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Study Guide to Accompany Introductory Clinical Pharmacology
Help students make the most of the unparalleled clinical pharmacology foundation established in Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, 12th Edition, with this ...
Help students make the most of the unparalleled clinical pharmacology foundation established in Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, 12th Edition, with this engaging Study Guide. Featuring a wide range of learning tools, this practical companion resource delivers the review and practice opportunities students need to reinforce their knowledge and confidently prepare for the NCLEX®.
This revised edition is updated throughout to reflect the latest clinical practices and perspectives presented in the textbook and integrates a wealth of approachable review questions, application exercises, and realistic clinical scenarios to clarify essential textbook concepts and cultivate students’ critical thinking and clinical judgment capabilities.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
November 15, 2021
Susan M Ford
UNIT 1 Nursing Foundation of Clinical Pharmacology
Chapter 1 General Principles of Pharmacology
Chapter 2 Administration of Drugs
Chapter 3 Making Drug Dosing Safer
Chapter 4 The Nursing Process
Chapter 5 Client and Family Teaching
UNIT 2 Drugs Used to Fight Infections
Chapter 6 Antibacterial Drugs: Sulfonamides
Chapter 7 Antibacterial Drugs That Disrupt the Bacterial Cell Wall
Chapter 8 Antibacterial Drugs That Interfere With Protein Synthesis
Chapter 9 Antibacterial Drugs That Interfere With DNA/RNA Synthesis
Chapter 10 Antitubercular Drugs
Chapter 11 Antiviral Drugs
Chapter 12 Antifungal and Antiparasitic Drugs
UNIT 3 Drugs Used to Manage Pain
Chapter 13 Nonopioid Analgesics: Salicylates and Nonsalicylates
UNIT 4 Drugs That Affect the Central Nervous System
Chapter 17 Central Nervous System Stimulants
Chapter 18 Antidementia Drugs
Chapter 19 Antianxiety Drugs
Chapter 20 Sedatives and Hypnotics
Chapter 21 Antidepressant Drugs
Chapter 22 Antipsychotic Drugs
UNIT 5 Drugs That Affect the Peripheral Nervous System
Chapter 23 Adrenergic Drugs
Chapter 24 Adrenergic Blocking Drugs
Chapter 25 Cholinergic Drugs
Chapter 26 Cholinergic Blocking Drugs
UNIT 6 Drugs That Affect the Neuromuscular System
Chapter 27 Antiparkinson Drugs
Chapter 28 Antiepileptics
Chapter 29 Skeletal Muscle, Bone, and Joint Disorder Drugs
UNIT 7 Drugs That Affect the Respiratory System
Chapter 30 Upper Respiratory System Drugs
Chapter 31 Lower Respiratory System Drugs
UNIT 8 Drugs That Affect the Cardiovascular System
Chapter 32 Diuretics
Chapter 33 Antihyperlipidemic Drugs
Chapter 34 Antihypertensive Drugs
Chapter 35 Antianginal and Vasodilating Drugs
Chapter 36 Anticoagulant and Thrombolytic Drugs
Chapter 37 Cardiotonic and Antiarrhythmic Drugs
UNIT 9 Drugs That Affect the Gastrointestinal System
Chapter 38 Upper Gastrointestinal System Drugs
Chapter 39 Lower Gastrointestinal System Drugs
UNIT 10 Drugs That Affect the Endocrine System
Chapter 40 Antidiabetic Drugs
Chapter 41 Pituitary and Adrenocortical Hormones
Chapter 42 Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs
Chapter 43 Male and Female Hormones
Chapter 44 Uterine Drugs
UNIT 11 Drugs That Affect the Urinary System
Chapter 45 Menopause and Andropause Drugs
Chapter 46 Urinary Tract Anti-Infectives and Other Urinary Drugs
UNIT 12 Drugs That Affect the Immune System
Chapter 47 Vaccines
Chapter 48 Immunostimulants and Modulators
Chapter 49 Immune Blockers
UNIT 13 Drugs that Fight Cancer
Chapter 50 Traditional Chemotherapy
Chapter 51 Immune Modulating Therapies
UNIT 14 Drugs That Affect Other Body Systems
Chapter 52 Skin Disorder Topical Drugs
Chapter 53 Otic and Ophthalmic Preparations
Chapter 54 Fluids, Electrolytes, and Parenteral Therapy
UPDATED! Content reflects the latest clinical insights on the nurse’s role in drug administration and pain management.
Learning Objectives reinforce essential chapter takeaways at a glance.
Fill-in-the-Blank questions test students’ recall of important pharmacology concepts and terms.
Dosage Calculation exercises strengthen math skills and reinforce students’ recall of drug names, typical doses, and routes of administration.
Matching exercises emphasize important connections between terms, drugs, and adverse reactions.
Short Answer questions encourage reflection and familiarize students with clinical applications of textbook content.
Crossword Puzzles make reviewing essential terms, actions, and adverse reactions approachable and engaging.
Applying Knowledge Case Studies challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to realistic clinical scenarios and hone their critical thinking and clinical judgment skills.
NCLEX®-style Questions reduce exam anxiety and reinforce key pharmacology concepts students will encounter on their exams.
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