Master challenging motor development concepts and confidently apply them in practice in such areas as Exercise Science, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy with this trusted, up-to-date, research-based text. Approaching motor development as the study of change, Lifelong Motor Development, 8th Edition, covers the field of physical growth and motor behavior across the lifespan and employs multiple theories to help you truly understand the multicausal and complex nature of motor development.
Carefully updated to include the latest research and additional content, as well as the new motor assessments, this 8th edition provides engaging learning activities and enhanced resources helpful to online learning and designed to ensure students’ success in any learning environment.
Think About It questions cultivate students’ critical thinking capabilities.
Focus on Change boxes and Focus on Application boxes strengthen students’ ability to adapt to the evolving nature of motor development and translate chapter concepts to practical considerations for practice.
Learning Activities challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to a variety of case studies or lab-style activities.
Chapter Objectives and Chapter Summaries highlight essential concepts and help students study efficiently.
Photographs and illustrations throughout the book make complex concepts easier to understand and apply in the real world.
Weblinks and Suggested Readings direct students to additional resources for greater understanding.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Lippincott Connect
Publication Date
July 14, 2021
Carl P Gabbard Ed.D., M.Ed., B.S.
xiii Contents To the Student v Preface vii Part One: An Overview of Lifelong Human Development 1 1 Introduction to the Developmental Perspective 3 The Primary Determinants of Motor Behavior 6 General Terminology 6 Significant Observations (Assumptions) About Development 8 Periods of Life-Span Development 11 Prenatal (from Conception to Birth) 11 Infancy (from Birth to 2 Years) 11 Childhood (from 2 to 12 Years) 11 Adolescence (from 12 to 18 Years) 12 Adulthood (18 Years and Older) 12 The Developmental Continuum 12 Refl exive/Spontaneous Movement Phase 12 Rudimentary Phase 12 Fundamental Movement Phase 13 Sport Skill Phase 14 Growth and Refi nement Phase 14 Peak Performance 14 Regression 14 Research in Motor Development 14 Why Study Motor Development? 15 Methods of Study 15 Cross-sectional Design 16 Longitudinal Design 16 Microgenetic Design 17 Measuring Brain Structure and Function 18 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 19 Electroencephalography 19 Magnetoencephalography 19 Functional Near-Infrared Imaging 20 T ranscranial Magnetic Stimulation 20 Theoretical Views 20xiv Contents Contributing Views 21 Maturation View 21 Learning-Behavioral View 21 Cognitive-Developmental View 22 Environmental Context Theory 22 Bioecological Systems Theory 23 Gibson’s Ecological Perspective 24 Biological Systems Theory 24 Information-Processing View 26 Developmental Biodynamics 26 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 27 Constraints Model 28 Careers in Motor Development 30 summary 31 think about it 31 learning activities 32 weblinks 32 suggested readings 33 Part Two: Biological Growth and Development 35 2 Heredity and Neurological Changes 37 Heredity 38 Neurological Changes 40 Basic Structure and Function 40 Early Developmental Changes 45 Changes in Major Brain Structures 56 Brain Lateralization and the Corpus Callosum 57 Neurological Changes with Advanced Aging 58 summary 59 think about it 59 learning activities 61 suggested readings 61 3 Physical Growth Changes 62 An Overview of Physical Growth and Development 63 Prenatal Development 65 The Pubescent (Adolescent) Growth Spurt 67 Changes in Body Proportions and Physique 72 Body Proportions 72 Physique 76 Changes with Advanced Aging 77 Contents xv Structural Development 77 Height 77 Skeletal Growth 78 Changes with Advanced Aging 81 Body Mass 83 Body Weight 83 Body Composition 84 Changes with Advanced Aging 89 Maturity Estimates 90 Morphological Age 90 Dental Age 91 Sexual Age 91 Skeletal Age 92 Maturity Variations 93 Implications for Motor Performance 96 summary 97 think about it 98 learning activities 98 4 Physiological Changes 100 Cardiorespiratory Development 101 Basic Structure and Function 101 Early Growth and Development 102 Respiratory Component Growth 103 Aerobic Power 104 Anaerobic Power 106 Heart Rate 107 Cardiac Output and Stroke Volume 108 Vital Capacity and Pulmonary Ventilation 108 Thermoregulation 109 Blood Characteristics 110 Blood Volume 110 Red Blood Cell Content 111 Basal Metabolic Rate 111 Muscular Strength 113 Flexibility 116 Changes with Advanced Aging 117 Change in Cardiorespiratory Function 117 Change in Basal Metabolic Rate 119 Change in Muscular Strength 119 Change in Flexibility 119 summary 122 think about it 123 learning activities 123xvi Contents 5 Factors Affecting Growth and Development 124 Prenatal Development 125 Principles of T eratogenic Effects 125 Internal (Maternal) Factors 126 External (Environmental) Factors 127 Nutrition and Physical Activity During Postnatal Development 132 Nutrition and Development 133 Physical Activity 135 Glands and Hormonal Activity 143 Pituitary Gland 144 Thyroid Gland 144 Adrenal Glands 146 Other Glandular Functions 146 summary 147 think about it 147 learning activities 148 Part Three: Perception and Information Processing 149 6 Perceptual Development 151 Visual Perception 153 The Visual Process 154 Developmental Change in Visual Structures 154 Developmental Change in Visual Functions 155 Kinesthetic Perception 164 Structure and Function of the Kinesthetic System 164 Development of Kinesthetic Perception 164 Basic Movement Awareness 165 Auditory Perception 170 Tactile Perception 171 Perceptual Integration 172 Visual-Kinesthetic Integration 172 Visual-Auditory Integration 173 Auditory-Kinesthetic Integration 173 Changes with Advanced Aging 174 Visual Perception 174 Auditory Perception 175 Kinesthetic Perception 175 Gibson’s Ecological Perspective 176 Embodiment 179 Perceptual-Motor Training Programs 180 summary 181 think about it 181 learning activities 182 suggested readings 182 Contents xvii 7 Information Processing and Motor Control 183 Attention 185 Alertness 185 Divided Attention 186 Selective Attention 188 Memory 189 Memory Structures 189 Explicit and Implicit Memory 194 Processing Speed and Movement Time 195 Programming 197 Schema Theory (Generalized Motor Program) 197 Developmental Theories and Approaches to the Study of Motor Control 198 Constraints Model 203 Changes with Advanced Aging 205 Attention 205 Working (Short-T erm) Memory 206 Long-T erm Memory 206 Knowledge 206 Processing Speed and Movement Time 207 Programming 208 summary 209 think about it 210 learning activities 210 suggested readings 210 Part Four: Motor Behavior Across the Life Span 211 8 Early Movement Behavior 213 Reflexive Behavior 215 Importance of Refl exes in Infant Development 215 T ypes of Refl exes 216 Theoretical Views of Refl ex Behavior and Voluntary Movement 224 Spontaneous Movements (Stereotypies) 225 Rudimentary Behavior (Initial Voluntary Movement) 227 The Basis of Voluntary Movement 228 Postural Control 229 Rudimentary Locomotion 231 Walking 235 Manual Control 240 Motor Asymmetries 244 summary 246 think about it 247 learning activities 247 suggested readings 247xviii Contents 9 Motor Behavior During Early Childhood 248 Developing Motor Competence 250 Introduction to Fundamental Movement 250 Fundamental Motor Skill Development 251 Basic T erminology 251 Methods for Studying Change 252 Movement Patterns (Process Characteristics) 254 Walking 254 Running 254 Jumping 256 Hopping 261 Galloping, Sliding, and Skipping 263 Throwing 264 Catching 268 Striking 272 Kicking 274 Ball Bouncing and Dribbling 276 Climbing 278 Fine Motor Manipulative Behavior 280 Finger Differentiation 281 Construction and Self-Help Skills 281 Drawing and Writing 283 Bimanual Control 285 Functional (Motor) Asymmetries 287 Handedness 287 Footedness 288 Eye Preference 288 summary 289 think about it 289 learning activities 290 10 Motor Behavior During Later Childhood and Adolescence 291 Quantitative (Product) Motor Performance Changes 293 Motor Skill Changes 296 Running Speed 296 Throwing 297 Jumping 299 Kicking 300 Catching 301 Striking with an Implement 302 Hopping 302 Ball Bouncing and Dribbling 303 Balance 303 Motor Skill Refinement 303 Youth Sport Participation 304 School Physical Education 309 Contents xix summary 312 think about it 312 learning activities 313 11 Motor Behavior in the Adult Years 314 Peak Motor Performance 316 Growth and Physiological Function 316 Motor Performance Characteristics 319 Regression 319 Biological Theories of Advanced Aging 319 Biological Regression and Motor Performance 323 Changing Movement Patterns 330 Physical Activity and Longevity 333 summary 337 think about it 337 learning activities 338 suggested reading 338 12 Atypical Motor Behavior 339 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 341 Intervention Strategies 342 Autism Spectrum Disorder 342 Intervention Strategies 342 Cerebral Palsy 343 Intervention Strategies 343 Developmental Coordination Disorder 344 Intervention Strategies 345 Down Syndrome 346 Intervention Strategies 346 summary 347 think about it 347 learning activities 348 suggested readings 348 Part Five: Assessing Change 349 13 Assessment 351 Basic Terminology of Assessment 353 Purposes of Assessment 354 Diagnosis/Screening 354 Determine Status 354 Placement 355xx Contents Program Content 355 Program Evaluation 355 Construction of Norms and Performance Standards 355 Research 355 Prediction 355 Motivation of Individuals 356 Considerations for Proper Assessment 356 Assessment Instruments 357 Newborn Assessment 357 Infant Assessment 359 The Bayley Scales of Infant and T oddler Development 359 The Alberta Infant Motor Scale 360 Posture and Fine Motor Assessment of Infants 361 T est of Infant Motor Performance 361 Assessment of (up to) School-Age Populations 362 Process-Oriented (Fundamental Movement) Assessment Instrument 366 T ests for Older Persons 368 summary 371 think about it 371 learning activities 371 suggested readings 372 Part Six: Sociocultural Influences on Motor Development 373 14 Sociocultural Influences on Motor Development 375 Basic Terminology of Socialization 376 Socializing Processes and Agents 377 The Process–Person–Context–Time Model 379 Primary Influences During Childhood and Adolescence 380 The Family 380 Peer Relations 383 Coaches and T eachers 386 Gender-Role Expectations and Stereotyping 387 Self-esteem 388 Possible Infl uences of Race 390 Primary Influences During Adulthood 390 summary 393 think about it 393 learning activities 394 References 395 Credits 409 Index 411
Think About It questions cultivate students’ critical thinking capabilities.
Focus on Change boxes and Focus on Application boxes strengthen students’ ability to adapt to the evolving nature of motor development and translate chapter concepts to practical considerations for practice.
Learning Activities challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to a variety of case studies or lab-style activities.
Chapter Objectives and Chapter Summaries highlight essential concepts and help students study efficiently.
Photographs and illustrations throughout the book make complex concepts easier to understand and apply in the real world.
Weblinks and Suggested Readings direct students to additional resources for greater understanding.
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