than 400 images that highlight key diagnostic features, as well as additional images and self-assessment questions and answers online
    • Uses a pattern-based approach to ensure that you can quickly find the information you need, in the format most useful to everyday practice
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Biopsy Interpretation Series
    Publication Date
    September 30, 2025
$ 189.99 USD $189.99

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Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors: Print + eBook with Multimedia

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975206482
USD $189.99 Quantity:
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9781975206482 Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors: Print + eBook with Multimedia 9781975206482 Home / Medicine / Biopsy Interpretation of Soft Tissue Tumors: Print + eBook with Multimedia 1 https://shop.lww.com/Biopsy-Interpretation-of-Soft-Tissue-Tumors--Print---eBook-with-Multimedia/p/9781975206482 //cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/12dc99fc-e57f-4270-9047-94e50a0fc962 189.99 189.99 189.99 1

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