A new volume in the bestselling Pocket Notebook series, Pocket Addiction Medicine delivers highly relevant coverage of this widespread and increasing health care problem in an easily portable source. Edited by physician leaders in Addiction Medicine, Drs. Sarah E. Wakeman, Joshua D. Lee, and Anika Alvanzo and co-published with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), this handbook provides must-know information on everything from screening for and diagnosis of substance use disorder to managing intoxication and withdrawal, to ongoing treatment of substance use disorder, including caring for special populations—all designed for quick reference at the point of care. Using the popular, easy-access Pocket Notebook format, it puts key clinical information about a broad range of issues in addiction medicine at your fingertips in seconds.
Contains up-to-date content in outline format, with bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms for quick reference.
Covers the most essential topics in addiction medicine including screening, diagnosis, treatment, toxicology testing, harm reduction, and many more.
Progresses logically from basic epidemiology, to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
Consult this high-yield handbook by diagnosis, such as opioid use disorder, alcohol use disorder, or stimulant use disorder; or by special topic, such as preventing overdose and infectious complications associated with injection drug use, caring for pregnant people with substance use disorder, treatment of pain and opioid use disorder, or understanding recovery supports.
A portable and authoritative resource for physicians and trainees in primary care and other specialty areas, as well as students and other healthcare professionals.
Product Format
Hardcover Spiralbound Book
Trim Size
4 1/4 x 7 1/8
Pocket Notebook Series
Publication Date
May 6, 2022
Sarah E. Wakeman MD, FASAM
USD $75.99
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