Continuing a legacy of excellence that spans nearly five decades, Bates’ Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 3rd Edition, adapts the proven techniques and vibrant visuals of Bates’ gold-standard assessment text specifically for the needs of today’s nursing students. Thoroughly updated, evidence-based coverage emphasizes the healthy patient and clearly details common findings and diseases to help students develop and practice key skills in physical examination and history taking.
Content is logically organized by Foundations, Body Systems, and Special Lifespan Considerations, incorporating essential review of anatomy and physiology, as well as critical practice in health history review, recording findings, and health promotion. Reflecting the latest research in the field, including emerging issues such as vaping, the opioid crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the 3rd Edition combines trusted approaches with current clinical perspectives to equip your students for success throughout their nursing careers.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Publication Date
November 8, 2021
Beth Hogan-Quigley
Mary Louis Palm
Unit 1—Foundations
Chapter 1. Intro to Health Assessment and Social Determinants of Health
Chapter 2. Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgement in Health Assessment
Chapter 3. Interviewing and Communication
Chapter 4. The Health History
Chapter 5. Cultural and Spiritual Assessment
Chapter 6. Physical Examination: Let’s Get Started
Chapter 7. Beginning the Physical Examination: General Survey, Vital Signs, and Pain
Chapter 8. Nutrition and Hydration
Unit 2—Body Systems
Chapter 9. The Integumentary System
Chapter 10. The Head and Neck
Chapter 11.The Eyes
Chapter 12. Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat
Chapter 13. The Respiratory System
Chapter 14. The Cardiovascular System
Chapter 15. The Peripheral Vascular System and Lymphatic System
Chapter 16. The Gastrointestinal and Renal Systems
Chapter 17. The Breasts and Axillae
Chapter 18. The Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 19. Mental Status and Mental Health Assessment
Chapter 20. The Nervous System
Chapter 21. Reproductive Systems
Chapter 22. Putting the Physical Examination All Together
Unit 3—Special Lifespan
Chapter 23. Assessing Children: Infancy Through Adolescence
Chapter 24. Assessing Older Adults
UPDATED! Content familiarizes students with the latest evidence-based research and emerging clinical concerns, including vaping, the opioid crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
UPDATED! Full-color images clarify key concepts and techniques in vivid detail.
UPDATED! An enhanced design emphasizes key content and helps students learn more efficiently
A clear, concise, two-column format ensures fast, efficient reference for essential examination techniques and relevant abnormalities and interpretations.
Clinical Tips alert students to important considerations for effective practice.
Detailed tables reinforce students’ observation skills and clinical acumen.
Doody's 5 Star! Review "This is an excellent textbook for any undergraduate assessment course. It is a great resource for nursing students to learn how to conduct a physical assessment, with photos and illustrations to enhance learning. The textbook focuses on the generalist nurse and is a valuable resource for teaching assessment to undergraduate nursing students. This updated edition includes current resources and evidence that supports the content in this textbook." - Beth Gough, MSN from Doody's Book Review Service
Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975161095
USD $149.99 Quantity :
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