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Meeting the need for a practical, data-driven reference in this rapidly advancing field, Robotic General Surgery, edited by Drs. Yuman Fong, Alessio Pigazzi, Loretta Erhunmwunsee, Dina Podolsky, and Dana Dale Portenier, presents state-of-the-art content for surgeons at all levels of training and expertise. Section One covers the history, platforms, and the organization, operating room architecture, and training issues revolving around robotic surgery; Section Two contains more than two-dozen discipline-based chapters outlining common robotic procedures in general surgery.
Provides up-to-date discussions of current robotic platforms; imaging and display in robotic surgery, including contrast agents and augmented reality; the robotic team; emergencies in robotic surgery; and more
Contains well-illustrated, discipline-based coverage of hernia surgery, bariatric surgery, upper GI surgery, colorectal surgery, hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery, and thoracic, endocrine, and urologic/gynecologic procedures
Provides numerous tables of evidence that summarize emerging, outcome-supported data on the advantages of robotic surgery in terms of safety and benefits to patients
Serves as an authoritative guide for residents and fellows in training, a reference for the surgeons active in robotic surgery, and a primer for senior surgeons adapting these new technologies to their current practice
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