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Applied Therapeutics

The Clinical Use of Drugs
Edition: 12
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Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023!50th Anniversary Edition of the groundbreaking case-based pharmacotherapy text, now a convenient two-volume ...
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  • Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023!

    50th Anniversary Edition of the groundbreaking case-based pharmacotherapy text, now a convenient two-volume set.
    Celebrating 50 years of excellence, Applied Therapeutics, 12th Edition, features contributions from more than 200 experienced clinicians. This acclaimed case-based approach promotes mastery and application of the fundamentals of drug therapeutics, guiding users from General Principles to specific disease coverage with accompanying problem-solving techniques that help users devise effective evidence-based drug treatment plans.
    Now in full color, the 12th Edition has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect the ever-changing spectrum of drug knowledge and therapeutic approaches. New chapters ensure contemporary relevance and up-to-date IPE case studies train users to think like clinicians and confidently prepare for practice.
    • NEW! Chapters on Developmental Disorders (including Autism) and Prostate Cancer empower students with expert insight on these increasingly critical areas of therapy.
    • NEW! Full-color design keeps students engaged and clarifies complex content.
    • UPDATED! More than 800 case studies challenge students to integrate and apply therapeutic principles in the context of specific clinical situations, cultivating the critical thinking skills essential to optimal patient outcomes.
    • Core Principles listed at the beginning of each chapter encourage students to explore critical concepts and enrich their understanding and evidence-based decision-making capabilities. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Publication Date
    January 23, 2023
  • Caroline S Zeind PharmD
    Michael G Carvalho PharmD
    Judy W.M. Cheng PharmD, MPH, FCCP, BCPS
    Kathy Zaiken PharmD
    Trisha LaPointe PharmD, BCPS, RPh, FASHP
    • NEW! Chapters on Developmental Disorders (including Autism) and Prostate Cancer empower students with expert insight on these increasingly critical areas of therapy.
    • NEW! Full-color design keeps students engaged and clarifies complex content.
    • UPDATED! More than 800 case studies challenge students to integrate and apply therapeutic principles in the context of specific clinical situations, cultivating the critical thinking skills essential to optimal patient outcomes.
    • Core Principles listed at the beginning of each chapter encourage students to explore critical concepts and enrich their understanding and evidence-based decision-making capabilities. 
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Applied Therapeutics

Applied Therapeutics

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975167097
USD $238.99 Quantity:
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