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Operative Techniques in Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
September 2, 2021
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    September 2, 2021
  • John M Flynn MD
  • vii
    14. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Radial Head and
    Neck Fractures 127
    Rajesh Rangarajan and John M. Itamura
    15. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Pediatric T-Condylar
    Fractures 138
    Keith D. Baldwin and Todd J. Blumberg
    16. Supracondylar Humeral Osteotomy for
    Correction of Cubitus Varus 147
    Tyler J. Stavinoha and Steven L. Frick
    17. Humeral Shaft Fracture Stabilization with Elastic Nails 155
    J. Eric Gordon
    18. Plate Fixation of Humeral Shaft Fractures 163
    Eric M. Black, Matthew J. Garberina, and Charles L. Getz
    19. Pediatric Proximal Humerus Fractures 172
    Craig P. Eberson and Aristides I. Cruz, Jr.
    20. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of
    Proximal Humerus Fractures 179
    Steven F. DeFroda and E. Scott Paxton
    21. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of
    Clavicular Fractures 191
    J. Todd R. Lawrence and Benton E. Heyworth
    22. Sternoclavicular Fracture Injury 197
    R. Jay Lee and David A. Spiegel
    23. Surgical Decompression of the Forearm, Hand, and Digits
    for Compartment Syndrome 204
    Dipak B. Ramkumar, Niveditta Ramkumar, Marci D. Jones, and
    Lance G. Warhold
    24. External Fixation and “In? x” of the Pelvis 213
    Robert D. Wojahn, Stephen A. Kottmeier, and Reza Firoozabadi
    25. Pediatric Hip Fractures 229
    Ernest L. Sink and Jeffrey B. Peck
    26. Closed Reduction and Spica Casting of
    Femur Fractures 237
    Alexa J. Karkenny and John M. Flynn
    27. Closed Reduction and External Fixation of
    Femoral Shaft Fractures 243
    Brian R. Piazza and John M. Flynn
    28. Flexible Intramedullary Nailing of
    Femoral Shaft Fractures 250
    Christine M. Goodbody and John M. Flynn
    Preface xix
    Preface to the Second Edition xxi
    Preface to the First Edition xxiii
    SECTION I Trauma
    1. Percutaneous Treatment of Scaphoid Fractures 1
    Seth D. Dodds and Kirsten A. Sumner
    2. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Scaphoid Fractures
    and Nonunions 10
    Kevin Chan, Peter J.L. Jebson, and Levi L. Hinkelman
    3. K-wire Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures with and without
    External Fixation 21
    Christopher Doumas, David Lee, and David J. Bozentka
    4. Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fractures 31
    John J. Fernandez and David J. Wilson
    5. Intramedullary Fixation of Forearm Shaft Fractures 43
    Charles T. Mehlman
    6. Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Radius and Ulna Shaft
    Fractures (Volar and Dorsal Approaches) 55
    Joseph T. Labrum IV and Mihir J. Desai
    7. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Displaced Lateral
    Condyle Fractures of the Humerus 64
    Kristan A. Pierz and Brian G. Smith
    8. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Fractures of the
    Medial Epicondyle 74
    Brian G. Smith and Kristan A. Pierz
    9. Open Reduction of Supracondylar Fractures
    of the Humerus 79
    Margaret L. Wright and John M. Flynn
    10. Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of
    Supracondylar Fractures of the Humerus 83
    Kenneth D. Illingworth and David L. Skaggs
    11. Acute Monteggia Injuries 93
    Laura Lewallen and Christine Ho
    12. Reconstruction for Missed Monteggia Lesion 102
    Apurva S. Shah and Peter M. Waters
    13. Closed, Percutaneous, Intramedullary, and Open Reduction
    of Radial Neck Fractures 114
    Roger Cornwallviii
    29. Submuscular Plating of Pediatric Femur Fractures 255
    Ernest L. Sink and Jeffrey B. Peck
    30. Trochanteric Entry Nailing for Pediatric Femoral Shaft
    Fractures 261
    J. Eric Gordon
    31. Distal Femoral Physeal Fractures 272
    Arianna Trionfo and Martin J. Herman
    32. Pediatric Tibial Fractures 282
    Colyn J. Watkins and Benjamin J. Shore
    33. External Fixation of the Mature Tibia 290
    Midhat Patel and J. Tracy Watson
    34. Intramedullary Nailing of the Mature Tibia 309
    Daniel S. Horwitz and Erik Noble Kubiak
    35. Intramedullary Nailing of the Metaphyseal Proximal and
    Distal Fractures of the Mature Tibia 327
    Robert Ostrum and Michael Quackenbush
    36. Tibial Tuberosity Fractures 337
    Brendon C. Mitchell and Eric W. Edmonds
    37. Pediatric Ankle Fractures 344
    Kathleen D. Rickert and Andrew T. Pennock
    38. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Medial and
    Lateral Malleoli 358
    Christopher Del Balso and David W. Sanders
    39. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Pilon 368
    Hans P. Van Lancker
    40. Surgical Management of Posterior
    Malleolus Fractures 389
    Malcolm R. DeBaun, L. Henry Goodnough, Sean T. Campbell,
    Thomas Githens, and Michael J. Gardner
    41. Open and Fluoroscopic Reduction of the
    Syndesmosis 398
    Elizabeth A. Martin and Paul Tornetta III
    42. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Talus 407
    Heather A. Vallier
    43. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of
    Lisfranc Injury 425
    Michael P. Clare and Roy W. Sanders
    44. Fasciotomy of the Leg for Acute
    Compartment Syndrome 435
    George Partal, Andrew Furey, and Robert V. O’Toole
    SECTION II Arthroscopic and Sports Medicine
    45. Elbow Arthroscopy for Panner Disease and
    Osteochondritis Dissecans 448
    Theodore J. Ganley, Tomasina M. Leska, R. Jay Lee, and
    Margaret L. Wright
    46. Acute Patellar and Chronic Patellar Instability 455
    Eric J. Wall, Jay C. Albright, and Alexia G. Gagliardi
    47. Arthroscopy-Assisted Management or Open Reduction and
    Internal Fixation of Tibial Spine Fractures 467
    Nishank Mehta, Itai Gans, and Theodore J. Ganley
    48. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in the Skeletally
    Immature Patient 476
    J. Todd R. Lawrence, R. Jay Lee, and Mininder S. Kocher
    49. Arthroscopic Drilling and Fixation of
    Osteochondritis Dissecans 493
    Theodore J. Ganley, Kevin G. Shea, and Nathan L. Grimm
    50. Meniscoplasty for Discoid Lateral Meniscus 502
    Jay C. Albright
    51. Management of Osteochondritis Dissecans and Large
    Osteochondral Defects of the Knee 506
    Nathan L. Grimm, Kevin G. Shea, and John D. Polousky
    52. Shoulder Arthroscopy for Instability 515
    Nirav K. Pandya and Jennifer Weiss
    53. Meniscus Repair Techniques, Including
    Bucket-Handle Tears 526
    Matthew D. Milewski, Ryan P. Coene, and Philip L. Wilson
    54. Hip Arthroscopy for Cam Femoroacetabular
    Impingement 536
    Yi-Meng Yen
    55. Arthroscopy of the Ankle 544
    Jorge I. Acevedo and Peter Mangone
    56. Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome 551
    Jonathan A. Godin, L. Scott Levin, Bradley L. Young, and
    Claude T. Moorman III
    SECTION III Reconstruction
    57. Femoral Rotational Osteotomy
    (Proximal, Midshaft, and Distal) 561
    Robert M. Kay and Oussama Abousamra
    58. Proximal Femoral Varus Osteotomy Using a
    90-Degree Blade Plate 579
    Tom F. Novacheck and Andrew G. Georgiadis
    59. Treatment of Congenital Femoral De? ciency 585
    Dror Paley and Claire Shannon
    60. Surgical Repair of Irreducible Congenital
    Dislocation of the Knee 615
    Matthew B. Dobbs and Evelyn E. Kuong
    61. Surgical Management of Blount Disease 621
    Philip K. McClure and John E. Herzenberg
    62. Percutaneous Distal Femoral or Proximal Tibial
    Epiphysiodesis for Leg Length Discrepancy 629
    Emily R. Dodwell, Christine M. Goodbody, and Roger F. Widmann
    63. Excision of Physeal Bar 637
    Anthony A. Stans
    64. Repair of Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Tibia with the
    Williams Rod 646
    Perry L. Schoenecker and J. Eric Gordonix
    65. Limb Lengthening Using the Ilizarov Method or a
    Monoplanar Fixator 660
    Emily R. Dodwell, Christine M. Goodbody, Arkady Blyakher, and
    Roger F. Widmann
    66. Lengthening with an Intramedullary Device 673
    Christopher Iobst
    67. Guided Growth to Correct Limb Deformity 684
    Ryan D. Muchow and Kenneth J. Noonan
    68. Distal Tibial Osteotomy 694
    J. Eric Gordon
    69. Multiple Percutaneous Osteotomies and Fassier-Duval
    Telescoping Nailing of Long Bones in Osteogenesis
    Imperfecta 703
    Paul W. Esposito, Maegen Wallace, and François Fassier
    70. Syme and Boyd Amputations for Fibular De? ciency 717
    Anthony Scaduto and Robert M. Bernstein
    71. Below-Knee Amputation 726
    Israel Dudkiewicz and Jacob Bickels
    72. Above-Knee (Transfemoral) Amputation 732
    Israel Dudkiewicz and Jacob Bickels
    SECTION IV Neuromuscular Correction
    73. Adductor and Iliopsoas Release 738
    Tom F. Novacheck and Andrew G. Georgiadis
    74. Rectus Femoris Lengthening or Transfer 745
    Jon R. Davids
    75. Proximal Hamstring and Adductor Lengthening 752
    Freeman Miller, Kirk W. Dabney, and Julieanne P. Sees
    76. Distal Hamstring Lengthening 756
    Jon R. Davids
    77. Lengthening of Gastrocnemius Fascia 765
    James J. McCarthy and David A. Spiegel
    78. Distal Femoral Extension Osteotomy and Patellar
    Advancement for Crouch Gait 773
    Tom F. Novacheck and Andrew G. Georgiadis
    SECTION V Cyst
    79. Operative Management of Unicameral Bone Cyst,
    Aneurysmal Bone Cyst, and Nonossifying Fibroma 779
    Amirhossein Misaghi and Alexandre Arkader
    SECTION VI Upper Extremity
    80. Release of Simple Syndactyly 787
    Andrea S. Bauer and Donald S. Bae
    81. Pre- and Postaxial Polydactyly 795
    Robert Carrigan
    82. Amniotic Band Syndrome 800
    Joshua M. Abzug, Casey M. Codd, and Scott H. Kozin
    83. Clinodactyly 807
    Robert Carrigan
    84. Correction of Thumb-in-Palm Deformity in
    Cerebral Palsy 810
    M. Claire Manske and Michelle A. James
    85. Release of the A1 Pulley to Correct Pediatric
    Trigger Thumb 819
    Roger Cornwall
    86. Transfer of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris for
    Wrist Flexion Deformity 825
    Ann E. Van Heest
    87. Radial Dysplasia Reconstruction: Bilobed Flap with Soft
    Tissue Rebalancing 830
    Carley Vuillermin, Marybeth Ezaki, and Scott N. Oishi
    88. Forearm Osteotomy for Multiple Hereditary Exostoses 837
    Felicity Fishman and Terry Light
    89. Modi? ed Woodward Reconstruction of
    Sprengel Deformity 847
    Carley Vuillermin and Apurva S. Shah
    90. Release of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle 853
    B. David Horn
    91. Posterior Cervical Arthrodeses: Occiput–C2 and
    C1–C2 860
    Jaime A. Gomez, Daniel J. Hedequist, and Michael Glotzbecker
    92. Posterior Cervical Fusion with Lateral Mass Screws 874
    Jonathan H. Phillips and Lindsay Crawford
    93. Posterior Exposure of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 880
    Nicholas Fletcher and A. Noelle Larson
    94. Posterior Spinal Fusion for Idiopathic Scoliosis 889
    Peter O. Newton and Vidyadhar V. Upasani
    95. Posterior Osteotomies of the Spine 897
    Arun R. Hariharan and Suken A. Shah
    96. Vertebral Column Resection for Severe Rigid Spinal
    Deformity through an All Posterior Approach 909
    Michael P. Kelly, Lukas P. Zebala, and Lawrence G. Lenke
    97. Kyphectomy in Spina Bi? da 921
    Richard E. McCarthy
    98. Anterior Lumbar Approach 929
    James W. Klunk, Brad W. Moatz, and P. Justin Tortolani
    99. Anterior Interbody Arthrodesis with Instrumentation
    for Scoliosis 937
    Daniel J. Sucato
    100. Thoracoscopic Release and Fusion for Scoliosis 949
    Daniel J. Sucato and Matthew D. Abbott
    101. Deformity Correction in Neuromuscular Scoliosis 956
    Jason B. Anari and Keith D. Baldwin
    102. Pelvic Fixation for Neuromuscular Scoliosis 967
    Graham J. Beutler and Paul D. Sponsellerx
    103. Casting for Early-Onset Scoliosis 978
    James O. Sanders
    104. Growing Rod Instrumentation for Early-Onset
    Scoliosis 985
    Matthew R. Landrum and John M. Flynn
    105. Hemivertebra Excision 994
    Daniel J. Hedequist and Michael Glotzbecker
    106. Decompression, Posterolateral, and Interbody Fusion for
    High-Grade Spondylolisthesis 1002
    Chelsea Hendow and Patrick J. Cahill
    107. Rib to Pelvis Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib
    Insertion to Manage Neuromuscular Scoliosis 1013
    Ishaan Swarup, Michael Eby, and Patrick J. Cahill
    108. Opening Wedge Thoracoplasty and Vertical Expandable
    Prosthetic Titanium Rib Insertion for Congenital Scoliosis
    and Fused Ribs 1020
    Patrick J. Cahill and Michael S. Hughes
    109. Reduction Techniques for Cervical Fractures and
    Dislocations 1029
    Adam M. Pearson, Keith W. Lyons, and Alexander R. Vaccaro
    110. Lumbar Discectomy 1045
    Bradley K. Weiner and Rachel Bratescu
    111. Closed Reduction for Developmental Dysplasia
    of the Hip 1053
    Wudbhav N. Sankar and Lacey C. Magee
    112. Anterior Approach for Open Reduction of the
    Developmentally Dislocated Hip 1066
    Eduardo Novais and Pedro Justo
    113. Medial Approach for Open Reduction of a Developmentally
    Dislocated Hip 1078
    Jeffrey E. Martus and Lori A. Karol
    114. Anterior Drainage of the Septic Hip in Children 1086
    Richard M. Schwend
    115. Innominate Osteotomy of Salter 1096
    Simon P. Kelley and Pablo Castaneda
    116. Pericapsular Osteotomies of Pemberton and Dega 1102
    Ozgur Dede, Tim Schrader, and W. Timothy Ward
    117. Labral Support (Shelf) Procedure for Perthes Disease 1114
    J. Richard Bowen and Mihir M. Thacker
    118. Triple Innominate Osteotomy 1125
    Vidyadhar V. Upasani and Dennis R. Wenger
    119. Chiari Medial Displacement Osteotomy of the Pelvis 1136
    Travis H. Matheney and Brian Snyder
    120. Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy 1143
    Travis H. Matheney and Michael B. Millis
    121. Surgical Dislocation of the Hip 1159
    Young-Jo Kim
    122. Valgus Osteotomy of Proximal Femur 1167
    Wudbhav N. Sankar and Ira Zaltz
    123. Percutaneous Cannulated Screw Fixation of the Slipped
    Capital Femoral Epiphysis 1175
    Tim Schrader and Jonathan Schoenecker
    124. Flexion Intertrochanteric Osteotomy for Severe Slipped
    Capital Femoral Epiphysis 1184
    Young-Jo Kim
    125. Modi? ed Dunn Procedure for Slipped Capital
    Femoral Epiphysis 1190
    Wudbhav N. Sankar
    126. Treatment of Anterior Femoroacetabular Impingement
    through the Mini-Open Anterior Approach 1199
    Steven Yacovelli, Diana Bitar, and Javad Parvizi
    SECTION IX Foot and Ankle
    127. Triple Arthrodesis 1219
    R. Justin Mistovich, David A. Spiegel, and James J. McCarthy
    128. Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy for the Treatment of
    Hindfoot Valgus Deformity 1227
    Vincent S. Mosca
    129. Open Lengthening of the Achilles Tendon 1239
    Anna D. Vergun, Craig R. Louer, Jr., and Richard E. Bowen
    130. Split Posterior Tibial Tendon Transfer 1246
    David A. Spiegel and James J. McCarthy
    131. Surgical Correction of Juvenile Bunion 1253
    B. David Horn
    132. Butler Procedure for Overlapping Fifth Toe 1257
    B. David Horn
    133. Surgical Treatment of Cavus Foot 1259
    Richard M. Schwend and Brad Olney
    134. Resection of Calcaneonavicular Coalition 1271
    Christine M. Goodbody and David M. Scher
    135. Excision of Talocalcaneal Coalition 1277
    Christine M. Goodbody and David M. Scher
    136. Ponseti Casting 1283
    Kenneth J. Noonan
    137. Posteromedial and Posterolateral Release for the Treatment
    of Resistant Clubfoot 1296
    Richard S. Davidson
    138. Anterior Tibialis Transfer for Residual
    Clubfoot Deformity 1305
    Kenneth J. Noonan
    139. Treatment of Vertical Talus 1315
    Matthew B. Dobbs and Evelyn E. Kuong
    140. Open Achilles Tendon Repair 1321
    Sameh A. Labib and Rishin J. Kadakia
    Index I-1
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Operative Techniques in Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery

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