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Designed specifically to guide beginning nursing students to successful psychiatric and mental health nursing practice, Essentials of Psychiatric Nursing, 3rd ...
Designed specifically to guide beginning nursing students to successful psychiatric and mental health nursing practice, Essentials of Psychiatric Nursing, 3rd Edition, delivers an easy-to-use, evidence-based approach to basic mental health concepts, effective therapeutic communication tactics, and proven nursing strategies for the care of patients with mental illnesses. This current, concise text is packed with examples and explanations that hone students’ self-awareness and patient interaction skills, highlight the impact of stigma, and familiarize students with effective recovery approaches to common mental health problems and disorders.
Ideal for dedicated psychiatric nursing courses or for integrating psychiatric nursing principles into an existing course, the 3rd Edition has been extensively revised and updated throughout to reflect the latest research and treatment approaches, including coverage of the impact of COVID-19 on mental health, care for the veteran population and military families, and expanded coverage of nursing care outside the hospital and in the community.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
September 2, 2022
Mary Ann Boyd
Rebecca Ann Luebbert
Unit I Essentials of Mental Health Care Chapter 1 Mental Health and Mental Disorders: Fighting Stigma and Promoting Recovery Chapter 2 Cultural Communities and Spiritual Considerations Related to Mental Health Care Chapter 3 Patient Rights and Legal Issues Unit II Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Frameworks Chapter 4 Ethics, Standards, and Nursing Frameworks Chapter 5 Theoretical Basis of Psychiatric Nursing Chapter 6 Biologic Foundations of Psychiatric Nursing Chapter 7 Recovery Framework (online) Unit III Knowledge and Skills of Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Chapter 8 Therapeutic Communication Chapter 9 The Nurse–Patient Relationship Chapter 10 The Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Process Chapter 11 Pharmacology, Dietary Supplements, and Biologic Interventions Chapter 12 Group Interventions Unit IV Prevention of Mental Disorders Chapter 13 Stress and Mental Health Chapter 14 Anger, Aggression, and Violence Chapter 15 Crisis, Loss, Grief, Bereavement and Disaster Management Chapter 16 Suicide Prevention: Screening, Assessment, and Intervention Chapter 17 Mental Health Care for Survivors of Violence Unit V Care and Recovery for Persons with Psychiatric Disorders Chapter 18 Anxiety and Panic Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Anxiety and Panic Chapter 19 Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with PTSD and Other Trauma-Related Stress Disorders Chapter 20 Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Obsessions and Compulsions Chapter 21 Depression: Nursing Care of Persons with Depressive Moods and Suicidal Behavior Chapter 22 Bipolar Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Mood Lability Chapter 23 Schizophrenia and Related Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Thought Disorders Chapter 24 Personality and Impulse-control Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Personality and Impulse-Control Disorders Chapter 25 Addiction and Substance-Related Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders Chapter 26 Eating Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Eating and Weight-Related Disorders Chapter 27 Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Somatization Chapter 28 Sleep Disorders: Nursing Care for Persons with Insomnia and Sleep Problems (online) Chapter 29 Sexual Disorders: Nursing Care of Persons with Sexual dysfunction (online) Unit VI Care of Special Populations Chapter 30 Mental Health Disorders of Children and Adolescents Chapter 31 Mental Health Disorders of Older Adults Chapter 32 Care for Veterans with Mental Health Needs
Appendix A Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Appendix B Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)) Index
NEW! Content helps students recognize and address the effects of COVID-19 on mental health and embrace changes in the practice and delivery of mental health nursing, such as virtual therapy.
UPDATED! Coverage of veteran care empowers students to confidently manage specific mental health issues affecting military veterans and their families.
UPDATED! Community nursing care coverage helps students make a confident transition to practice outside of traditional hospital settings, increasing their career prospects.
Unfolding Patient Stories, written by the National League for Nursing, engage students in realistic practice scenarios and inspire valuable classroom dialogue.
Concept Mastery Alerts clarify mental health nursing concepts to improve students’ understanding of potentially confusing topics as identified by Lippincott® Adaptive Learning powered by PrepU.
NCLEX® Notes keep students focused on important application areas for NCLEX preparation.
Case Studies threaded throughout disorder chapters guide students through the care process for patients with specific disorders.
Emergency Care Alerts help students quickly identify emergency situations in psychiatric nursing care and respond accordingly.
Evidence-Based Nursing Care of Persons with Selected Disorders sections deepen students’ understanding of the most commonly occurring major psychiatric disorders.
Nursing Care Plans (found online) based on case scenarios in the book familiarize students with the most effective diagnostic and care delivery approaches for particular diagnoses.
Research for Best Practice boxes emphasize the importance of clinical evidence in today’s psychiatric nursing practice and reinforce chapter content with relevant findings and implications.
Therapeutic Dialogue boxes compare and contrast therapeutic and nontherapeutic conversations to strengthen students’ communication skills.
Psychoeducation Checklists boost students’ critical thinking and client education capabilities.
Clinical Vignette boxes build clinical judgment by challenging students to identify solutions to reality-based clinical portraits.
Drug Profiles familiarize students with commonly prescribed medications for patients with mental health problems.
Key Diagnostic Characteristics summaries provide fast access to diagnostic criteria, target symptoms, and associated findings for select disorders, described in the DSM-5-TR by the American Psychiatric Association.
Patient Education, Family, and Emergency icons alert students to important opportunities and considerations for applying content to practice.
“This book is very well-organized and complete with the essentials of psychiatric nursing for students. It is especially appealing that several experts within the field contributed to the book, as each educator/practitioner has an area of expertise.”
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