Applied Pathophysiology
A Conceptual Approach
Publication Date:
December 8, 2021
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Product Description
A Conceptual Approach
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
December 8, 2021
Table of contents
1 Introduction to P athophysiology 1 Introduction 1 Defi ning P athophysiology 2 Understanding P athophysiology 2 P athogenesis 2 Etiology 2 Clinical Manifestations 2 Diagnosis and Treatment 3 Applying P athophysiology 4 Individual Health 4 Population Health 5 Disease Prevention 5 Evidence-Based Practice 6 Functional Concepts of Altered Health 6 2 Altered Cells and T issues 9 Introduction 9 Module 1: Review of Cellular Structure and Function 10 Cellular Components 10 Plasma (Cell) Membrane 10 Cytoplasm and Organelles 11 Cytoskeleton 12 Cellular Function 12 Cellular Mechanisms of Transportation 12 P assive Transport 12 Active Transport 13 Ingestion 13 Secretion 14 Respiration 14 Communication 15 Reproduction 15 Module 2: Cellular Adaptation and Response to Stress 15 Atrophy 16 Hypertrophy 17 Hyperplasia 17 Metaplasia 17 Dysplasia 18 Module 3: Cellular Injury and Death 19 Mechanisms of Cell Death 19 Apoptosis 19 Necrosis 19 Causes of Cell Injury and Death 20 Module 4: Clinical Models 21 Cerebral Atrophy 21 P athophysiology 21 Clinical Manifestations 22 Diagnosis 22 Treatment 23 Cardiac Hypertrophy 23 P athophysiology 23 Clinical Manifestations 24 Diagnosis 24 Treatment 25 Acromegaly 25 P athophysiology 26 Clinical Manifestations 26 Diagnosis 28 Treatment 28 Cervical Metaplasia and Dysplasia 29 P athophysiology 29 Clinical Manifestations 29 Diagnosis 29 Screening T ests 29 Diagnostic T ests 32 Treatment 32 Environmental T oxin Injury and Cardiovascular Disease 32 P athophysiology 32 Clinical Manifestations 33 Diagnosis 33 Treatment 33 CONTENTS 3 Inflammation and Tissue Repair 36 Introduction 36 Review of Body Defense Mechanisms 37 Module 1: Acute Inflammation 38 Vascular Response 38 Inflammatory Mediators Within Cells 39 Inflammatory Mediators Within White Blood Cells 39 Inflammatory Mediators Within Platelets 40 Inflammatory Mediators Within Endothelial or Injured Tissue Cells 40 Inflammatory Mediators Within Plasma 40 Cellular Response 41 General Manifestations 42 Treatment 42 Resolution of Acute Inflammation 43 Module 2: Healing and Tissue Repair 44 Sealing the Wound 44 Clearing the Debris 44 Restoring Structural Integrity 45 Restoring Functional Integrity 46 Conditions That Promote Wound Healing 47 Healing by Intention 50 Complications of Healing and Tissue Repair 50 Module 3: Chronic Inflammation 51 Cells of Chronic Inflammation 51 Granuloma Formation 51 General Manifestations 51 Treatment 52 Module 4: Applied Pathophysiology Clinical Models 52 Sinusitis 52 Functions of the Sinuses 53 Acute Sinusitis 53 Pathophysiology 53 Clinical Manifestations 53 Diagnostic Criteria 54 Treatment 54 Chronic Sinusitis 54 Pathophysiology 54 Clinical Manifestations 55 Diagnostic Criteria 55 Treatment 55 Skin and Burn Injuries 55 Burns 55 Pathophysiology 55 Clinical Manifestations 58 Diagnostic Criteria 58 Treatment 58 Arthritis 59 Functions of Synovial Joints 59 Rheumatoid Arthritis 60 Pathophysiology 60 Clinical Manifestations 61 Diagnostic Criteria 61 Treatment 62 Gastritis 62 Functions of the Stomach 62 Acute Gastritis 62 Pathophysiology 63 Clinical Manifestations 63 Diagnostic Criteria 63 Treatment 63 Chronic Gastritis: Infection 63 Pathophysiology 63 Clinical Manifestations 64 Diagnostic Criteria 64 Treatment 64 Chronic Gastritis: Autoimmune 64 Pathophysiology 64 Clinical Manifestations 64 Diagnostic Criteria 64 Treatment 64 Pancreatitis 64 Functions of the Pancreas 64 Acute Pancreatitis 65 Pathophysiology 65 Clinical Manifestations 65 Diagnostic Criteria 65 Treatment 65 Chronic Pancreatitis 66 Pathophysiology 66 Clinical Manifestations 66 Diagnostic Criteria 66 Treatment 67 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 67 Functions of the Small Intestine 67 Crohn Disease 67 Pathophysiology 67 Clinical Manifestations 68 Diagnostic Criteria 68 Treatment 68Ulcerative Colitis 69 Pathophysiology 69 Clinical Manifestations 69 Diagnostic Criteria 70 Treatment 70 4 Altered Immunity 74 Introduction 74 Module 1: Review of Immune Function 75 Cellular Components of Immunity 76 Immune Cell Origin 76 Lymphoid Progenitor Cells 76 Myeloid Progenitor Cells 77 Lymphatics 78 Immune Processes 79 Innate Immunity 79 Adaptive Immunity 79 Humoral Immunity 80 Cell-Mediated Immunity 81 Module 2: Process of Altering Immune Function 83 Host Defense Failure 83 Hypersensitivity 84 Type I or Immediate Hypersensitivity Reaction 85 Type II Antibody-mediated Reactions 86 Type III Immune Complex–mediated Reaction 87 Type IV Cell-mediated Hypersensitivity Reaction 88 Autoimmunity 88 Alloimmunity 90 Graft Rejection 90 Graft Versus Host Disease 91 Module 3: Immune Response Manipulation 91 Treatment of Maladaptive Immune Responses 91 Immune Response in Disease Management 92 Immune Response in the Prevention of Disease 92 Module 4: Clinical Models 93 Immune Maladaptation: AIDS 93 Pathophysiology 93 Clinical Manifestations 93 Diagnostic Criteria 94 Treatment 95 Immune Maladaptation: Anaphylactic Pathophysiology 95 Clinical Manifestations 95 Diagnostic Criteria 97 Treatment 97 Immune Maladaptation: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 97 Pathophysiology 98 Clinical Manifestations 98 Diagnostic Criteria 98 Treatment 99 Immune Maladaptation: Rh Isoimmunization 99 Pathophysiology 99 Clinical Manifestations 100 Diagnostic Criteria 100 Treatment 101 5 Infection 105 Introduction 105 Module 1: Microbes 107 Pathogens 107 Types of Pathogens 108 Bacteria 108 Viruses 110 Rickettsiae, Mycoplasmas, and Chlamydiae 113 Fungi 114 Protozoa 115 Module 2: Communicable Disease 115 Reservoir 115 Portal of Exit 116 Mode of Transmission 116 Portal of Entry 117 Host Factors 117 Module 3: Acute Infection and Complications 117 Complications of Infection 118 Clinical Manifestations 119 Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 119 Treatment Modalities 119 Module 4: Clinical Models 120 Influenza 120 Pathophysiology 120 Clinical Manifestations 121 Diagnostic Criteria 121Hepatitis 121 The Function of the Liver 121 Viral Hepatitis 122 Pathophysiology 123 Clinical Manifestations 124 Diagnostic Criteria 124 Treatment 125 Tuberculosis 125 Pathophysiology 125 Clinical Manifestations 126 Diagnostic Criteria 127 Treatment 127 Urinary Tract Infection 127 Pathophysiology 127 Clinical Manifestations 128 Diagnostic Criteria 128 Treatment 128 Pyelonephritis 128 Function of the Kidneys 128 Acute Pyelonephritis 128 Pathophysiology 128 Clinical Manifestations 129 Diagnostic Criteria 129 Treatment 129 Meningitis 129 Function of the Meninges 129 Bacterial Meningitis 129 Pathophysiology 129 Clinical Manifestations 131 Diagnostic Criteria 131 Treatment 131 Tinea 132 Pathophysiology 132 Clinical Manifestations 132 Diagnostic Criteria 132 Treatment 132 Malaria 133 Pathophysiology 133 Clinical Manifestations 133 Diagnostic Criteria 133 Treatment 133 6 Genetic and Developmental Disorders 137 Introduction 137 Deoxyribonucleic Acid 139 Genes 139 Chromosomes 141 Chromosomal Replication 142 Module 2: Inheritance of Genetic Disorders 143 Transmission and Expression of Genetic Traits 143 Inheritance of Single Gene Disorders 144 Genetic Mutations 145 Autosomal Dominant Disorders 145 Autosomal Recessive Disorders 147 Sex-Linked Disorders 147 Mitochondrial Diseases 147 Inheritance of Polygenic Disorders 148 Inheritance of Chromosomal Alterations 149 Alterations in Chromosomal Number 149 Alterations in Chromosomal Structure 150 Epigenetic Inheritance 150 Module 3: Developmental Disorders 151 Congenital Disorders 151 Developmental Origins of Adult Disease 152 Module 4: Management of Genetic and Developmental Disorders 153 Screening and Diagnosis 153 Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis 153 Postnatal Screening and Diagnosis 154 Treatment Strategies 154 Module 5: Clinical Models 154 Autosomal Dominant Genetic Disorder: Huntington Disease 155 Pathophysiology 155 Clinical Manifestations 155 Diagnostic Criteria 156 Treatment 156 Autosomal Recessive Disorder: Sickle Cell Disease 156 Pathophysiology 156 Clinical Manifestations 157 Diagnostic Criteria 157 Treatment 158 Mitochondrial Disease 158 Pathophysiology 158 Clinical Manifestations 158 Diagnosis 159Alteration in Autosome Chromosome Number: Down Syndrome 159 Pathophysiology 159 Clinical Manifestations 160 Diagnostic Criteria 160 Treatment 161 Alteration in Sex Chromosome Number: Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome 161 Pathophysiology 161 Clinical Manifestations 161 Diagnostic Criteria 162 Treatment 162 Sex-Linked Genetic Disorder: Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) 163 Pathophysiology 163 Clinical Manifestations 164 Diagnostic Criteria 164 Treatment 164 Epigenetic Inheritance: Beckwith– Wiedemann Syndrome 164 Pathophysiology 164 Clinical Manifestations 165 Diagnostic Criteria 165 Treatment 165 Developmental Maladaptation: Neural Tube Defects 165 Pathophysiology 165 Clinical Manifestations 166 Diagnostic Testing 166 Treatment 166 7 Altered Cellular Proliferation and Differentiation 171 Introduction 171 Module 1: The Impact of Cancer on the Cell 172 Altered Cellular Proliferation and Differentiation 172 Carcinogenesis 173 Genetic Mutations 173 Oncogenes 174 Tumor Suppressor Genes 175 Role of Gene Variants and Epigenetics 175 Carcinogens 175 Radiation 176 Hormones 177 Chemicals 177 Tobacco 177 Microbes 177 Initiation–Promotion–Progression Theory 177 Module 2: The Impact of Cancer on Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems 178 Benign Versus Malignant 179 Cancer Spread 180 Cancer Nomenclature 181 Cancer Classifications 181 Cancer Prognosis 182 General Manifestations 182 Diagnostic Tests 184 Cancer Treatment 184 Cancer Prevention 184 Children and Cancer 186 Module 3: Clinical Models 186 Lung Cancer 186 Pathophysiology 186 Clinical Manifestations 187 Diagnostic Criteria 187 Treatment 187 Colon Cancer 187 Pathophysiology 188 Clinical Manifestations 189 Diagnostic Criteria 189 Treatment 189 Brain Cancer 190 Pathophysiology 190 Clinical Manifestations 191 Diagnostic Criteria 191 Treatment 191 Leukemia 191 Acute Leukemias 191 Pathophysiology 192 Clinical Manifestations 192 Diagnostic Criteria 192 Treatment 192 Chronic Lymphocytic and Myelogenous Leukemias 192 Pathophysiology 193 Clinical Manifestations 193 Diagnostic Criteria 193 Treatment 193 Lymphomas 193 Hodgkin Lymphoma 193Pathophysiology 194 Clinical Manifestations 194 Diagnostic Criteria 194 Treatment 194 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 195 Pathophysiology 195 Clinical Manifestations 195 Diagnostic Criteria 195 Treatment 195 8 Altered Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 199 Introduction 199 Module 1: Electrolyte Imbalance 200 Electrolyte Transport 200 Altered Electrolyte Balance 201 Altered Sodium Balance 201 Hyponatremia 201 Hypernatremia 201 Altered Potassium Balance 201 Hypokalemia 201 Hyperkalemia 201 Altered Chloride Balance 202 Hypochloremia 202 Hyperchloremia 202 Altered Calcium Balance 202 Hypocalcemia 202 Hypercalcemia 202 Altered Magnesium Balance 202 Hypomagnesemia 202 Hypermagnesemia 203 Altered Phosphate Balance 203 Hypophosphatemia 204 Hyperphosphatemia 204 Module 2: Fluid Imbalance 204 Fluid Balance 204 Fluid Transport 204 Fluid Regulation 205 Mechanisms to Promote Fluid Intake 207 Mechanisms to Promote Fluid Excretion 207 Tonicity 208 Altered Fluid Balance 209 Water Content 209 Hypovolemia 209 Hemorrhage 210 Dehydration 210 Hypervolemia 210 Edema 212 Module 3: Clinical Models 213 Altered Fluid Balance: Cirrhosis 213 Pathophysiology 213 Clinical Manifestations 213 Diagnostic Criteria 213 Treatment 214 Altered Sodium Balance: Dehydration 215 Pathophysiology 215 Clinical Manifestations 215 Diagnostic Criteria 216 Treatment 216 Altered Calcium Balance: Hypoparathyroidism 216 Pathophysiology 216 Clinical Manifestations 217 Diagnostic Criteria 217 Treatment 217 9 Altered Acid–Base Balance 220 Introduction 220 Module 1: Acid–Base Imbalance 221 Regulation of Acid and Base 221 Buffer Systems 222 Plasma Buffer Systems 222 Respiratory Buffer System 223 Renal Buffer System 223 Altered Acid–Base Balance 224 Metabolic Acidosis 224 Metabolic Alkalosis 224 Module 2: Clinical Models 225 Altered Acid–Base Balance: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)-Associated Acidosis 225 Pathophysiology 225 Clinical Manifestations 225 Diagnostic Criteria 226 Treatment 226 Altered Acid–Base Balance: Renal Tubulopathy 226 Pathophysiology 226 Clinical Manifestations 227 Diagnostic Criteria 227 Treatment 227 Altered Acid–Base Balance: Metabolic Pathophysiology 228 Clinical Manifestations 228 Diagnostic Criteria 228 Treatment 228 10 Altered Neural Function 231 Introduction 231 Module 1: Alterations in Nerve Impulse Conduction 232 Neurons 233 Supporting Cells 233 Neurotransmission 234 Communication Between Neurons 234 Processes of Neural Injury 236 Developmental Considerations 236 Module 2: Alterations in Central Nervous System Function 236 Central Nervous System Organization 237 Brain 237 Spinal Cord 238 Protective Structures of the CNS 240 Neurocirculatory System 240 Cerebrovascular Circulation 240 Blood–Brain Barrier 240 Cerebrospinal Fluid 240 CNS Cellular Injury 241 Mechanisms of Injury to the Cns 241 Traumatic CNS Injury 241 Ischemic CNS Injury 243 Excitation injury 243 CNS pressure injury 244 Module 3: Alterations in Peripheral Nervous System Function 246 Peripheral Nervous System Organization 246 Somatic Nervous System 247 Autonomic Nervous System 247 Sympathetic Nervous System 248 Parasympathetic Nervous System 249 Reflex Arcs 250 Peripheral Nervous System Cellular Injury 250 Mechanisms of Injury to the Peripheral Nervous System 250 Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Injury 250 Peripheral Nervous System Motor Dysfunction 251 Module 4: Clinical Models 252 Cerebral Palsy 252 Pathophysiology 253 Clinical Manifestations 253 Diagnostic Criteria 254 Treatment 255 Multiple Sclerosis 255 Pathophysiology 255 Clinical Manifestations 256 Diagnostic Criteria 256 Treatment 257 Hydrocephalus 257 Pathophysiology 257 Clinical Manifestations 258 Diagnostic Criteria 259 Treatment 259 Incomplete Spinal Cord Transection 259 Pathophysiology 259 Clinical Manifestations 259 Diagnostic Criteria 261 Treatment 261 Parkinson Disease 262 Pathophysiology 262 Clinical Manifestations 263 Diagnosis 263 Treatment 264 11 Altered Mood, Attention, and Behavior 268 Introduction 268 Module 1: Regulation of Mood, Attention, and Behavior 269 Regulation of Mood 269 Regulation of Attention 270 Behavior Regulation 272 Module 2: Alterations in Mood, Attention, and Behavior 272 Alterations in Brain Structure and Function 272 Recognizing Alterations in Mood, Attention, and Behavior 272 Treating Alterations in Mood, Attention, and Behavior 272 Module 3: Clinical Models 273Pathophysiology 275 Clinical Manifestations 275 Diagnostic Criteria 275 Treatment 275 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 275 Pathophysiology 275 Clinical Manifestations 276 Diagnostic Criteria 276 Treatment 277 Major Depressive Disorder 277 Pathophysiology 277 Clinical Manifestations 278 Diagnostic Criteria 279 Treatment 279 Bipolar Affective Disorder 279 Pathophysiology 279 Clinical Manifestations 280 Diagnostic Criteria 280 Treatment 280 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 280 Pathophysiology 280 Clinical Manifestations 281 Diagnostic Criteria 281 Treatment 281 Autism Spectrum Disorders 281 Pathophysiology 281 Clinical Manifestations 282 Diagnostic Criteria 283 Treatment 283 Schizophrenia 283 Pathophysiology 283 Clinical Manifestations 283 Diagnostic Criteria 284 Treatment 284 12 Altered Somatic and Special Sensory Function 288 Introduction 288 Module 1: Pain 289 Somatosensory System 289 Somatosensory Neuronal Organization 290 Somatosensory Neurotransmission 291 Dorsal Root Ganglia Fibers 291 Dermatome Innervation 291 Somatosensory Modalities 291 Stimulus Discrimination 291 Tactile Stimulation 292 Thermal Sensation 292 Position Sensation 292 Pain 292 Characterization of Pain 292 Conduction of Pain Sensation 292 Pattern Theory 293 Specificity Theory 293 Gate Control Theory 294 Intensity Theory 294 Neuromatrix Theory of Pain 294 Manifestations and Evaluation of Pain 295 Treatment of Pain 295 Module 2: Alterations in Vision 297 Visual Structures and Function 297 Control of Eye Movement 298 Protective Eye Structures 298 External Structures 298 Tears 299 Aqueous Humor 299 Alterations in Visual Function 300 Errors in Refraction 300 Alterations in Eye Movement 300 Alterations in Protective Eye Structures 301 Manifestations and Evaluation of Alterations in Vision 301 Treatment of Alterations in Vision 302 Module 3: Alterations in Hearing and Balance 302 Structural Components of the Ear 302 External Ear 302 Middle Ear 303 Internal Ear 304 Hearing Processes 304 Balance Processes 304 Alterations in Hearing and Balance 304 Disorders of the External Ear 305 Alteration in Middle Ear Function 305 Alteration in Internal Ear Function 305 Manifestations and Evaluation of Alterations in Hearing 306 Hearing Evaluation 306 Evaluation of the Middle Ear 306 Evaluation of the Internal Ear 306 Treatment of Alterations in Hearing 307Taste 307 Smell 307 Module 4: Clinical Models 308 Fibromyalgia 308 Pathophysiology 308 Clinical Manifestations 308 Diagnostic Criteria 309 Treatment 309 Migraine Headache 310 Pathophysiology 310 Clinical Manifestations 310 Diagnostic Criteria 310 Treatment 311 Otitis Media 311 Pathophysiology 311 Clinical Manifestations 311 Diagnostic Criteria 312 Treatment 312 Ménière Disease 312 Pathophysiology 312 Clinical Manifestations 313 Diagnostic Criteria 313 Treatment 313 Macular Degeneration 313 Pathophysiology 313 Clinical Manifestations 314 Diagnostic Criteria 314 Treatment 314 Glaucoma 314 Pathophysiology 315 Clinical Manifestations 315 Diagnostic Criteria 316 Treatment 316 Retinopathy of Prematurity 316 Pathophysiology 316 Clinical Manifestations 317 Diagnosis 317 Treatment 317 13 Altered Hormonal and Metabolic Regulation 321 Introduction 321 Module 1: Function and Regulation of Hormones 322 Integrating Endocrine, Neural, and Defense Mechanisms in the Body 322 The Hypothalamic–Pituitary Axis 324 Feedback Mechanisms 325 Hormone Secretion, Metabolism, and Elimination 327 Receptor Binding 327 Mediating Cell-to-Cell Communication 328 Module 2: The Stress Response 328 Neurologic Response to Stress 328 Hormonal Response to Stress 328 General Adaptation Syndrome 330 Module 3: Altered Hormone Function 331 Damage to the Hypothalamic–Pituitary Axis 331 Damage to Endocrine Glands 331 Damage to Cell Receptors 331 Damage to Feedback Mechanisms 332 Damage to Metabolism and Elimination Mechanisms 332 General Manifestations of Altered Hormone Function 332 Diagnosing and Treating Altered Hormone Function 332 Module 4: Clinical Models 333 Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion 333 Pathophysiology 334 Clinical Manifestations 334 Diagnostic Criteria 334 Treatment 334 Diabetes Insipidus 334 Pathophysiology 334 Clinical Manifestations 335 Diagnostic Criteria 335 Treatment 335 Hyperthyroidism 335 Pathophysiology 336 Clinical Manifestations 336 Diagnostic Criteria 336 Treatment 337 Hypothyroidism 337 Pathophysiology 337 Clinical Manifestations 337 Diagnostic Criteria 338 Treatment 338 Cushing Syndrome 338 Pathophysiology 339Diagnostic Criteria 340 Treatment 340 Addison Disease 340 Pathophysiology 340 Clinical Manifestations 340 Diagnostic Criteria 341 Treatment 341 14 Altered Reproductive Function 345 Introduction 345 Module 1: Regulation of Reproduction 346 Female Reproductive Hormone Function 346 Male Reproductive Hormone Function 350 Module 2: Altered Reproductive Function 352 General Manifestations of Altered Reproductive Function 352 Diagnosing and Treating Altered Reproductive Function 353 Module 3: Clinical Models 354 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 354 Pathophysiology 355 Clinical Manifestations 355 Diagnostic Criteria 355 Treatment 355 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 356 Pathophysiology 356 Clinical Manifestations 357 Diagnostic Criteria 357 Treatment 357 Ovarian Cancer 357 Pathophysiology 357 Clinical Manifestations 358 Diagnostic Criteria 359 Treatment 359 Menopause 359 Pathophysiology 359 Clinical Manifestations 359 Diagnostic Criteria 360 Treatment 360 Erectile Dysfunction 361 Pathophysiology 361 Clinical Manifestations 362 Diagnostic Criteria 362 Treatment 362 Pathophysiology 362 Clinical Manifestations 362 Diagnostic Criteria 363 Treatment 363 Prostate Cancer 363 Pathophysiology 363 Clinical Manifestations 364 Diagnostic Criteria 364 Treatment 366 Testicular Cancer 366 Pathophysiology 366 Clinical Manifestations 367 Diagnostic Criteria 367 Treatment 367 15 Altered Ventilation and Diffusion 371 Introduction 371 Module 1: Pulmonary Structure and Function 372 Ventilation 372 Inspiration 374 Expiration 374 Measurement of Ventilation 374 Diffusion 375 Partial Pressure 375 Oxygen Diffusion and Transport 375 Carbon Dioxide Diffusion and Transport 376 Diffusing Capacity 376 Module 2: Impaired Ventilation 377 Impaired Ventilation–Perfusion Matching 378 Impaired Diffusion 378 The Effects of Impaired Ventilation and Diffusion 379 Hypoxemia and Hypoxia 379 Hypercapnia 379 General Manifestations of Impaired Ventilation and Diffusion 380 Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 383 Treating Impaired Ventilation and Diffusion 383 Module 3: Clinical Models 384 Pneumonia 384 Pathophysiology 384 Clinical Manifestations 386 Diagnostic Criteria 386Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 387 Emphysema 387 Pathophysiology 387 Clinical Manifestations 388 Diagnostic Criteria 389 Treatment 389 Chronic Bronchitis 389 Pathophysiology 389 Clinical Manifestations 389 Diagnostic Criteria 390 Treatment 390 Asthma 390 Pathophysiology 391 Clinical Manifestations 391 Diagnostic Criteria 391 Treatment 393 Cystic Fibrosis 394 Pathophysiology 394 Clinical Manifestations 395 Diagnostic Criteria 395 Treatment 396 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 396 Pathophysiology 396 Clinical Manifestations 396 Diagnostic Criteria 396 Treatment 398 16 Altered Perfusion 402 Introduction 402 Module 1: Perfusion 403 From Ventilation to Perfusion 404 Circulation 404 Pulmonary Circulation 405 Systemic Circulation 405 Coronary Circulation 405 Movement of Blood Through the Circulation 405 Cardiac Cycle 406 Conduction of Impulses 408 Cardiac Output 409 Blood Pressure 409 Neural Control of Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Adaptation 410 Module 2: Altered Perfusion 412 Ventilation–Perfusion Mismatching 412 Impaired Circulation 412 Excessive Perfusion Demands 417 General Manifestations of Altered Perfusion 417 Diagnosing and Treating Altered Perfusion 417 Module 3: Clinical Models 418 Hypertension 419 Pathophysiology 419 Clinical Manifestations 420 Diagnostic Criteria 420 Treatment 420 Shock 421 Pathophysiology 421 Clinical Manifestations 422 Diagnostic Criteria 422 Treatment 423 Myocardial Infarction 423 Pathophysiology 423 Clinical Manifestations 425 Diagnostic Criteria 425 Treatment 425 Heart Failure 426 Pathophysiology 426 Left Heart Failure 426 Right Heart Failure 427 Clinical Manifestations 429 Diagnostic Criteria 430 Treatment 430 Stroke 430 Pathophysiology 430 Clinical Manifestations 431 Diagnostic Criteria 431 Treatment 431 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 431 Pathophysiology 432 Clinical Manifestations 432 Diagnostic Criteria 432 Treatment 432 17 Altered Nutrition 436 Introduction 436 Module 1: Nutrition 437 Water 437 Macronutrients: Proteins, Lipids, and Carbohydrates 438Nutritional Intake Requirements 443 Intake and Storage of Nutrients 443 Digestion 444 Absorption 448 Glucose and Fructose Absorption 448 Amino Acid and Small Peptide Absorption 449 Fatty Acid and Glycerol Absorption 449 Module 2: Altered Nutrition 450 Inherited Metabolic Disorders 450 Undernutrition 451 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies 451 Protein Energy Malnutrition 451 Overnutrition 454 Malabsorption 455 Food Allergy 455 General Manifestations of Altered Nutrition 456 Diagnostic Tests and Treatments Related to Altered Nutrition 456 Module 3: Clinical Models 456 Iron-Deficiency Anemia 456 Pathophysiology 457 Clinical Manifestations 457 Diagnostic Criteria 457 Treatment 458 Anorexia Nervosa 458 Pathophysiology 458 Clinical Manifestations 459 Diagnostic Criteria 459 Treatment 459 Celiac Disease (Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy) 460 Pathophysiology 460 Clinical Manifestations 460 Diagnostic Criteria 461 Treatment 461 Phenylketonuria 461 Pathophysiology 461 Clinical Manifestations 461 Diagnostic Criteria 461 Treatment 461 Obesity 462 Pathophysiology 462 Clinical Manifestations 463 Diagnostic Criteria 463 Treatment 463 18 Altered Elimination 468 Introduction 468 Module 1: Altered Urinary Elimination 469 Urine Production Process 469 Urine Production 469 Urine Removal 471 Urine Characteristics 472 Urine Analysis 473 Altered Urinary Elimination 474 Processes of Altered Urinary Elimination 474 Alteration in Urinary Motility 474 Alteration in Urinary Neuromuscular Function 474 Alteration in Urinary Perfusion 475 Alteration in Urinary Patency 475 General Manifestations of Altered Urinary Elimination 476 Diagnosis of Conditions of the Renal and Urinary Systems 476 Treatment of Altered Urinary Elimination 477 Module 2: Alteration in Stool Elimination 478 Processes of Stool Elimination 478 Stool Elimination Process 478 Stool Production 478 Stool Evacuation 479 Stool Characteristics 480 Stool Analysis 481 Altered Bowel Elimination 481 Processes of Altered Bowel Elimination 481 Alteration in Bowel Motility 481 Alteration in Bowel Neuromuscular Function 481 Alteration in Bowel Perfusion 482 Alteration in Bowel Patency 482 General Manifestations of Altered Bowel Elimination 483 Diagnosis of Bowel Conditions 484 Treatment of Altered Bowel Elimination 485 Module 3: Clinical Models 485 Urolithiasis 486 Pathophysiology 486 Clinical Manifestations 486 Diagnostic Criteria 486 Treatment 487Pathophysiology 488 Clinical Manifestations 488 Diagnostic Criteria 488 Treatment 489 Polycystic Kidney Disease 489 Pathophysiology 489 Diagnostic Criteria 490 Treatment 491 Diverticular Disease 492 Pathophysiology 492 Clinical Manifestations 494 Diagnostic Criteria 494 Treatment 494 Functional Fecal Incontinence 494 Pathophysiology 495 Clinical Manifestations 495 Diagnostic Criteria 495 Treatment 495 19 Degenerative Changes in Aging 499 Introduction 499 Module 1: Theories of Aging 500 Theories of Aging 500 Developmental Theories 500 Module 2: General Manifestations of Aging 501 Stochastic Theories 501 Cellular Changes in Aging 502 Aging and Appearance 502 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 502 Immune Response 503 Age-Related Proliferative Changes 503 Neurologic Function 503 Mobility 504 Perfusion and Ventilation 505 Metabolic Processes 505 Nutrition and Elimination 507 Module 3: Managing Degenerative Changes in Older People 507 Module 4: Clinical Models 508 Progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome) 508 Clinical Manifestations 508 Diagnosis 509 Treatment 509 Osteoporosis 509 Pathophysiology 509 Clinical Manifestations 510 Diagnosis 510 Treatment 511 Alzheimer Disease 511 Pathophysiology 511 Clinical Manifestations 513 Diagnosis 515 Treatment 515 20 Integrated Pathophysiologic Concepts 518 Introduction 518 Glucose, Insulin, Energy, and the Pancreas 519 Diabetes Mellitus 520 Insulin Deficit: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 520 Pathophysiology 520 Clinical Manifestations 521 Diagnostic Criteria 521 Treatment 521 Insulin Resistance and Reduction: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 523 Pathophysiology 524 Clinical Manifestations 524 Diagnostic Criteria 525 Treatment 525 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 526 Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus 526 Hypoglycemia 526 Diabetic Ketoacidosis 528 Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome 529 The Somogyi Effect and Dawn Phenomenon 529 Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus 529 Microvascular Complications 530 Macrovascular Complications 531 Neuropathies 531 Infection 531 Glossary 535
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Applied Pathophysiology
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