Beckmann and Ling’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, 9th Edition, provides the foundational knowledge medical students need to complete an Ob/Gyn rotation, ...
Beckmann and Ling’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, 9th Edition, provides the foundational knowledge medical students need to complete an Ob/Gyn rotation, pass national standardized exams, and competently care for women in clinical practice. Highly respected for its authoritative expertise and preferred by students for its concise, consistent approach, the text is fully aligned with the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics' educational objectives, upon which most clerkship evaluations and final exams are based. The 9th Edition is updated throughout and enhanced with engaging new features that encourage reflection, strengthen retention, and deliver critical preparation for exams and clinical practice.
UPDATED! New and revised content throughout reflects the latest perspectives on lactation, hypertensive disorders, alloimmunization, postpartum infection, anxiety and depression, obstetrics procedures, family planning, and violence against women.
NEW! Case Vignettes provide critical practice applying knowledge for shelf exams and the USMLE.
NEW! Pause, Think, and Apply practice questions foster reflection and test students’ comprehension.
Concise, digestible chapters rich with helpful pedagogy and dynamic full-color imagery simplify key clinical concepts for easier understanding and retention.
Clinical “pearls” alert students to specific issues encountered in gynecologic and obstetric practice.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
May 22, 2023
Robert Casanova
Alice Goepfert M.D.
Nancy A. Hueppchen M.D.
AnnaMarie Connolly M.D.
UPDATED! New and revised content throughout reflects the latest perspectives on lactation, hypertensive disorders, alloimmunization, postpartum infection, anxiety and depression, obstetrics procedures, family planning, and violence against women.
NEW! Case Vignettes provide critical practice applying knowledge for shelf exams and the USMLE.
NEW! Pause, Think, and Apply practice questions foster reflection and test students’ comprehension.
Concise, digestible chapters rich with helpful pedagogy and dynamic full-color imagery simplify key clinical concepts for easier understanding and retention.
Clinical “pearls” alert students to specific issues encountered in gynecologic and obstetric practice.
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