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The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
August 18, 2022
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Focusing on the essential information you need to know for the most commonly encountered problems in outpatient internal medicine, this ...
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  • Focusing on the essential information you need to know for the most commonly encountered problems in outpatient internal medicine, this practical volume in the Washington Manual® series provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s advances in patient evaluation and management. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of everything from hypertension and diabetes to sleep disorders, nutrition, and care of the cancer patient—all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. Edited by Drs. Maureen D. Lyons, Peter J. McDonnell, and Jennifer M. Schmidt, The Washington Manual® of Outpatient Internal Medicine, 3rd Edition, is an excellent companion to the Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, which thoroughly covers inpatient care.

    • Covers common ambulatory/outpatient problems encountered in each medical subspecialty, all in the famous fast-access Washington Manual® outline format that includes easy-to-follow guidelines, diagrams, and algorithms.

    • Thoroughly revised from cover to cover, including new content on telehealth, the trauma-informed approach, immunization reaction and allergy, functional assessment and safe prescribing for pain, breast masses, sexually transmitted infections, and more.

    • Includes a new, full-color insert of dermatologic images to illustrate skin diagnoses and rashes.

    • Addresses all areas of medicine and core subspecialties, including neurology and toxicology.

    • Provides need-to-know diagnostic and therapeutic guidance from the outstanding house staff and faculty at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

    The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer Health under license from Washington University.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    August 18, 2022
  • Maureen Lyons
    Peter McDonnell
    Jennifer Schmidt
  • Contributors v
    Chair’s Note xi
    Preface xii
    Approach to the Ambulatory Patient 1
    Allison Junell and Jennifer M. Schmidt
    Care of the Surgical Patient 9
    Thomas M. De Fer
    Women’s Health 50
    Elise C. Bardawil, Whitney Trotter Ross, and Scott Biest
    Men’s Health 65
    Michael Y. Chen, Matthew Kresca, Vanessa-Giselle Peschard,
    and Jennifer M. Schmidt
    Screening and Adult Immunizations 74
    Kai Jones and Megan E. Wren
    Hypertension 115
    Thomas M. De Fer
    Ischemic Heart Disease 139
    Prashanth Thakker and Namrata Patel
    Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy 155
    Namrata Patel and Mustafa Husaini
    Valvular Heart Disease 176
    Christian McNeely and Alan Zajarias
    9Preet Ayoub Shaikh and Timothy W. Smith
    Dyslipidemia 219
    Katrina Han and Anne C. Goldberg
    Disorders of Hemostasis 235
    Ronald Jackups Jr. and Charles S. Eby
    Hematologic Diseases 256
    Morey A. Blinder
    Venous Thromboembolism and Anticoagulant
    Therapy 281
    Brian F. Gage, Kristen M. Sanfilippo, and Roger D. Yusen
    Common Pulmonary Complaints 298
    Adam L. Anderson, Peter G. Tuteur, and Adrian Shifren
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
    Asthma, and Cystic Fibrosis 314
    Huram Mok and James G. Krings
    Interstitial Lung Diseases and Pulmonary
    Hypertension 344
    Mary Clare McGregor, Adrian Shifren, and Murali M. Chakinala
    Sleep Disorders 362
    Nicholas Raush and Tonya Russell
    Pleural Effusion and Solitary Pulmonary
    Nodule 373
    Nathaniel Moulton and Alexander ChenDiabetes Mellitus 384
    Cynthia J. Herrick and Janet B. McGill
    Endocrine Diseases 407
    Kelley J. Williams and William E. Clutter
    Nutrition and Obesity 438
    Chelsea Pearson
    Laboratory Assessment of Kidney and Urinary
    Tract Disorders 462
    Seth Goldberg
    Acute Kidney Injury, Glomerulopathy, and
    Chronic Kidney Disease 470
    Seth Goldberg
    Hematuria and Nephrolithiasis 489
    Gonzalo Matzumura and Steven Cheng
    Infectious Diseases
    General Infectious Diseases 500
    Mary M. Scott and Stephen Y. Liang
    HIV Infection and Sexually Transmitted
    Infections 545
    Joseph Cherabie, Rachel Presti, and Hilary E. L. Reno
    Common Gastrointestinal Complaints 567
    Abdullah A. Al-Shahrani and Dayna S. Early
    28Garrett Greenan and C. Prakash Gyawali
    Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases 598
    Zain Raza, Koushik Das, and Scott McHenry
    Inflammatory Bowel Disease 619
    Dany Saturno and Parakkal Deepak
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome 629
    Megan E. White and Gregory S. Sayuk
    Rheumatologic Diseases 639
    Roseanne F. Zhao and Jonathan J. Miner
    Musculoskeletal Complaints 668
    Alan Stupnitsky, John Metzler, and Nathan Olafsen
    Care of the Cancer Patient 710
    Andrew Young and Olivia Aranha
    Palliative Care and Pain Management
    Palliative Care and Hospice Medicine 738
    Naureen Ali and Daniel Paget
    Pain Management 746
    Adewale Odukoya, Nusayba A. Bagegni, and Maria C. Dans
    Subspecialty Topics
    Geriatrics 756
    Timothy Holden, Lenise Cummings-Vaughn, and David B. CarrJennifer Monroy and Zhen Ren
    Otolaryngology 814
    Ricardo J. Ramirez, Sampat Sindhar, David S. Lee,
    and M. Allison Ogden
    Dermatology 842
    Alexandra W. Hickman and Milan J. Anadkat
    Psychiatric Disorders 889
    John Patrick B. Janowski and Jennifer M. Schmidt
    Neurologic Disorders 911
    Nigel A. Harrison, Lindsay M. Frerichs, and Scott A. Norris
    Ophthalmology 942
    Eric Sollenberger, Ian Pitha, Arsham Sheybani, and Linda Tsai
    Smoking Cessation 953
    Megan E. Wren
    Alcohol Use Disorder (Alcohol Abuse and
    Dependence) 967
    Angela H. Lin
    Index 975
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The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine

The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine

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