An indispensable reference for pathology residents, pathologists, and physicians specializing in OB/GYNIn covering the topic of gynecologic and obstetric pathology, ...
An indispensable reference for pathology residents, pathologists, and physicians specializing in OB/GYN In covering the topic of gynecologic and obstetric pathology, this book attempts to carve out its own niche midway between an atlas and a traditional textbook. The gross and microscopic images in this atlas are presented exclusively in color, and are supplemented by pertinent clinical information and discussions of differential diagnostic considerations. When deemed appropriate, images of immunohistochemical and special stains are included. To further enhance their visual appeal and the overall learning experience, many images in this book are presented with annotations and/or in composite form, and selected images have been enlarged. This image-intensive textbook also includes numerous Pap smear images and cytologic-histologic correlations. In addition to coverage of pathology of the organs of the female genital tract, brief overviews of the normal histology of these sites are provided as necessary background information. Separate chapters are also devoted to placental and peritoneal pathology. There is an emphasis on diagnostic-related issues pertaining to common lesions and their variants, although classic forms of rare lesions are also presented. In selected instances, recommendations on the processing of gross pathology specimens, discussions regarding the optimal approach for intraoperative consultations, and recommendations on the phrasing of key portions of pathology reports are provided. The 10 chapters of this book are organized by site, and the beginning of each chapter lists the entities discussed and their corresponding page numbers.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
10.875 x 8.375
Publication Date
January 5, 2021
Roger A. Reichert MD, PhD
Consultant in Gynecologic Pathology, Emeritus Chief of Pathology, St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Louis, MO.
1 Pathology of the Vulva 2 Pathology of the Vagina 3 Pathology of the Uterine Cervix with Pap Smear Correlation 4 Pathology of the Uterine Corpus 5 Pathology of the Fallopian Tube and Broad Ligament 6 Pathology of the Nonneoplastic Ovary and Maldeveloped Gonad 7 Pathology of Ovarian Tumors 8 Pathology of the Peritoneum and Extragenital Endometriosis 9 Pathology of the Placenta 10 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease APPENDIX 1: General Aspects of Processing and Reporting Surgical Pathology Specimens APPENDIX 2: Billing (CPT and ICD-9 Coding) of Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgical Pathology Specimens in the United States
--Chapters organized by site --Contains over 1600 four-color images and an accompanying solution site, featuring fully searchable text and an image bank --Gross and microscopic images presented in color, with pertinent clinical information and discussions of differential diagnostic considerations --Includes numerous Pap smear images and cytologic-histologic correlations --Separate chapters devoted to placental and peritoneal pathology --Takes an image-intensive approach allowing quick evaluation of vast majority of diseases encountered within this subspecialty
"...a superb and unique work that will have great appeal to diagnostic pathologists at every level of experience." "Beyond its value as a diagnostic aid, this book is written in a style that makes it a pleasure to read."
"... Dr. Reichert has produced a work that will become a classic and one most pathologists will find to be an essential and integral part of their practice of gynecologic and obstetric pathology." --Richard L. Kempson, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
"...A practical resource with high-quality images that is easier to read and quicker to use than other books in this area." --paraphrased from Sarah Thompson McHugh, M.D., Doody's Review Service
"Fantastic summary! An invaluable bench side manual with vibrant illustrations that is concise, current, and intensely readable." -- paraphrased from Drs. Pelvender Singh Gill and Runjan Chetty, University of Oxford, J Clin Pathol 2012;65:1056
"An outstandingly useful book with uniformly excellent images." --paraphrased from Dr. Frederick T. Kraus, Washington University School of Medicine, Human Pathology 2013; 44:2865-2866
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