Now in its Third Edition, this trusted and practical volume in LWW’s Teaching File Series offers residents and practicing radiologists a unique opportunity to study alongside the experts in their field. For the first time, CT and MRI of the Abdomen and Pelvis is a hybrid publication, with a new paperback format and accompanying web content that includes a wealth of case studies users can access from their laptop, tablet, or mobile device. The book is useful both as a quick consult or study aid for anyone preparing for Board examinations in Radiology and other specialties where knowledge of CT and MRI of the abdomen and pelvis are required. This skill-builder delivers…'
413 structured case studies based on actual patients—each providing a brief patient history, as many as four CT/MR images, a short description of the findings, differential diagnosis, final diagnosis, and a discussion of the case.
Detailed imaging of all areas of the abdomen and pelvis —including the liver and biliary system, pancreas, GI tract, spleen, mesentery/omentum/peritoneum, kidney and urinary system, retroperitoneum and adrenal glands, and abdominal wall—helps readers understand relevant anatomy and identify pathologies.
NEW to the Third Edition…'
Accompanying web site delivers access to the 150 cases from the print edition, plus 263 "bonus" cases for a total of 413 cases!
30% new cases address new challenges and provide timely information
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
LWW Teaching File Series
Publication Date
May 11, 2021
Pablo R. Ros
Profesor de Radiología, Vice Jefe Departamento de Radiología, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Koenraad J. Mortele MD
Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Associate Director, Division of Abdominal Imaging and Intervention, Director, Abdominal and Pelvic MRI, Director, CME, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Vincent Pelsser MD
Smitha Thomas
CASE 1: Splenic lymphoma 2 CASE 2: Infected pancreatic necrosis 3 CASE 3: Hepatic schistosomiasis 4 CASE 4: Adenocarcinoma of the rectum 5 CASE 5: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 6 CASE 6: Nabothian cysts 8 CASE 7: Leiomyosarcoma of IVC 10 CASE 8: Neurofibromatosis type 1 11 CASE 9: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 13 CASE 10: Transient hepatic attenuation difference due to breast cancer metastasis 14 CASE 11: Hepatoblastoma 15 CASE 12: Arteriovenous malformation 17 CASE 13: Mesenteric cyst 18 CASE 14: External anal sphincter atrophy 19 CASE 15: Perirenal hemorrhage 21 CASE 16: Acinar cell carcinoma 22 CASE 17: Tubo-ovarian abscess 23 CASE 18: Oriental cholangiohepatitis (recurrent pyogenic cholangitis) 25 CASE 19: Obstructive ureterolithiasis 26 CASE 20: Ampullary carcinoma 28 CASE 21: Accessory spleen 30 CASE 22: Small bowel obstruction secondary to an adhesion 32 CASE 23: Superior vena cava obstruction 34 CASE 24: Primary hemochromatosis 36 CASE 25: Mesenteric metastasis from carcinoid tumor 37 CASE 26: Hepatocellular carcinoma 39 CASE 27: Adenoma malignum 40 CASE 28: Upper tract urothelial carcinoma 42 CASE 29: Combined-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) 43 CASE 30: Metastatic colon cancer 44 CASE 31: Splenic hemangiomatosis 45 CASE 32: Biliary cystadenocarcinoma 46 CASE 33: Chronic lithium nephropathy 47 CASE 34: Non-hyperfunctioning endocrine pancreatic tumor 48 CASE 35: Mature ovarian teratoma 49 CASE 36: Neurofibromatosis type 1 50 CASE 37: Splenic epidermoid cyst 51 CASE 38: Hemangioma 52 CASE 39: Amyand hernia 53 CASE 40: Pancreas divisum 54 CASE 41: Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 55 CASE 42: Graft-versus-host disease of the bladder 56 CASE 43: Epiploic appendagitis 57 CASE 44: Lipid-rich adrenal adenoma 58 CASE 45: Epithelial hemangioendothelioma 59 CASE 46: Splenic histoplasmosis 60 CASE 47: Tamoxifen-induced uterine changes 61 CASE 48: Confluent hepatic fibrosis 63 CASE 49: Gallbladder melanoma 64 CASE 50: Colocolic intussusception due to large bowel metastasis from melanoma 65 CASE 51: Mesenteric teratoma 66 CASE 52: Acute hepatitis B 67 CASE 53: Splenic fracture 68 CASE 54: Serous cystadenocarcinoma 69 CASE 55: Ruptured renal artery aneurysm 70 CASE 56: Hematoma 71 CASE 57: Chronic pancreatitis 72 CASE 58: Perforated duodenal bulb ulcer with pneumoperitoneum 73 CASE 59: Cerebrospinal fluid nonpancreatic pseudocyst 74 CASE 60: Rhabdomyosarcoma (pleomorphic) 75 CASE 61: Autosomal dominant polycystic disease 77 CASE 62: Hepatocellular adenoma 78 CASE 63: Acute appendicitis 79 CASE 64: Acute adrenal hemorrhage 80 CASE 65: Pancreatic walled off necrosis with interval bleed 81 CASE 66: Aortoduodenal fistula 82 CASE 67: Biliary cystadenoma 83 CASE 68: Brenner tumor with ipsilateral cystadenoma 84 CASE 69: Perirenal abscess 85 CASE 70: Extraperitoneal gas due to rectal perforation 86 CASE 71: Metastasis from breast cancer 87 CASE 72: Ovarian fibroma/fibrothecoma 88 CASE 73: Skin metastases from melanoma 89 CASE 74: Macrocystic variant of the serous pancreatic adenoma 90 CASE 75: Posttraumatic cyst 91 CASE 76: Crohn colitis 92 CASE 77: Chylous cyst (nonpancreatic pseudocyst) 94 CASE 78: Testicular infarct 95 CASE 79: Hepatic congestion from right-sided heart failure 96 CASE 80: Omental infarct 97 CASE 81: Cyst of the canal of Nuck 98 CASE 82: Cushing syndrome due to adrenal hyperplasia 100 CASE 83: Cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin tumor) 101 CASE 84: Radiation enterocolitis 102 CASE 85: Chronic renal transplantation rejection 104 CASE 86: Lipoma 106 CASE 87: Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus equivalent 107 CASE 88: Sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT) 108 CASE 89: Tuberculosis peritonitis and omentitis 109 CASE 90: Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) 110 CASE 91: Fibroepithelial polyp 111 CASE 92: Azygous continuation of the inferior vena cava 113 CASE 93: Autoimmune pancreatitis 114 CASE 94: Ovarian vein thrombophlebitis due to adjacent diverticulitis 115 CASE 95: Perinephric metastases from melanoma 117 CASE 96: Acute graft-versus-host disease 118 CASE 97: Splenic angiosarcoma with liver metastases and hemoperitoneum 119 CASE 98: Annular pancreas 120 CASE 99: Emphysematous gastritis 121 CASE 100: Calyceal diverticulum 122 CASE 101: Pheochromocytoma 123 CASE 102: Ventriculoperitoneal shunt migration with cerebrospinal fluid pseudocyst formation 124 CASE 103: Diffuse angiosarcoma 126 CASE 104: Gallbladder perforation 127 CASE 105: Intense adrenal gland enhancement in a patient in septic shock 128 CASE 106: Desmoid tumor 129 CASE 107: Ovarian torsion 130 CASE 108: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with SMV thrombosis 132 CASE 109: Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma 133 CASE 110: Henoch-Schönlein purpura 135 CASE 111: Hepatic candidiasis 136 CASE 112: Enterovaginal fistula 137 CASE 113: Glomerulocystic kidney disease 138 CASE 114: Liposarcoma 139 CASE 115: Walled-off hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis post acute necrotizing pancreatitis 140 CASE 116: Serous cystadenofibroma 141 CASE 117: Ascending cholangitis and liver abscess in a patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis 142 CASE 118: Angiomyolipoma 143 CASE 119: Right obturator hernia causing small bowel obstruction 145 CASE 120: Pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery from pancreatitis 146 CASE 121: Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma with extension into portal vein 148 CASE 122: Pyometra 149 CASE 123: Mucocele of the appendix 150 CASE 124: Myelofibrosis 151 CASE 125: Hepatic fascioliasis 152 CASE 126: Noncavitary unicornuate uterus 153 CASE 127: Lung cancer metastases 155 CASE 128: Intrapancreatic accessory spleen 156 CASE 129: Desmoid tumors in a patient with familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome 157 CASE 130: Endometriosis with endometrioma 158 CASE 131: Cryoablated renal cell carcinoma 159 CASE 132: Acute Budd-Chiari syndrome 160 CASE 133: Transitional cell carcinoma originating in a bladder diverticulum 161 CASE 134: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 163 CASE 135: Giant hemangioma of the liver 164 CASE 136: Renal lymphoma 165 CASE 137: Epidermal inclusion cyst 166 CASE 138: Gastric adenocarcinoma 168 CASE 139: Portal vein thrombosis and hepatic abscesses 169 CASE 140: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with acute hemorrhage in a cyst 170 CASE 141: Breast metastasis 171 CASE 142: Amebic abscess 172 CASE 143: Retroperitoneal hemorrhage 173 CASE 144: Choledocholithiasis 174 CASE 145: Acute interstitial pancreatitis 175 CASE 146: Ulcerative colitis 176 CASE 147: Perinephric lymphoma 177 CASE 148: Spigelian hernia 178 CASE 149: Intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (hepatic varix) 179 CASE 150: Focal nodular hyperplasia 180 CASE 151: Mature ovarian teratoma 181 CASE 152: Transitional cell carcinoma 182 CASE 153: Extraperitoneal bladder rupture 183 CASE 154: Hemosiderosis in a patient with sickle cell anemia 185 CASE 155: Nonhyperfunctioning endocrine pancreatic tumor 187 CASE 156: Splenic infarcts due to pulmonary arteriovenous fistula (Sturge-Weber syndrome) 188 CASE 157: Pyogenic abscesses of the liver 189 CASE 158: Uterine lipoleiomyoma 191 CASE 159: Papillary renal carcinoma 192 CASE 160: SVC thrombosis with “hot quadrate lobe.” 193 CASE 161: Crohn disease of the ileum 194 CASE 162: Mesenteric ischemia with pneumatosis and portal venous air 196 CASE 163: Splenic hamartoma 197 CASE 164: Endometrial cancer 198 CASE 165: Encapsulated hepatocellular carcinoma 200 CASE 166: Splenic lymphoma with venous invasion 201 CASE 167: Transitional cell carcinoma 202 CASE 168: Bilateral adrenal metastases 204 CASE 169: Uterine leiomyomas 206 CASE 170: Hepatic veno-occlusive disease 208 CASE 171: Pneumobilia 209 CASE 172: Rectal adenocarcinoma 210 CASE 173: Adenomyosis and two uterine leiomyomas 212 CASE 174 Ruptured fornix due to obstructive ureteral stones 214 CASE 175: Wilson disease 216 CASE 176: Medullary nephrocalcinosis 217 CASE 177: Skene’s gland cyst 219 CASE 178: Abscess 210 CASE 179: Cavernous transformation of the portal vein with pericholedochal varices 221 CASE 180: Dropped gallstone with abscess formation 222 CASE 181: Diverticulitis 223 CASE 182: Internal small bowel hernia 224 CASE 183: Hemorrhage from an angiomyolipoma 226 CASE 184: AML with minimal fat 227 CASE 185: Autosplenectomy from sickle cell disease 229 CASE 186: Reflux nephropathy 230 CASE 187: Multiple hepatic angiomyolipomas in a patient with tuberous sclerosis 232 CASE 188: Cecal volvulus 233 CASE 189: Peritoneal and metastatic “omental caking” in a patient with colon cancer 234 CASE 190: Langerhans cell histiocytosis 235 CASE 191: Oncocytoma 236 CASE 192: Gartner duct cyst 237 CASE 193: Cystic liver metastasis from mucinous adenocarcinoma of the colon 239 CASE 194: Colonic amebiasis 240 CASE 195: Dysplastic nodule 241 CASE 196: IVC thrombosis 242 CASE 197: Hepatic candidiasis 244 CASE 198: Main-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) 246 CASE 199: Breast cancer metastases to proximal colon and distal small bowel 248 CASE 200: Renal abscess complicating pyelonephritis 250 CASE 201: Krukenberg tumors 251 CASE 202: Pseudocirrhosis in metastatic breast cancer 253 CASE 203: Uterine carcinosarcoma 254 CASE 204: Retroperitoneal fibrosis 255 CASE 205: Calcified metastases of breast carcinoma after chemotherapy 256 CASE 206: Benign colonic pneumatosis due to mucosal denudation (chemotherapy effect) 257 CASE 207: Splenic hemangioma 258 CASE 208: Slerosing mesenteritis (retractile mesenteritis) 259 CASE 209: Orthotopic ureterocele 260 CASE 210: Microcystic serous pancreatic adenoma 262 CASE 211: Atypical hemangioma with cystic degeneration 263 CASE 212: HCC with fatty metamorphosis 264 CASE 213: Splenic artery aneurysm 265 CASE 214: Squamous cell carcinoma in a urethral diverticulum 266 CASE 215: Renal infarct 267 CASE 216: Hepatocellular carcinoma in a cirrhotic liver 268 CASE 217: Bile duct necrosis 269 CASE 218: Splenic sarcoidosis 270 CASE 219: Lymphangioma 271 CASE 220: Sister Mary Joseph nodule 272 CASE 221: Multiple liver metastases from renal cancer 273 CASE 222: Mucinous cystic neoplasm 275 CASE 223: Hypertrophic gastropathy 276 CASE 224: Hematoma 277 CASE 225: Ménétrier disease 278 CASE 226: Pyogenic liver abscess 279 CASE 227: Solid and papillary epithelial neoplasm 280 CASE 228: Mucinous cystadenoma 281 CASE 229: Lipid-rich adrenal adenoma 282 CASE 230: Congenital hepatic fibrosis 283 CASE 231: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 284 CASE 232: Colonic lipoma 285 CASE 233: Polysplenia 287 CASE 234: Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease 288 CASE 235: Aggressive angiomyxoma 289 CASE 236: Acute left renal vein thrombosis 290 CASE 237: Adrenocortical carcinoma 292 CASE 238: Primary renal carcinoid in a horseshoe kidney 294 CASE 239: Infantile hemangioendotheliomas 295 CASE 240: Pancreatic cystosis in von Hippel-Lindau disease 296 CASE 241: Pseudomembranous colitis 297 CASE 242: Uterus didelphys 299 CASE 243: Cervical carcinoma (stage IV) 301 CASE 244: Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma 303 CASE 245: Omental sarcoma 304 CASE 246: Cystic duct stump leak 305 CASE 247: Rhabdomyolysis caused by heroin overdose 306 CASE 248: Hemosiderosis 307 CASE 249: Small bowel Crohn disease (acute or chronic) with bezoar formation 308 CASE 250: Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture 310 CASE 251: Pelvic lymphoma producing a teardrop-shaped bladder 311 CASE 252: Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder 312 CASE 253: Heterotaxy syndrome 313 CASE 254: Echinococcal cyst (hydatid cyst) 314 CASE 255: Focal fatty change 315 CASE 256: Splenomegaly due to portal hypertension 316 CASE 257: Cystic nephroma 317 CASE 258: Septate uterus 318 CASE 259: Lipid-poor adenoma 320 CASE 260: Hepatocellular adenoma with central bleed 321 CASE 261: Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPT) 322 CASE 262: Hepatic infarction due to right portal vein and right hepatic artery thrombosis 323 CASE 263: Diverticular abscess 324 CASE 264: Small bowel hematoma 326 CASE 265: Splenic sarcoidosis 328 CASE 266: Transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter and bladder 329 CASE 267: Malignant struma ovarii (papillary thyroid carcinoma, follicular variant) 332 CASE 268: Retroperitoneal schwannoma 333 CASE 269: Hepatic laceration 334 CASE 270: Mucinous cystic neoplasm 336 CASE 271: Angiomyolipomas in a patient with tuberous sclerosis 338 CASE 272: Prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma) 339 CASE 273: Sarcoidosis 341 CASE 274: Chronic pancreatitis 342 CASE 275: Splenic cryptococcosis 344 CASE 276: Peritoneal abscess secondary to perforated viscus 345 CASE 277: Complete uterine prolapse 346 CASE 278: Solitary fibrous tumor of the bladder 348 CASE 279: Hemorrhagic degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma 350 CASE 280: Adrenal myelolipoma 352 CASE 281: Chronic pancreatitis 354 CASE 282: Gallbladder adenocarcinoma with liver invasion 355 CASE 283: Sigmoid endometriosis 356 CASE 284: Acute cortical necrosis 358 CASE 285: Bilateral pheochromocytomas in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 359 CASE 286: Benign hyperdense cyst 360 CASE 287: Lymphoma of the liver 361 CASE 288: Carcinoid of the terminal ileum 362 CASE 289: Lymphoma 363 CASE 290: Wilms tumor with hemorrhage 364 CASE 291: Burkitt lymphoma of the ovaries 366 CASE 292: Subcapsular hematoma of the liver 368 CASE 293: Side-branch intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) 369 CASE 294: Penile cancer (invasive squamous cell carcinoma) 370 CASE 295: Neuroblastoma 372 CASE 296: Fat necrosis 374 CASE 297: Amyloidosis of the small bowel 375 CASE 298: Pyogenic splenic abscess 376 CASE 299: Intraperitoneal abscess 377 CASE 300: Paraganglioma of the organs of Zuckerkandl 379 CASE 301: Hematocolpos (secondary to radiation with resultant vaginal stenosis) 380 CASE 302: Plexiform neurofibromatosis involving the liver 382 CASE 303: Epiploic appendagitis 383 CASE 304: Closed-loop obstruction 385 CASE 305: Metastatic renal cell carcinoma 387 CASE 306: Jejuno-jejunal intussusception 388 CASE 307: Bartholin gland cysts 389 CASE 308: Ciliated hepatic foregut cyst 391 CASE 309: Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma 392 CASE 310: Afferent loop syndrome due to peritoneal metastases 393 CASE 311: Retroperitoneal extramedullary hematopoiesis 394 CASE 312: Small bowel ischemia due to SMV thrombosis 395 CASE 313: Coloenteric lymphoma 397 CASE 314: Diffuse fatty liver 398 CASE 315: Hyperdense liver due to amiodarone 399 CASE 316: Radiation injury to liver 400 CASE 317: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease 401 CASE 318: Bicornuate unicollis uterus 402 CASE 319: Pancreatoblastoma 403 CASE 320: Bland portal vein thrombosis 404 CASE 321: Pancreatic laceration 405 CASE 322: Testicular cancer (nonseminomatous germ cell tumor) 406 CASE 323: Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma 408 CASE 324: GI stromal tumor of the stomach 409 CASE 325: Splenic infarcts 411 CASE 326: Clear cell renal carcinoma with tumor thrombus 412 CASE 327: Endometrial polyp 413 CASE 328: Anterior rectocele 415 CASE 329: Cystic renal cell carcinoma 417 CASE 330: Malignant solitary fibrous tumor 418 CASE 331: Hydatid cyst 420 CASE 332: Microcystic serous pancreatic adenoma 421 CASE 333: Metastatic testicular cancer (mixed nonseminomatous germ cell tumor) 423 CASE 334: Renal trauma 425 CASE 335: Pelvic congestion syndrome 426 CASE 336: Metastasis from lung cancer 428 CASE 337: Liver metastasis from gastric adenocarcinoma 429 CASE 338: Pancreatic lymphoma 430 CASE 339: Lymphoma of the ileum 431 CASE 340: Terminal ileitis due to Crohn disease 433 CASE 341: Hemoperitoneum due to ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma 434 CASE 342: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis 435 CASE 343: Epidermoid cyst 436 CASE 344: Focal fatty sparing within a steatotic liver 438 CASE 345: Hemosiderosis 439 CASE 346: Renal cell carcinoma 440 CASE 347: Graft-versus-host disease 441 CASE 348: Adrenal pseudocyst 442 CASE 349: Prune-belly syndrome 444 CASE 350: Cirrhosis 445 CASE 351: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with superior mesenteric vein occlusion 447 CASE 352: Acute bacterial pyelonephritis 448 CASE 353: Cirrhosis with fatty liver 449 CASE 354: Focal gallbladder adenomyomatosis 451 CASE 355: Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (diffuse form) 452 CASE 356: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the stomach 453 CASE 357: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 454 CASE 358: Bile duct hamartomas 455 CASE 359: Insulinoma 456 CASE 360: Pelvic kidney 457 CASE 361: Pseudomyxoma peritonei 459 CASE 362: Perforated Meckel diverticulitis 460 CASE 363: Liposarcoma of the spermatic cord 461 CASE 364: Non-tropical sprue (celiac disease) 462 CASE 365: Hematoma 463 CASE 366: Acute cholecystitis with gallbladder perforation and abscess formation 464 CASE 367: Multiple gastrinomas in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I syndrome 466 CASE 368: Tuberculosis of the cecum 467 CASE 369: Urethral diverticulum 468 CASE 370: Right inguinal hernia causing small bowel obstruction 469 CASE 371: Cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal hypertension leading to massive collateral vessel formation including gastric and pelvic varices and a splenorenal shunt 471 CASE 372: Chronic cholecystitis 472 CASE 373: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 473 CASE 374: Cystic renal cell carcinoma with perinephric hematoma 474 CASE 375: Retained products of conception 475 CASE 376: Idiopathic adrenal hemorrhage 477 CASE 377: Focal nodular hyperplasia 478 CASE 378: Fournier gangrene 479 CASE 379: Groove pancreatitis 481 CASE 380: Caroli disease (diffuse form) 482 CASE 381: Spermatic cord lipoma 484 CASE 382: Emphysematous pyelitis 486 CASE 383: Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) lymphadenopathy 487 CASE 384: Focal Caroli disease 489 CASE 385: Duodenal adenocarcinoma 491 CASE 386: Gallstone ileus 493 CASE 387: Splenic subcapsular hematoma 494 CASE 388: Crossed fused renal ectopia 495 CASE 389: Pseudoaneurysm of common hepatic artery 496 CASE 390: Mesenchymal hamartoma 497 CASE 391: Mucinous cystic neoplasm developing in a pseudocyst 499 CASE 392: Ischemic colitis 501 CASE 393: Gaucher disease 502 CASE 394: Ureteropelvic junction obstruction 503 CASE 395: Anal fistula 504 CASE 396: Mixed hiatal hernia 506 CASE 397: Paralytic poliomyelitis 508 CASE 398: Porcelain gallbladder 509 CASE 399: Colonic adenomatous polyp 510 CASE 400: Subcapsular splenic hematoma 512 CASE 401: Sclerosing mesenteritis (mesenteric panniculitis) 513 CASE 402: Midgut volvulus 514 CASE 403: Bile duct carcinoma in a type I choledochal cyst 516 CASE 404: Gamna-Gandy bodies 518 CASE 405: Right hemorrhagic ovarian cysts 519 CASE 406: Adrenocortical carcinoma 520 CASE 407: Splenic spindle cell sarcoma 521 CASE 408: Right hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm after liver biopsy 522 CASE 409: Nonhyperfunctioning pancreatic endocrine tumor 523 CASE 410: Bile duct cyst 524 CASE 411: Acute appendicitis in pregnancy 525 CASE 412: Endometriosis (adnexal endometrioma and hematosalpinx) 526 CASE 413: Urachal carcinoma 527
This skill-builder delivers…'
413 structured case studies based on actual patients—each providing a brief patient history, as many as four CT/MR images, a short description of the findings, differential diagnosis, final diagnosis, and a discussion of the case.
Detailed imaging of all areas of the abdomen and pelvis —including the liver and biliary system, pancreas, GI tract, spleen, mesentery/omentum/peritoneum, kidney and urinary system, retroperitoneum and adrenal glands, and abdominal wall—helps readers understand relevant anatomy and identify pathologies.
NEW to the Third Edition…'
Accompanying web site delivers access to the 150 cases from the print edition, plus 263 "bonus" cases for a total of 413 cases!
30% new cases address new challenges and provide timely information
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