Home / Medicine / Clinical Sleep Disorders

Clinical Sleep Disorders

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
January 31, 2021
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This clinically focused, practical reference is a complete guide to diagnosing and treating sleep disorders. It is written by and ...
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  • This clinically focused, practical reference is a complete guide to diagnosing and treating sleep disorders. It is written by and for the wide variety of clinicians who encounter sleep disorders, including neurologists, pediatric neurologists, pulmonologists, pediatric pulmonologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, and sleep laboratory technicians. Chapters follow a standardized template and include bulleted lists, tables, and clinical pearls. New chapters in this edition cover dreams, interpretation of the polysomnography report, pediatric surgical management of obstructive sleep apnea, and sleep scoring for both adults and pediatric patients. Also included is an overview chapter on comprehensive sleep medicine. Other highlights include updates on narcolepsy, parasomnias, and insomnia.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2021
  • Paul R. Carney MD
    Professor of Pediatrics, Neurology, Neuroscience, and Bioengineering, B.J. and Eve Wilder Professor of Epilepsy Research, Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurology, University of Florida College of Medicine and McKnight Brain Institute, Gainesville, FL
    Richard B. Berry MD
    Director, Sleep Laboratory, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Long Beach, CA; Associate Professor of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA
    James D. Geyer MD
    Director, Sleep Program, Associate Professor of Neurology and Sleep Medicine, Alabama Neurology and Sleep Medicine, Tuscaloosa, AL
  • Section I: Introduction 
    1 Introduction to Sleep and Polysomnography
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Richard B. Berry
    Section II: Understanding Human Sleep 
    2 EEG in the Newborn, Infant, and Adolescent
    Paul R. Carney, Edgarde Andrade, Sachin Talathi, and James D. Geyer

    3 The Neurobiology of Sleep  
    Wendy M. Norman, Linda F. Hayward, James D. Geyer, and Paul R. Carney
    4 Breathing During Sleep: Ventilation and the Upper Airway  
    James A. Rowley and M. Safwan Badr
    5 Sleep and Normal Human Physiology  
    James D. Geyer, Stephenie Dillard, Paul R. Carney, Yhni Thai, and Sachin Talathi
    6 Chronobiology and Circadian Rhythms  
    Arthur Andrews and Selim Benbadis
    7 Ontogeny of Sleep  
    Paul R. Carney, James D. Geyer, Danielle A. Becker, and Susan R. Bongiolatti

    Section III: Clinical Presentations of Sleep Medicine  
    8 Sleepiness  
    Barbara Phillips, James D. Geyer, and Paul R. Carney
    9 Evaluating Sleeplessness  
    Sidney D. Nau, Haley R. Dillon, James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Kenneth L.
    10 Nocturnal Events  
    Troy Payne
    11 Pediatric and Adolescent Presentations  
    Paul R. Carney, Sachin Talathi, Edgarde Andrade, and James D. Geyer

    12 Sleep Problems of the Elderly  
    Stephan Eisenschenk

    Section IV: Sleep Disorders  
    13 Insomnia: Causes and Treatments  
    Sidney D. Nau, Haley R. Dillon, James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Kenneth L.
    14 Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia  
    Richard B. Berry, Paul R. Carney, James D. Geyer, and Robin L. Gilmore
    15 Restless Legs Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease) and Periodic Limb Movement
    Richard P. Allen
    16 Parasomnias  
    Juan Ochoa, James D. Geyer, and Paul R. Carney
    17 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders 
    Kathryn J. Reid, Cathy Goldstein, and Phyllis C. Zee
    18 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndromes: Definitions, Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Consequences  
    Richard B. Berry and Runi Foster
    19 Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Treatment Overview and Controversies  
    Nancy A. Collop
    20 Positive Airway Pressure Treatment for Sleep Apnea  
    Richard B. Berry and Mark H. Sanders
    21 Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Surgical Treatment  
    Kasey K. Li
    22 Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Management with Oral Appliance  
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Ronald McIlwain
    23 Central Sleep Apnea  
    Lisa Campana, Richard B. Berry, David P. White, and Atul Malhotra
    24 Recurrent Hypersomnias, Diencephalic and Brainstem Sleep Disorders  
    Thomas G. Patton, James D. Geyer, and Paul R. Carney

    Section V: Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders  
    25 Anxiety Disorders and Sleep
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Kenneth L. Lichstein  
    26 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Sleep
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Lori Davis
    27 Mood Disorders and Sleep
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Kenneth L. Lichstein
    28 Schizophrenia and Sleep
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, and Kenneth L. Lichstein
    29 Alcohol and Sleep
    James D. Geyer and Paul R. Carney

    Section VI: Sleep Patients with Other Medical Disorders  
    30 Sleep Disorders and Degenerative Neurologic Disorders 
    Daniel C. Potts, James D. Geyer, and Paul R. Carney
    31 Sleep and Epilepsy 
    Bradley V. Vaughn and O’Neill F. D’Cruz
    32 Pediatric Epilepsy and Sleep Disorders
    Paul R. Carney, James D. Geyer, and Sachin Talathi
    33 Sleep and Vascular Diseases  
    James D. Geyer, Camilo R. Gomez, and Paul R. Carney
    34 Sleep and Pulmonary Diseases  
    W. McDowell Anderson, Arthur Andrews, and David G. Davila
    35 Sleep and Internal Medicine  
    Susan M. Harding and Jeffrey W. Hawkins
    36 The Intensive Care Unit and Sleep
    Ynhi Thai, Sachin Talathi, Paul G. Cox, Camilo R. Gomez, Paul R. Carney, and James D. Geyer
    37 Women and Sleep
    Ynhi Thai, Monica Henderson, Paul R. Carney, and James D. Geyer
    38 Quantitative Sleep Monitoring Methods
    Paul R. Carney, Nicholas Fisher, William Ditto , Sachin Talathi, Paul G. Cox, and
    James D. Geyer

    A Recording Artifacts and Solving Technical Problems with Polysomnography Technology  
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, Paul G. Cox, Sachin Talathi, and Jennifer Parr
    B Sleep Questionnaires  
    Danielle A. Becker, Susan R. Bongiolatti, Megan E. Ruiter, James D. Geyer, and
    Paul R. Carney
    C Starting a Sleep-Disorders Facility  
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, Monica M. Henderson, and Betty J. Seals
    D Pharmacological Treatments  
    Deborah M. Ringdahl, Christie G. Snively, Monica M. Henderson, James D. Geyer, and Paul R. Carney
    E Introduction to Electroencephalograms  
    James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney, Sachin Talathi, and Richard B. Berry
    • NEW ! New chapter on dreams
    • NEW ! New chapter on interpretation of the polysomnography report
    • NEW ! New chapter on pediatric surgical management of obstructive sleep apnea
    • NEW ! New section on sleep scoring for both adults and pediatric patients
    • NEW ! Overview chapter on comprehensive sleep medicine
    • NEW ! Updates on narcolepsy, parasomnias (REM and non-REM), and insomnia
    • NEW! Full text online, along with case studies and video clips
    • Concise, clinically focused
    • Written by and for specialists in allergy, neurology, psychiatry, and pulmonary critical care
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Clinical Sleep Disorders

Clinical Sleep Disorders

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