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Webb & Higgins Thoracic Imaging: Print + eBook with Multimedia
A must-have reference through three outstanding editions, Webb & Higgins Thoracic Imaging, 4th Edition, is your one-stop source for current, accurate coverage of optimal imaging of the heart and lungs. Drs. Travis S. Henry and Karen G. Ordovas continue the tradition of excellence, providing practical, authoritative guidance for the radiologic assessment and diagnosis of both congenital and acquired cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. Updated content, new guidelines and classifications, and new online features ensure that this leading text-reference remains your #1 choice for staying current in this complex field.
Offers readable, comprehensive coverage of pulmonary infections, diffuse lung diseases, mediastinal masses, coronary artery CT, myocardial disease, pericardial disease, CT of ischemic heart disease, and much more.
Shares the experience and knowledge of two new lead editors—Travis S. Henry (pulmonary imaging) and Karen G. Ordovas (cardiac imaging)—both hand-picked by founding authors, W. Richard Webb and Charles Higgins
Features more than 2,700 high-quality images, many in full color, that demonstrate important imaging findings and the typical appearance of disease entities
Contains hundreds of quick-reference tables with the most important information from key studies and findings
Reflects the latest WHO classifications and guidelines, and highlights the recent impact of AI on thoracic imaging
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