With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery, Operative Techniques in Breast, Endocrine, and Oncologic Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Michael S. Sabel, focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.
Provides comprehensive, step-by-step guidance on breast surgery and reconstruction; cutaneous oncology; and endocrine surgery
Covers open as well as laparoscopic, endoscopic, robotic, and video-assisted procedures in breast, endocrine, and oncologic surgery
Features 14 new videos, personally selected by contributing authors and editors, on topics such as magnetic seed localized breast biopsy, lumpectomy for breast cancer, cryoblation of breast cancer, simple mastectomy, direct-to-implant breast reconstruction, excisional and incisional biopsies of skin and soft tissue lesions, and much more!
Contains extensive updates throughout, including new coverage of the American Board of Surgery’s SCORE Curricula for General Surgery and for Complex General Surgical Oncology
Follows the same format for each procedure: differential diagnosis, patient history and physical findings, imaging and other diagnostic studies, surgical management, techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Publication Date
June 5, 2023
Michael Sabel
Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology
Associate Professor of Surgery
University of Michigan Health System
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Contributing Authors v Series Preface xi Preface xiii Video Contents List xix Section i Breast Surgery 1 Breast Cyst Aspiration 1 Rachel Louise McCaffrey 2 Fine Needle Aspiration of a Breast Mass 7 Judy C. Pang and Claire W. Michael 3 Percutaneous Breast Core Needle Biopsy 14 Rachel Louise McCaffrey 4 Wire- Localized Breast Biopsy 21 Michael S. Sabel 5 Subareolar Duct Excision 29 Anneke T. Schroen and Amy C. Degnim 6 Reflector Localized Breast Biopsy 37 Folasade Imeokparia 7 Magnetic Seed Localized Breast Biopsy 45 Michael S. Sabel 8 Cryoablation of Breast Fibroadenomas 51 Cary S. Kaufman 9 Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer 60 Michael S. Sabel 10 Parallelogram Mastopexy Lumpectomy 69 Cary S. Kaufman 11 Batwing Mastopexy Lumpectomy 73 Joshua Alex Bloom, Isaac Gendelman, and Abhishek Chatterjee 12 Donut Mastopexy Lumpectomy 77 Dennis Ricky Holmes and Michael S. Sabel 13 Reduction Mammoplasty Lumpectomy 84 Janie G. Grumley 14 Techniques for Correcting Lumpectomy Defects 92 Jessica Jen- Tau Hsu and Paige L. Myers 15 Cryoablation of Breast Cancer 102 Michael S. Sabel 16 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer 107 Anees B. Chagpar 17 Sentinel Lymph Node Surgery With Resection of the Index Biopsy- Proven Positive Node (Targeted Axillary Dissection) 111 Robert M. Pride and Judy C. Boughey 18 Simple Mastectomy 119 Michael S. Sabel and Lisa A. Newman 19 Skin- Sparing and Nipple/Ar eolar - Sparing Mastectomy 129 Eleni Anastasia Tousimis 20 Modified Radical Mastectomy 138 Tiffany A. Torstenson and Judy C. Boughey Section ii Breast Reconstruction 21 Dir ect- to- Implant Br east Reconstruction 148 Amy S. Colwell and Roberto D. Lorenzi Mendez 22 Two- Stage Implant Breast Reconstruction 154 Eric G. Halvorson 23 Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy 168 Nishant Ganesh Kumar and Adeyiza O. Momoh 24 Pedicled Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap Breast Reconstruction 178 Shoshana Woo Ambani and Erika King Contentsxvi ContEntS 25 Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy 186 Theodore A. Kung and Adeyiza O. Momoh 26 Nipple- Areolar Complex Reconstruction 196 Haripriya S. Ayyala, Anita R. Kulkarni, and Evan Matros Section iii Cutaneous Oncology 27 Excisional and Incisional Biopsies of Skin and Soft Tissue Lesions 202 Cindy Eliana Parra and Alison B. Durham 28 Wide Excision of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma 211 Roi Weiser, Russell S. Berman, and Jeffrey E. Gershenwald 29 Advancement and Rotational Flaps 223 Jeffrey H. Kozlow 30 Skin Grafts 233 David L. Brown and Paige L. Myers 31 Digit Amputations 239 Steven C. Haase 32 Resection of Head and Neck Melanoma 246 Scott A. McLean 33 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Melanoma 257 Merrick I. Ross 34 Axillary Lymph Node Dissection for Melanoma 274 Michael S. Sabel 35 Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection (Inguinofemoral and Ilioinguinal) for Metastatic Melanoma 285 Amod A. Sarnaik and Vernon K. Sondak 36 Minimally Invasive Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection for Melanoma 295 James W. Jakub 37 Selective Neck Dissection for Melanoma 306 Vasu Divi 38 Popliteal Dissection 314 Michael E. Egger and Kelly M. McMasters 39 Robotic Pelvic Node Dissection 321 Jeffrey S. Montgomery and Michael S. Sabel 40 Epitrochlear Lymph Node Dissection 328 Adil Ayub and Douglas Tyler 41 Intralesional Injection of Melanoma In- Transit Metastases 332 Danielle K. DePalo, Kelly M. Elleson, Michael J. Carr, and Jonathan S. Zager 42 Isolated Limb Infusion 338 Betzaira Getzemani Childers, Jeffrey J. Sussman, and Joseph S. Giglia 43 Isolated Limb Perfusion 344 Omgo E. Nieweg, Oscar V. Imhof, Hidde M. Kroon, and Bin B. R. Kroon 44 Principles of Extremity/Trunk Sarcoma Resection 353 Paul J. Gagnet, Janet Sybil Biermann, and Geoffrey W. Siegel 45 Principles of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Resection 359 Kerry M. Madison and Christina V. Angeles Section iV Endocrine 46 Thyroidectomy 366 Hunter J. Underwood and David T. Hughes 47 Thyroidectomy for Substernal Goiters 376 Andrew G. Shuman and Ashok R. Shaha 48 Subtotal Thyroidectomy for Graves Disease 382 Edwin L. Kaplan and Raymon H. Grogan 49 Minimally Invasive Video- Assisted Thyroidectomy 390 Paolo Miccoli and Gabriele Materazzi 50 Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy and Parathyroidectomy 398 Robin M. Cisco and Dana T. Lin 51 Lymph Node Dissection in Thyroid Cancer 404 Gerard M. Doherty 52 Open Neck Exploration for Primary Hyperparathyroidism 410 Christopher R. McHenry 53 Subtotal Parathyroidectomy or Total With Autologous Graft 421 Rolfy A. Perez Holguin and Brian D. Saunders 54 Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy 433 Peter Angelos and Raymon H. Grogan 55 Endoscopic Parathyroidectomy by Lateral Approach 438 Nunzia Cinzia Paladino, Frédéric Sebag, and Henry Jean François 56 Reoperative Parathyroidectomy 449 Barnard J. A. Palmer and William B. Inabnet III 57 Adrenalectomy: Open Anterior 457 D. Brock Hewitt and Barbra S. Miller 58 Adrenalectomy: Open Thoracoabdominal 467 Barbra S. Miller ContEntS xvii 59 Adrenalectomy: Open Posterior 475 Barbra S. Miller 60 Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Adrenalectomy 481 Eric James Kuo, Michael Gwynne Johnston, and James A. Lee 61 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy—Lateral Approach 487 Anna Kundel and Geoffrey B. Thompson 62 Insulinomas 494 Douglas L. Fraker 63 Surgery for Glucagonoma 503 Richard A. Prinz, Mark S. Talamonti, Melissa E. Hogg, Charles C. Vining, and Erin C. MacKinney Index I-1
Provides comprehensive, step-by-step guidance on breast surgery and reconstruction; cutaneous oncology; and endocrine surgery
Covers open as well as laparoscopic, endoscopic, robotic, and video-assisted procedures in breast, endocrine, and oncologic surgery
Features new videos, personally selected by contributing authors and editors, that accompany numerous chapters throughout the book
Contains extensive updates throughout, including new coverage of the American Board of Surgery’s SCORE Curricula for General Surgery and for Complex General Surgical Oncology
Follows the same format for each procedure: differential diagnosis, patient history and physical findings, imaging and other diagnostic studies, surgical management, techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Operative Techniques in Breast, Endocrine, and Oncologic Surgery: Print + eBook with Multimedia
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975176495
USD $289.99 Quantity:
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