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Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease

A Medical Student and Faculty Collaboration
Publication Date:
September 1, 2025
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Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases: A Medical Student and Faculty Collaboration is a unique approach to developing microbiology and infectious ...
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  • Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases: A Medical Student and Faculty Collaboration is a unique approach to developing microbiology and infectious diseases constructs that blends the in-depth coverage instructors depend on with a compact, student-friendly approach that makes content meaningful and engaging. Each chapter of this innovative text is written by a student-instructor team, incorporating concept maps and learning tools to enhance understanding and retention and help users confidently build conceptual frameworks and learn to apply concepts. 

    Designed for pre-clinical students but ideally organized for use in clinical years, as well, Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases goes beyond traditional texts in linking pathophysiology and clinical presentation to help users make sense of microbiology and practically apply their knowledge for clinical success. 

    • Concept Maps clarify where new information fits within the larger schema of a subject area to reinforce conceptual mastery.  

    • Diagrams detail the anatomic location of each organism to help students form clinical connections to microbiology concepts. 

    • Fill in the Blank Tables with answer keys help students reinforce understanding as they learn and provide instant remediation for challenging areas.  

    • Pro Tips broaden students’ contextual understanding of what they’re learning and emphasize key takeaways.   

    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    September 1, 2025
  • Wendy S. Armstrong M.D.
    Erin M. Bonura M.D.
    • Concept Maps clarify where new information fits within the larger schema of a subject area to reinforce conceptual mastery.  

    • Diagrams detail the anatomic location of each organism to help students form clinical connections to microbiology concepts. 

    • Fill in the Blank Tables with answer keys help students reinforce understanding as they learn and provide instant remediation for challenging areas.  

    • Pro Tips broaden students’ contextual understanding of what they’re learning and emphasize key takeaways.   

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Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease

Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975161781
USD $57.99 Quantity:
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