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Text Atlas of Obstetric Dermatology

Publication Date:
March 27, 2021
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This exceptional text-atlas provides an overview of the most updated evidence-based information on a variety of skin problems in pregnancy, ...
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  • This exceptional text-atlas provides an overview of the most updated evidence-based information on a variety of skin problems in pregnancy, offering a guide for evaluation, diagnosis, and management. Themes include physiologic skin changes of pregnancy, preexisting skin diseases and tumors affected by pregnancy, pruritus in pregnancy, and specific dermatoses of pregnancy. This book differs from existing content in the field in that it provides an in-depth review of common skin problems in gestation, supported with more than 400 illustrations for essential visual guidance, and a practical guide on how to best manage them. Specific sections on drug safety, cosmetic use, surgical procedures in pregnancy, and dermatoethics are included. Chapters are authored by dermatologists or obstetric physicians with expertise in obstetric dermatology and a wealth of clinical experience in the field.
    Special Features :
    • More than 400 color illustrations and online image bank, representing the largest dermatologic image library in pregnancy, including numerous rare casesMaternal/Fetal Risks and Management Options Tables ineach chapter
    • Key Points Table at the endof each chapter
    • Management recommendations by experts provide step-by-step guidance in reaching therapeutic decisions
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    March 27, 2021
  • George Kroumpouzos
  • Preface
    1 Endocrine and Immunologic Changes
    Kenneth K. Chen and George Kroumpouzos
    2 Introduction to Physiologic Skin
    Changes and Skin Disease in Pregnancy
    George Kroumpouzos
    3 Pigmentary Changes
    Jessica J. Mercer, Marcia Ramos-e-Silva, and George Kroumpouzos
    4 Vascular Changes
    Jyoti P. Mundi and Miriam K. Pomeranz
    5 Connective Tissue Changes
    Kelly K. Park and Jenny E. Murase
    6 Hair and Nail Changes
    George Kroumpouzos and Richard K. Scher
    7 Glandular Changes
    Elie B. Lowenstein and Eve J. Lowenstein
    8 Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis
    Jennifer Jenkins, Leslie Robinson-Bostom, Giampiero Girolomoni,
    and George Kroumpouzos
    9 Infl ammatory Skin Disease
    George Kroumpouzos and Annalisa Patrizi
    10 Impetigo Herpetiformis
    Darshan C. Vaidya, Aleksandr Itkin, and George Kroumpouzos
    11 Rheumatic Skin Disease
    Galen Foulke, Jennie T. Clarke, and Jeffrey P. Callen
    12 Metabolic and Bullous Disease
    Nicole Fett and Victoria P. Werth
    13 Bacterial, Fungal, and Parasitic Skin Disease
    George Kroumpouzos, Noah Craft, and Dirk Elston
    14 Viral and Sexually Transmitted Disease . . 126
    Farhan Khan, Rana M. Mays, Joe Brooks, and Stephen K. Tyring
    15 Skin Tumors
    Emily Tierney, George Kroumpouzos, and Gary Rogers
    16 Miscellaneous Skin Disease
    Joe Brooks, Paulo R. Cunha, and George Kroumpouzos
    17 Pruritus and Obstetric Cholestasis
    Victoria Geenes and Catherine Williamson
    18 Introduction to Specific Dermatoses
    Iris K. Aronson and George Kroumpouzos
    19 Pemphigoid Gestationis
    George Kroumpouzos and Detlef Zillikens
    20 Polymorphic Eruption of Pregnancy
    Lisa M. Cohen and George Kroumpouzos
    21 Prurigo, Pruritic Folliculitis, and
    Atopic Eruption of Pregnancy
    George Kroumpouzos and Lisa M. Cohen
    22 Drug Safety
    Kudakwashe Mutyambizi and Bonnie T. Mackool
    23 Skin Care Products, Cosmetics, and Cosmeceuticals
    George Kroumpouzos and Zoe Draelos
    24 Skin Surgery
    Kachiu C. Lee and Raymond Dufresne
    25 Dermatoethics in Pregnancy
    Zachary Schwager and Lionel Bercovitch
  • Special Features:
    • More than 400 color illustrations and online image bank, representing the largest dermatologic image library in pregnancy, including numerous rare case Maternal/Fetal Risks and Management Option Tables in each chapter
    • Key Points Table at the end of each chapter
    • Management recommendations by experts provide step-by-step guidance in reaching therapeutic decisions
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Text Atlas of Obstetric Dermatology

Text Atlas of Obstetric Dermatology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975185404
USD $196.99 Quantity:
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