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Essential Dermatopathology

Publication Date:
January 31, 2021
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Essential Dermatopathology is designed to assist pathology trainees, general pathologists, dermatology trainees, and dermatologists in understanding the basics of dermatopathology. ...
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  • Essential Dermatopathology is designed to assist pathology trainees, general pathologists, dermatology trainees, and dermatologists in understanding the basics of dermatopathology. It illustrates and defines common dermatopathology terms and descriptions, basic inflammatory patterns and their major differential diagnoses in the introductory chapters. The final chapters consist of a systematic overview of common dermatological conditions/lesions, logically described in separate chapters based on site of predominant involvement. The aim of the layout is to closely mimic the systematic method by which pathology slides are reported.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2021
  • Sara Edward MD
    Consultant Dermatopathologist St.James's Institute of Oncology St.James's University Hospital
    Anthony Yung MD
    Foreword vi
    ix 1.
    Structure of Skin and Regional Differences 12.
    The Cell Types and Other Structures 233.
    Techniques in Dermatology and Dermatopathology 364.
    Descriptive Terms in Dermatopathology 585.
    Histochemical Stains in Dermatopathology 786.
    Immunohistochemical Stains in Dermatopathology 867.
    Immunofluorescence Study in Dermatopathology 1118.
    Epidermis—Inflammatory and Neoplastic Diseases 1189.
    Dermis—Inflammatory and Neoplastic Diseases 21310.
    Adnexal Structures—Inflammatory and Neoplastic Diseases 25211.
    Subcutaneous Fat—Inflammatory and Neoplastic Diseases 30612.
    Infections and Infestations 32213.
    Diseases of Hair and Nail 34914.
    Cutaneous Infiltrates 38515.
    Soft Tissue Tumors of the Skin 417 Index
  • --Emphasis is on simplicity and high quality color illustrations (approximately 1,000) with succinct descriptive notes
    --Illustrates inflammatory patterns and subsequently specific dermatological conditions
    --Simplifies dermatopathology for beginners in the subject making it easier to learn
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Essential Dermatopathology

Essential Dermatopathology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975183493
USD $189.99 Quantity:
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