Anatomical localization skills based in physical examination are essential for any clinician caring for patients with neurologic disease processes. Now ...
Anatomical localization skills based in physical examination are essential for any clinician caring for patients with neurologic disease processes. Now fully revised and up to date, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 8th Edition, uses easy-to-read descriptions, full-color illustrations and videos to help readers understand and locate the source of a patient’s signs and symptoms. This gold standard text now features dozens of clinical videos that help clinicians improve diagnostic accuracy and avoid unnecessary testing.
Offers comprehensive coverage of all brain regions as well as cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves.
Provides detailed discussions of relevant anatomy and of lesions related to each anatomic feature.
Includes nearly 100 NEW clinical videos designed to help pinpoint the source of patients’ signs and symptoms.
Features numerous high-quality line drawings and 100 useful tables that help you quickly grasp important aspects of this challenging area of clinical neurology.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
September 3, 2021
Paul W. Brazis
Joseph C. Masdeu MD, PhD
Senior Staff Physician and Scientist, Section on Integrative Neuroimaging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; Adjunct Professor of Neurology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
Contents Preface and Acknowledgments vii 1 General Principles of Neurologic Localization 1 2 Peripheral Nerves 31 3 Cervical, Brachial, and Lumbosacral Plexuses 83 4 Spinal Nerve and Root 101 5 Spinal Cord 111 6 Cranial Nerve I (The Olfactory Nerve) 141 7 Visual Pathways 151 8 The Localization of Lesions Affecting the Ocular Motor System 197 9 Cranial Nerve V (The Trigeminal Nerve) 353 10 Cranial Nerve VII (The Facial Nerve) 369 11 Cranial Nerve VIII (The Vestibulocochlear Nerve) 391 12 Cranial Nerves IX and X (The Glossopharyngeal and Vagus Nerves) 411 13 Cranial Nerve XI (The Spinal Accessory Nerve) 419 14 Cranial Nerve XII (The Hypoglossal Nerve) 429 15 Brainstem 439 16 The Cerebellum 461 17 The Localization of Lesions Affecting the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 479 18 The Anatomic Localization of Lesions in the Thalamus 501 19 Basal Ganglia 529 20 The Localization of Lesions Affecting the Cerebral Cortex 569 21 Localization of Lesions in the Autonomic Nervous System 641 22 Vascular Syndromes of the Forebrain, Brainstem, and Cerebellum 653 23 The Localization of Lesions Causing Coma 689 Index 721
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