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The Washington Manual of Pediatrics

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
August 25, 2022
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Focusing on the essential information you need to know when caring for children in the hospital, ICU, emergency department, or ...
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  • Focusing on the essential information you need to know when caring for children in the hospital, ICU, emergency department, or subspecialty outpatient clinic, Dr. Andrew J. White’s Washington Manual® of Pediatrics, 3rd Edition, provides concise, high-yield content that reflects recent advances in the field. This practical volume in the Lippincott Manual series presents brief, logical approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of common inpatient pediatric problems, as well as evidence-based references where they are available. It addresses common challenges faced by residents, interns, pediatric hospitalists, and medical students, plus offers practical solutions and expert guidance – all in one portable and user-friendly resource.

    • Includes new chapters on Newborn Nursery, Immunodeficiency, Night Curriculum (how to answer cross-covering calls), Infection Prevention, Child Psychiatry, and Palliative Care

    • Covers growth and nutrition, emergencies, poisonings, newborn medicine, critical care, surgery, adolescent medicine, child maltreatment, allergy and immunology, radiology, sedation, genetic diseases, and much more

    • Contains numerous tables, algorithms, and evidence-based references that keep you up to date

    • Written by interns, residents, chief residents, subspecialty fellows, and faculty at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Washington University in St. Louis

    The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer Health under license from Washington University.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    August 25, 2022
  • Andrew J White MD
    Assistant Professor and Program Director of Pediatrics
    Washington University School of Medicine
    St. Louis Children's Hospital
    St. Louis, Missouri
  • Contributors v
    Preface xi
    Primary Care and the Continuity Clinic 1
    Marie Batty and Cassandra Pruitt
    Newborn Nursery 21
    Kelsey Sisti and Noor Riaz
    Emergencies 33
    Anne Marie Anderson and Tara Conway Copper
    Poisonings 53
    Jennifer Horst, Ari Filip, and Robert M. Kennedy
    Basic Orthopedics 71
    Kathryn Leonard and Dean Odegard
    Child Maltreatment 90
    Adrienne D. Atzemis and Jamie S. Kondis
    Neonatology 104
    Kelleigh Briden and Melissa M. Riley
    Critical Care 121
    Ashley Turner, Ashley Steed, and Nikoleta Kolovos
    Surgery 154
    Baddr Shakhsheer and Brad W. Warner
    Adolescent Medicine 170
    Jessica Sims, Sarah Mermelstein, Sarah Tycast, and Katie Plax
    Allergic Diseases and Asthma 190
    Alexa Altman Doss, Jeffrey Stokes, Caroline C. Horner, and Lila Kertz
    Child Psychiatry 222
    Andrea Giedinghagen
    Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 231
    Paul S. Simons and Abigail M. Kissel14
    Cardiology 252
    William B. Orr and Jennifer N. Avari Silva
    Dermatologic Diseases 282
    Lily Chen, Cynthia Wang, and Leonid Shmuylovich
    Genetic Diseases 306
    Katherine Abell King, Catherine Gooch, and Hoanh Nguyen
    Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Associated
    Diseases 324
    Elizabeth C. Utterson, Stefani Tica, Robert J. Rothbaum,
    and David A. Rudnick
    Endocrinology 337
    Ana María Arbeláez, Carine Anka, Katherine Burgener, Samuel Cortez,
    Jennifer May, and Stephen Stone
    Hematology and Oncology 380
    Sima Bhatt and Melanie Fields
    Primary Immunodeficiencies 407
    Maleewan Kitcharoensakkul
    Infectious Diseases 423
    Andrew B. Janowski, Carol M. Kao, and Alexis Elward
    Infection Prevention 474
    Patti Kieffer and Patrick J. Reich
    Night Curriculum for Cross Coverage 480
    Amanda Reis Dube and Chrissy Hrach
    Neurology 498
    Cameron Crockett, Sarah Dixon, Cristina M. Gaudioso,
    and Jennifer L. Griffith
    Nephrology 521
    Brian R. Stotter and Vikas R. Dharnidharka
    Palliative Care 557
    Will Johansen and Joan L. RosenbaumPulmonary Diseases 568
    Cadence Kuklinski and Katherine Rivera-Spoljaric
    Patient Safety and Quality Improvement 583
    Kevin O’Bryan and Chrissy Hrach
    Radiology 589
    Ting Y. Tao and William McAlister
    Rheumatologic Diseases 616
    Tarin M. Bigley and Erica Schmitt
    Sedation 635
    Mythili Srinivasan and Robert M. Kennedy
    Appendix A: Immunization Guidelines, 2022 656
    Appendix B: Development Milestones 659
    Appendix C: Growth Charts 667
    Appendix D: Tanner Stages 677
    Appendix E: Phototherapy/Exchange Transfusion Guidelines 679
    Appendix F: Hypertension in Children and Adolescents 681
    Appendix G: Common Procedures 693
    Index 699
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The Washington Manual of Pediatrics

The Washington Manual of Pediatrics

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