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Abrams' Angiography

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
June 19, 2020
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Reflecting recent interventions of startling impact and clinical benefit and honoring the field’s legacy of innovation, this Third Edition of ...
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  • Reflecting recent interventions of startling impact and clinical benefit and honoring the field’s legacy of innovation, this Third Edition of Abrams’ Angiography: Interventional Radiology has been completely revamped to reflect the fast-moving landscape of interventional radiology. To provide a fresh take on leading-edge subjects, new series editors, Drs. Jean-François H. Geschwind and Michael D. Dake put together a team of 60 of today’s most renowned authorities to focus on the 100 topics essential to mastering contemporary interventional radiology.

    Now in vibrant full-color, this Third Edition begins with an all-new section on interventional oncology, which includes expert coverage of organ-specific cancers and specialized interventional techniques in cancer care. Many of the themes considered in the vascular sections are rooted in the original stock of the initial landmark Abrams’ volume, updated to focus on current understanding.

    • Comprehensive, step-by-step coverage of all contemporary vascular and non-vascular interventional procedures.
    • New Oncology section includes 21 expert chapters that walk through all aspects of interventional oncology, from evaluation of the cancer patient and principles of chemotherapy to management of organ-specific cancers and specialized interventional techniques in cancer care.
    • New Detailed coverage complemented by more than 1,100 full-color illustrations.
    • Increased focus on surgical anatomy and the details of each technique.
    • Expert chapters that capture the groundbreaking achievements of the field from the foremost authorities.
    • New online solution site provides fully searchable access to the book—anytime, anywhere!
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    10.875 x 8.375
    Publication Date
    June 19, 2020
  • Jeffrey Geschwind MD
    Jeff Geschwind, MD
    Professor of Radiology and Chair
    Department of Diagnostic Radiology
    Yale University School of Medicine

    Chief, Department of Radiology
    Yale-New Haven Hospital
    333 Cedar Street
    PO Box 208042
    New Haven, CT 06520
    Michael Dake
  • Contributors

    Section I: ONCOLOGY
    1. Evaluation of the Cancer Patient
    Reshma A. Rangwala, Anjali N. Avadhani, and Weijing Sun
    2. Principles of Chemotherapy
    Lisa A. Thompson, Cindy L. O’Bryant, Jessica H. Duman, and Wells A. Messersmith
    3. Principles of Locoregional Therapy: Intra-Arterial Therapies
    Eleni Liapi and Jean-François H. Geschwind
    4. Principles of Locoregional Therapy: Thermoablative Techniques
    Muneeb Ahmed and S. Nahum Goldberg
    Part A Organ Specific Cancers
    Hepatocellular Carcinoma
    5. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Epidemiology, Staging, and Medical Management
    Robert E. Roses and Jean-Nicolas Vauthey
    6. Surgical Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Resection and Transplantation
    Janivette Alsina and Timothy M. Pawlik
    7. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Ablative Therapies, Intra-Arterial Therapies
    Riccardo Lencioni, Eleni Liapi, and Jean-François H. Geschwind
    Colorectal Metastases
    8. Colorectal Metastases: Medical Management
    Mary F. Mulcahy
    9. Colorectal Metastases: Surgical Management
    Mark G. van Vledder and Michael A. Choti
    10. Colorectal Metastases: Ablative Techniques
    Luigi A. Solbiati
    11. Colorectal Metastases: Intra-Arterial Therapies (Chemoembolization/Radioembolization) and Portal Vein Embolization
    Khairuddin Memon, Ahsun Riaz, David C. Madoff, Robert J. Lewandowski, and Riad Salem
    Neuroendocrine Tumors
    12. Neuroendocrine Tumors: Medical and Surgical Management
    Peter D. Peng, David Cosgrove, and Timothy M. Pawlik
    13. Interventional Oncology in the Management of Neuroendocrine Tumor Metastases
    Terence P. Gade and Michael C. Soulen
    Biliary Tract Cancers
    14. Biliary Tract Cancers: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
    Kelvin Hong
    15. Biliary Tract Cancers: Extrahepatic Management
    Tarun Sabharwal and Andreas Adam
    Renal Cell Carcinoma
    16. Renal Cell Carcinoma: Medical, Surgical, and Image-Guided Therapies
    Ronald Rodriguez and Christos Georgiades
    Lung Cancer
    17. Lung Cancer: Epidemiology, Staging and Medical Therapy 186 Marjorie G. Zauderer, Alexander D. Drilon, and Lee M. Krug
    18. Ablation of Primary and Secondary Lung Cancers
    Bradley B. Pua and Stephen B. Solomon
    Bone/Musculoskeletal Tumors
    19. Bone/Musculoskeletal Tumors: Painful Metastases
    A. Nicholas Kurup and Matthew R. Callstrom
    Part B Specialized Interventional Techniques in Cancer Care
    20. Vascular Access: Venous and Arterial Ports
    Thierry de Baère and Eric Desruennes
    21. Palliative Care and Symptom Management
    Sean M. Marks, Drew A. Rosielle, and William S. Rilling

    22. Management Options for Uterine Fibroids
    Justin S. Lee and James B. Spies
    23. Uterine Artery Embolization: Indications and Imaging
    Howard B. Chrisman, Sabeen Dhand, and Robert L. Vogelzang
    24. Uterine Artery Embolization for Symptomatic Fibroids: Clinical Presentation, Techniques, and Management
    Douglas B. Yim, Darren D. Kies, and Hyun S. Kim
    25. Uterine Artery Embolization: Outcome from Therapy
    James B. Spies
    26. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
    R. Torrance Andrews
    27. Postpartum Pelvic Hemorrhage
    Khashayar Farsad and John A. Kaufman
    28. Varicocele
    Andrew S. Akman, Ali Albayati, and Anthony C. Venbrux

    29. Classification/Terminology
    Aylin Tekes and Sally E. Mitchell
    30. Medical and Surgical Management
    Katherine B. Puttgen, Richard J. Redett, and Sally E. Mitchell
    31. Interventional Techniques
    Steven L. Hsu, Clifford R. Weiss, and Sally E. Mitchell

    32. Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts
    Ziv J. Haskal and Bertrand Janne d’Othée
    33. Transjugular Liver Biopsy
    Steven J. Krohmer and Nik Bhagat
    34. Retrograde Balloon Occlusion Variceal Ablation
    Keigo Osuga, Hiro Kiyosue, and Hiroshi Anai

    35. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Natural History of Atherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease
    Todd S. Perlstein and Mark A. Creager
    Part A Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations
    36. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: Ultrasound and Hemodynamic Studies
    Ido Weinberg and Michael R. Jaff
    37. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: CT
    Jonathan K. West, Patrick T. Norton, and Klaus D. Hagspiel
    38. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: MRI
    Moazzem Kazi and Martin R. Prince
    39. Diagnostic Catheter-Based Evaluations
    John H. Rundback, Daniel Anghelescu, and Robert A. Lookstein
    40. Medical Management of Peripheral Artery Disease
    Neil J. Wimmer and Joshua A. Beckman
    Part B Endovascular Therapies
    41. Endovascular Interventions: Upper Extremity
    Stephen T. Kee and John M. Moriarty
    42. Endovascular Therapies: Proximal Great Vessels
    Andrew S. Ferrell and Tony P. Smith
    43. Endovascular Therapies: Carotid Bifurcation
    William A. Gray
    44. Diagnosis and Management of Mesenteric Ischemia
    James R. Stone, Ulku Cenk Turba, Saher S. Sabri, Wael E. Saad, John F. Angle, and Alan H. Matsumoto
    45. Endovascular Therapies: Renal
    Louis G. Martin
    46. Endovascular Therapies: Aortoiliac
    Sun Ho Ahn and Timothy P. Murphy
    47. Endovascular Therapies: Femoropopliteal
    Gary M. Ansel and John A. Phillips
    48. Endovascular Therapies: Tibial/Pedal
    Thomas Zeller, Aljoscha Rastan, and Andrej Schmidt
    49. Endovascular Management of Multilevel Lower Extremity Disease
    Amardeep Johar and Bob R. Smouse
    50. Management of Acute Thromboembolic Events in Lower Extremity Interventions
    Mahmood K. Razavi

    51. Classification, Diagnosis, Natural History, and Medical Management of Vaculitides
    Kenneth J. Warrington, Tanaz A. Kermani, and Thom W. Rooke
    52. Endovascular Management of Vaculitides
    Andrew Holden, Sanjiv Sharma, Brendan Buckley, Brigid N. Connor, and Priya Jagia

    53. Diagnosis and Role of Interventional Techniques
    Ryan M. Hickey and Albert A. Nemcek, Jr.

    54. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: CT
    Richard L. Hallett and Dominik D. Fleischmann
    55. Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Aorta
    Phillip M. Young and Robert J. Herfkens
    56. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms.665
    Joshua D. Adams and Alan H. Matsumoto
    57. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
    Dai Yamanouchi and Jon S. Matsumura
    58. Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms
    Tara M. Mastracci and Roy K. Greenberg
    59. Renal Aneurysms
    Ulku Cenk Turba, Onur Sildiroglu, Leanne Doré Lessley, Michael D. Dake, and Alan H. Matsumoto
    60. Mesenteric Aneurysms
    Sebastian Kos, David M. Liu, and Augustinus L. Jacob
    61. Iliac Artery Aneurysms
    Adnan Z. Rizvi and Andrew H. Cragg
    62. Popliteal Artery Aneurysms
    Heiko Uthoff and Barry T. Katzen

    63. Aortic Dissection: Classification, Imaging Evaluation, Indications for Intervention
    Matthew D. Forrester and Michael D. Dake
    64. Aortic Dissection: Principles of Endovascular Treatment
    David M. Williams, Himanshu J. Patel, and G. Michael Deeb
    65. Acute Intramural Hematoma
    Cynthia E. Wagner and John F. Angle
    66. Penetrating Atheromatous Aortic Ulcer: Diagnosis and Management
    Robert A. Lookstein, Kevin Herman, and John H. Rundback
    67. Aortic Connective Tissue Disorders
    Chase R. Brown and Roy K. Greenberg
    68. Aortic Inflammatory Disease (Mycotic Lesions, Fistulas, Anastomotic Disruptions)
    Saher S. Sabri and Margaret Clarke Tracci

    69. Aortic Injuries
    Naveed U. Saqib, Rabih A. Chaer, and Michel S. Makaroun
    70. Traumatic Arterial Injuries: Arch Vessels
    John R. Gaughen, Jr. and Mary E. Jensen
    71. Abdominal Trauma
    Kei Yamada, Shaun Loh, and David M. Hovsepian
    72. Angiographic Management of Hemorrhage in Pelvic Fractures
    Khashayar Farsad, John A. Kaufman, and Arthur C. Waltman
    73. Peripheral Trauma
    Rehan Hussain, Shawn Sarin, and Anthony C. Venbrux

    Section XI: HEMORRHAGE'
    74. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
    Frederick S. Keller and Josef Rösch
    75. Renal Hemorrhage
    Siddharth A. Padia and Karim Valji
    76. Nasopharyngeal Hemorrhage
    Ricardo D. Garcia-Monaco

    77. Aortic Sources of Emboli
    Andrew D. McBride, Ripal Gandhi, Heiko Uthoff, and James F. Benenati
    78. Peripheral Sources of Distal Embolic Disease
    Francisco J. Contreras and Alex Powell

    79. Vascular Complications after Solid Organ Transplantation: Part 1: Liver Transplantation
    Wael E. Saad
    80. Vascular Complications after Solid Organ Transplantation: Part 2: Renal and Pancreatic Transplantation
    Wael E. Saad

    81. Device-Mediated Access Closure: Indications, Techniques, and Complications
    David Lee

    Part A Thrombo-Embolic Obstruction
    82. Acute Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis: Classification, Imaging Evaluation, Indications for Intervention
    Haraldur Bjarnason, Phillip M. Young, and James C. McEachen
    83. Acute Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis: Technical Strategies and the Roles of Regional Thrombolytic Infusions, Mechanical Thrombectomy, and Other Catheter-Based Therapies
    Suresh Vedantham
    84. Pulmonary Embolism: IVC Filters—Indications and Technical Considerations
    Matthew S. Johnson, Francis E. Marshalleck, and Christian N. Johnson
    85. Endovascular Therapy for Acute Pulmonary Embolism
    William T. Kuo
    86. Chronic Lower Extremity Veno-Occlusive Disease: Medical Management and Interventional Strategies
    Gloria L. Hwang
    87. Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis: Diagnosis, Natural History, and Interventional Strategies
    Ramona Gupta and Robert K. Ryu
    Part B Dialysis Access Disease
    88. End-Stage Renal Disease and Dialysis Access: Epidemiology, Natural History, and Diagnostic Monitoring
    Bart L. Dolmatch, Miguel A. Vazquez, and Ingemar J. Davidson
    89. Interventional Management Strategies for the Failing or Failed Dialysis Access
    Mark Otto Baerlocher and Anne C. Roberts
    Part C Vena Cava Obstruction
    90. Superior Vena Cava—Malignant Lesions
    Narendra B. Gutta and Stephen B. Solomon
    91. Benign Disease of the Superior Vena Cava and Innominate Veins
    Andrew Misselt and Jafar Golzarian
    92. Inferior Vena Cava Obstruction
    Kenneth J. Kolbeck and John A. Kaufman
    Part D Venous Entrapment Conditions
    93. Venous Compression Syndromes
    Daniel Y. Sze
    Part E Budd-Chiari Lesions
    94. Budd-Chiari Lesions
    Robert K. Kerlan, Jr. and Jeanne M. LaBerge
    Part F Varicose Veins
    95. Pathophysiologic Basis and Hemodynamic Effects
    Bertrand Janne d’Othée and Ziv J. Haskal
    96. Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins: Imaging Evaluation and Indications for Intervention
    Bertrand Janne d’Othée and Ziv J. Haskal
    97. Technical Strategies and Management of Varicose Veins
    Michael Darcy

    98. Anticoagulation in Endovascular and Interventional Procedures
    Bradley B. Pua and David W. Trost
    99. Principles of Thrombolytic Agents for Catheter-Directed Therapy
    Charles P. Semba
    100. Antirestenosis Agents and Attempts to Limit Intimal Hyperplasia
    Lindsay Machan

  • Features
    • Comprehensive, step-by-step coverage of all contemporary vascular and non-vascular interventional procedures.
    • New Oncology section includes 21 expert chapters that walk through all aspects of interventional oncology, from evaluation of the cancer patient and principles of chemotherapy to management of organ-specific cancers and specialized interventional techniques in cancer care.
    • New Detailed coverage complemented by more than 1,100 full-color illustrations.
    • Increased focus on surgical anatomy and the details of each technique.
    • Expert chapters that capture the groundbreaking achievements of the field from the foremost authorities.
    • New online solution site provides fully searchable access to the book—anytime, anywhere
  • ‘This is a thorough and high-quality book, and recommended as a go-to resource for interventional and vascular trainees’

    ‘The book incorporates cutting-edge basic science and interventional practices about which all practitioners should be knowledgeable’

    -Doodys Publishers' Club, Friday, April 4, 2014
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Abrams' Angiography

Abrams' Angiography

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