Clinical expertise is paramount in physical therapy, but managing the business side of practice is equally crucial for success. Crafted to meet the specific needs of physical therapy students and professionals, The Business of Physical Therapy equips you with the essential non-clinical knowledge and skills to manage the intricate world of business, finance, management, communication, and legal aspects of the physical therapy profession.
This groundbreaking resource is the first and only text that covers the entire spectrum of non-clinical topics at the required depth. From mastering financial management and optimizing operational efficiency to honing leadership and communication abilities and ensuring legal compliance, this pioneering guide empowers you to thrive in today's competitive healthcare landscape.
Comprehensive non-clinical coverage familiarizes students with the full spectrum of professional issues—including business, financial, professional, and legal considerations—in a single resource.
Built-in learning resources reinforce essential concepts and practices through chapter quizzes, video tutorials, and links to additional information.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Lippincott Connect
Publication Date
June 13, 2024
Mark Drnach PT, DPT, MBA
Clinical Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Department of Physical Therapy, Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV
USD $79.99
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