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Awarded third place in the 2023 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing category!
Created specifically to appeal to students’ preferences and favored for its clear, practical approach and engaging learning features, Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing, 9th Edition, makes the full spectrum of psychiatric nursing easier to understand and equips students with a confident grasp of the skills and concepts essential to their success in clinical practice.
This 9th Edition has been extensively revised throughout, reflecting the latest evidence-based perspectives and practices while maintaining a strong foundation in the nursing process. Author Sheila Videbeck’s concise, direct writing style makes challenging content digestible and is complemented by humorous illustrations that keep students engaged and reinforce comprehension. Accompanying study guide questions integrated in each chapter test students’ retention and strengthen their critical thinking capabilities, and a robust suite of learning features hones the clinical judgment essential for a confident transition to practice.
New and Updated Features
NEW! Nursing Concepts listed at the beginning of each chapter help you apply content to a Concepts-based curricula.
UPDATED! New and revised content equips students with the most current evidence-based approaches.
UPDATED! Evidence-Based Practice boxes reinforce chapter content with relevant research examples for a wide variety of practice issues.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
September 6, 2022
UNIT 1 Current Theories and Practice Chapter 1. Foundations of Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing Chapter 2. Neurobiologic Theories and Psychopharmacology Chapter 3. Psychosocial Theories and Therapy Chapter 4. Treatment Settings and Therapeutic Programs UNIT 2 Building the Nurse–Client Relationship Chapter 5. Therapeutic Relationships Chapter 6. Therapeutic Communication Chapter 7. Client’s Response to Illness Chapter 8. Assessment UNIT 3 Current Social and Emotional Concerns Chapter 9. Legal and Ethical Issues Chapter 10. Grief and Loss Chapter 11. Anger, Hostility, and Aggression Chapter 12. Abuse and Violence UNIT 4 Nursing Practice for Psychiatric Disorders Chapter 13. Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Chapter 14. Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders Chapter 15. Obsessive–Compulsive and Related Disorders Chapter 16. Schizophrenia Chapter 17. Mood Disorders and Suicide Chapter 18. Personality Disorders Chapter 19. Addiction Chapter 20. Eating Disorders Chapter 21. Somatic Symptom Illnesses Chapter 22. Neurodevelopmental Disorders Chapter 23. Disruptive Behavior Disorders Chapter 24. Cognitive Disorders
Answers to Chapter Study Guides Appendix A Disorders of Sleep and Wakefulness Appendix B Sexual Dysfunctions and Gender Dysphoria Appendix C Drug Classification Under the Controlled Substances Act Glossary Index
NEW! Nursing Concepts listed at the beginning of each chapter help you apply content to a Concepts-based curricula.
UPDATED! New and revised content equips students with the most current evidence-based approaches.
UPDATED! Evidence-Based Practice boxes reinforce chapter content with relevant research examples for a wide variety of practice issues.
Clinical Vignettes familiarize students with the features of major disorders they are likely to encounter in practice.
Plan of Care sections demonstrates effective approaches for addressing specific client disorders.
Drug Alerts highlight essential concerns related to psychotropic drugs.
Warning boxes alert students to FDA considerations for specific medications.
Cultural Considerations help students ensure culturally sensitive care for diverse client populations.
Age-Related Considerations sections prepare students for unique care challenges specific to children, adolescents, and the growing population of older adults.
Therapeutic Dialogues promote effective communication skills with specific examples of nurse-client interactions.
Client and Family Education boxes strengthen students’ teaching capabilities.
Nursing Actions guide students through key treatment strategies for specific disorders.
DSM-5-TR Diagnostic Criteria boxes detail the medical diagnostic features of specific disorders at a glance.
Self-Awareness Issuessections foster personal and professional development through self-reflection.
Concept Mastery Alerts clarify important concepts essential to classroom and clinical success.Unfolding Patient Stories written by the National League for Nursing provide a real-world perspective on chapter concepts to enhance client interactions and interventions
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