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Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing for Canadian Practice
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing for Canadian Practice, 5th Edition, presents a current, comprehensive, Canadian-focused approach to contemporary psychiatric and ...
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing for Canadian Practice, 5th Edition, presents a current, comprehensive, Canadian-focused approach to contemporary psychiatric and mental health nursing practice, providing baccalaureate nursing students with a generalist-level understanding of the key principles and skills essential to NCLEX® success and effective patient care. The text’s thorough coverage instills a strong understanding of the biopsychosocial, and spiritual foundations of psychiatric disorders, complemented by engaging learning features that challenge students to apply content throughout every chapter.
Students will gain a deeper understanding of the historical trauma of Indigenous peoples, and implications for nursing care. A new chapter, Identity, Inclusion, and Society, has been added to address the mental health impacts of social exclusion and to present some nursing measures for it.
This extensively revised and reorganized edition equips students for today’s evolving Canadian healthcare environment, reflecting the ongoing changes driven by the global COVID-19 pandemic and the growing adoption of telehealth and virtual therapy in the provision of psychiatric and mental health nursing care. Enhanced with new Thinking Challenges to encourage critical thinking in practice and a variety of online resources designed specifically for Canadian students to extend learning. This proven text helps students confidently meet the unique challenges of Canadian psychiatric and mental health nursing practice.
Canadian Edition, 5
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
September 1, 2022
Unit 1 Contemporary Canadian Mental Health Care Chapter 1 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: From Past to Present Chapter 2 Mental Health, Mental Disorders, Wellbeing, and Recovery Chapter 3 Identity, Inclusion, and Society Chapter 4 The Context of Mental Health Care: Cultural, Socioeconomic, and Geographic Chapter 5 The Continuum of Canadian Mental Health Care Unit 2 Foundations of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice Chapter 6 Contemporary Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice Chapter 7 Communication and the Therapeutic Relationship Chapter 8 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Practice Chapter 9 Theoretic Basis of Practice Chapter 10 Biologic Basis of Practice Unit 3 Interventions in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice Chapter 11 The Assessment Process Chapter 12 Care Planning and Implementation in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Chapter 13 Psychopharmacology and Other Biologic Treatments Chapter 14 Cognitive–Behavioural Interventions Chapter 15 Interventions With Groups Chapter 16 Family Assessment and Intervention Chapter 17 Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace Unit 4 Challenges to Mental Health Chapter 18 Stress, Trauma, Crisis, and Disasters Chapter 19 Anger, Aggression, and Violence Chapter 20 Self-Harmand Suicidal Behaviors Unit 5 Care and Recovery for Persons With a Psychiatric Disorder Chapter 21 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Chapter 22 Depressive, Bipolar, and Related Disorders Chapter 23 Anxiety, Obsessive–Compulsive, and Related Disorders Chapter 24 Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Chapter 25 Eating Disorders Chapter 26 Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Chapter 27 Personality Disorders and Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders Chapter 28 Sleep–Wake Disorders Unit 6 Mental Health Across the Lifespan Chapter 29 Mental Health Promotion and Assessment: Children and Adolescents Chapter 30 Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents Chapter 31 Mental Health of Older Adults: Promotion and Assessment Chapter 32 Neurocognitive Disorders: Delirium and Dementia Unit 7 Care of Persons With Additional Vulnerabilities Chapter 33 Care of Persons With Concurrent Substance-Related, Addictive, and Other Mental Disorders Chapter 34 Care of Persons With Experiences of Abuse Chapter 35 Care of Persons Under Forensic Purview Appendix A Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Appendix B Simpson-Angus Rating Scale Appendix C Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) Appendix D Simplified Diagnoses for Tardive Dyskinesia (SD-TD) Appendix E Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression Glossary Index
NEW! Thinking Challenges at the end of each chapter encourage students to reflect on and think critically about chapter concepts.
Research for Best Practice boxes enrich students’ understanding of research-informed practices specific to Canadian healthcare.
In-a-Life features emphasize the real-life implications of chapter topics.
Therapeutic Dialogue boxes reinforce distinctions between therapeutic and nontherapeutic communication with relevant examples of both.
Drug Profile boxes familiarize students with specific psychotropic medications commonly prescribed in the treatment of mental disorders.
Psychoeducation Checklists strengthen students’ patient and family education capabilities.
Learning Objectives and Key Concepts keep students focused for efficient study.
Key Terms clarify new or challenging terminology.
Summary of Key Points features recap essential chapter takeaways at a glance.
Web Links provide instant access to key documents, professional practice organizations, and national and international institutions and groups.
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing for Canadian Practice
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975179045
USD $130.99 Quantity:
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