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Simulation in Nursing Education

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
August 27, 2020
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Simulation represents an increasingly effective strategy for addressing the growing lack of clinical placements for today’s nursing students, offering evidence-based, ...
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  • Simulation represents an increasingly effective strategy for addressing the growing lack of clinical placements for today’s nursing students, offering evidence-based, experiential learning opportunities that foster critical thinking and clinical reasoning. Simulation in Nursing Education: From Conceptualization to Evaluation, Third Editionprovides both a foundation for the novice and advanced strategies for the seasoned simulation educator, empowering nursing educators to make informed decisions and ensure success in their simulation programs.
    Structured around the NLN Jeffries Theory (2015), this updated edition highlights current best practices in simulation design and development, teaching and learning practices, implementation processes and associated learning outcomes. Seven new chapters reflect recent advances and emerging concepts across the full spectrum of simulation strategies, including pre-briefing of simulations, creating simulation cases for Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCES) for graduate nursing programs and the use of virtual simulations and gaming to engage students. 

    “In Clinical Simulations in Nursing Education, 3rd Edition, Dr. Jeffries continues to highlight best
    practices in simulation pedagogy...This edition explores how educators and researchers are joining forces to develop more rigorous research studies, testing simulation outcomes across the continuum of education and practice at all levels.”
    -Susan Gross Forneris, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE-A, FAAN
    Director, NLN Center for Innovation in Education Excellence
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 27, 2020
  • Pamela R Jeffries PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, FSSH
    Dr. Pamela R. Jeffries (PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, FSSH), Dean of Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, is nationally known for her research and work in developing simulations and online teaching and learning.  She is well regarded for her expertise in experiential learning, innovative teaching strategies, new pedagogies, and the delivery of content using technology in nursing education. Before joining Vanderbilt, she was Dean and Professor at George Washington University (GW) School of Nursing.  Additionally, she served as Vice Provost for Digital Initiatives at Johns Hopkins University and the past President of the interprofessional, international Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH),  and is a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Global Intraprofessional Education (IPE) forum, among many other organizations. 
  • Chapter 1         Current evidence and the State of the Science of Clinical Simulations in nursing and health professions education 
    Chapter 2         NLN Jeffries Simulation Theory
    Chapter 3         Simulation-Based Curriculum Essentials, INACSL Standards Fostering Curriculum  Integration                             
    Chapter 4         Integrating Guided reflection and Meaningful Debriefing into simulated learning  
    Chapter 5         Pre-briefing and Debriefing – Key components promoting student engagement
    Chapter 6         Evaluation and Outcome Measures for Clinical Simulations 
    Chapter 7         Setting Up a Simulation Center and its Essentials 
    Chapter 8         Designing simulations for Interprofessional Education across the Health Professions                                          
    Chapter 9         Creating clinical simulation cases and OSCES for the graduate nursing programs            
    Chapter 10        Simulation and its value in promoting safe, quality patient care
    Chapter 11        Virtual simulations and gaming to promote learning and student engagement 
    Chapter 12        Summary and future considerations 
  • “As teachers and learners move away from content-laden curricula to curricula that emphasize
    experiential learning, it is critical that nurse educators have the requisite knowledge and skills to
    use simulation to its full potential.”
    -Susan Gross Forneris, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE-A, FAAN
    Director, NLN Center for Innovation in Education Excellence“In Clinical Simulations in Nursing Education, 3rd Edition, Dr. Jeffries continues to highlight best
    practices in simulation pedagogy...This edition explores how educators and researchers are joining forces to develop more rigorous research studies, testing simulation outcomes across the continuum of education and practice at all levels.”
    -Susan Gross Forneris, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE-A, FAAN
    Director, NLN Center for Innovation in Education Excellence
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Simulation in Nursing Education

Simulation in Nursing Education

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975173029
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