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Now in vibrant full color, Pocket Surgery, Third Edition, is your go-to source for the essential information you need to care for surgery patients, as well as for success in your surgery clerkship rotation and on exams. Edited by Dr. Daniel B. Jones, from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and written by an expert team of contributors, this fully updated volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series provides a concise and focused review of the entire field of surgery in one easy-to-navigate looseleaf notebook.
Up-to-date content on every area of surgery, including breast, critical care, cardiothoracic, gastrointestinal, colorectal, vascular, pediatric, plastic, transplant, and endocrine
A new chapter on diversity, equity, and inclusion
Bulleted lists, tables, algorithms, and a new full-color format make essential facts easy to find and retain
Specialty and organ-based chapters allow for a quick review before starting a new surgical service
Convenient, portable size to fit in your lab coat pocket
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
May 26, 2023
Daniel B. Jones MD, MS
Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School; Chief, Division of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
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