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Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology
Up to date, easy to use, and rich with vibrant illustrations, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology, 3rd Edition, provides a highly visual presentation of essential cell and molecular biology with a focus on topics related to human health and disease. This engaging approach incorporates all of the most popular features of the bestselling Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series, including abundant full-color illustrations, chapter summaries, and review questions that link basic science to real-life clinical situations.
The updated, versatile 3rd Edition can be used for a standalone cell biology course in medical, health professions, or other graduate and upper-level undergraduate programs; as a review for course and board exams; or in conjunction with other Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews for a seamlessly integrated course.
UPDATED! Revised content throughout—including updated unit overviews and chapter summaries—helps students master the latest cell and molecular biology knowledge.
UPDATED! Clinical Application boxes reinforce key concepts and enrich students’ understanding and clinical application capability.
More than 250 full-color, annotated illustrations clarify complex processes and simplify study.
Online animations and interactive review questions strengthen comprehension and retention.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series
Publication Date
January 13, 2023
Nalini Chandar Ph.D.
Susan M. Viselli Ph.D.
Contents Acknowledgments…v UNIT I: Cell and Tissue Structure and Organization Chapter 1: Stem Cells and Their Differentiation…2 Chapter 2: Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion…11 Chapter 3: Biological Membranes…32 Chapter 4: Cytoskeleton…43 Chapter 5: Organelles…58 UNIT II: Organization of the Eukaryotic Genome and Gene Expression Chapter 6: The Eukaryotic Genome…70 Chapter 7: DNA Replication…81 Chapter 8: Transcription…95 Chapter 9: Translation…106 Chapter 10: Regulation of Gene Expression…121 Chapter 11: Protein Trafficking…132 Chapter 12: Protein Degradation…143 UNIT III: Membrane Transport Chapter 13: Basic Concepts of Transport…150 Chapter 14: Active Transport…159 Chapter 15: Glucose Transport…166 Chapter 16: Drug Transport…174 UNIT IV: Cell Signaling Chapter 17: G-Protein Signaling…180 Chapter 18: Catalytic Receptor Signaling…189 Chapter 19: Steroid Receptor Signaling…198 UNIT V: Regulation of Cell Growth and Cell Death Chapter 20: The Cell Cycle…208 Chapter 21: Regulation of the Cell Cycle…216 Chapter 22: Abnormal Cell Growth…225 Chapter 23: Cell Death…236 Chapter 24: Aging and Senescence…249 Key Terms…257 Index…265
UPDATED! Revised content throughout—including updated unit overviews and chapter summaries—helps students master the latest cell and molecular biology knowledge.
UPDATED! Clinical Application boxes reinforce key concepts and enrich students’ understanding and clinical application capability.
More than 250 full-color, annotated illustrations clarify complex processes and simplify study.
Online animations and interactive review questions strengthen comprehension and retention.
USD $65.99
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