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Management of Common Orthopaedic Disorders

Physical Therapy Principles and Methods
Edition: 5
Publication Date:
August 15, 2022
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Long-awaited and expansive update to the classic text by Darlene Hertling, Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders. Combining the latest research ...
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  • Long-awaited and expansive update to the classic text by Darlene Hertling, Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders.

    Combining the latest research with a proven, “how-to” approach, Management of Common Orthopaedic Disorders: Physical Therapy Principles and Methods, 5th Edition, offers a practical overview of commonly seen pathology and accompanying treatment options for orthopaedic patients. This fundamental textbook of orthopaedic physical therapy demonstrates therapeutic techniques in vibrant detail and emphasizes practical application to strengthen clinical readiness. Thoroughly updated and now presented in full color, the 5th Edition reflects the latest practice standards in a streamlined organization for greater ease of use.
    • Updated coverage instills a practical foundation aligned with current and emerging manual therapy theory and practice.
    • Updated streamlined organization emphasizes clinical application and helps students study more efficiently.
    • Nearly 1,000 illustrations and photographs clarify therapeutic techniques in full color. 
    • Treatment-focused approach delivers a robust reference and practice-oriented guide in a single resource.
    • A Case Study chapter, as well as additional case studies included in key clinical chapters, reinforces the clinical application of fundamental concepts.
    • Chapter objectives keep students focused on essential concepts.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.5 x 11
    Lippincott Connect
    Publication Date
    August 15, 2022
  • Betsy Myers
    June Hanks
    Preface v
    Contributors vi
    Acknowledgments vii
    PART I
    FOUNDATIONAL SCIENCES .................................................................................................1
    1 Connective Tissue ................................................................................................................................2
    June Hanks and Betsy Myers
    ¦ Connective Tissue Overview 2
    ¦ Connective Tissue Components 3
    ¦ Specific Connective Tissue Structures 9
    ¦ Chapter Summary 14
    2 Tissue Behavior, Healing, and Repair ............................................................................................ 15
    June Hanks
    ¦ Tissue Behavior 15
    ¦ Tissue Injury 17
    ¦ Tissue Healing 18
    ¦ Healing of Specific Tissues 21
    ¦ Chapter Summary 33
    3 Arthrology .......................................................................................................................................... 36
    June Hanks and Jeremiah Tate
    ¦ Characteristics of Synovial Joints 36
    ¦ Joint Motion 38
    ¦ Joint Motion Assessment 43
    ¦ Chapter Summary 47
    4 Spine Osteology and Arthrology ..................................................................................................48
    June Hanks
    ¦ Osteology 48
    ¦ Intervertebral Disc 55
    ¦ Facet Joints and Movement 58
    ¦ Spinal Cord Segment and Spinal Nerve 60
    ¦ Contents of Vertebral Canal 64
    ¦ Movement of the Vertebral Column 64
    ¦ Ligaments of Vertebral Column 64
    ¦ Regional Characteristics for Vertebrae, Ligaments, and Discs 68
    ¦ Sacroiliac Joint 74
    ¦ Muscles 75
    ¦ Palpation 90
    ¦ Kinematics 90
    ¦ Common Pathologies of the Vertebral Column 96
    ¦ Chapter Summary 101
    viii 5 Gait and Footwear ...........................................................................................................................107
    June Hanks and Betsy Myers
    ¦ Gait 107
    ¦ Standardized Assessments of Balance and Gait 113
    ¦ Footwear 114
    ¦ Foot Orthotics 117
    ¦ Chapter Summary 118
    BASIC HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ..........................................................121
    6 Patient History ..................................................................................................................................122
    Betsy Myers
    ¦ History 122
    ¦ Health History and General Demographics 125
    ¦ Symptom Investigation 129
    ¦ Review of Systems 141
    ¦ Chapter Summary 144
    7 The Physical Examination ............................................................................................................. 146
    Betsy Myers
    ¦ Introduction to the Basic Physical Examination 146
    ¦ Systems Review 148
    ¦ Quarter Screen 149
    ¦ Clearing Examination 149
    ¦ Joint-Specific Examination 149
    ¦ Clinical Decision-Making 166
    ¦ Prognosis and Plan of Care 170
    ¦ Integrated Approach to Treatment 170
    ¦ Chapter Summary 172
    LOWER QUARTER ............................................................................................................. 175
    8 Lower Quarter Screen ....................................................................................................................176
    Betsy Myers
    ¦ Purpose of the Lower Quarter Screen 176
    ¦ General Rules for Lower Quarter Screening 177
    ¦ Components of the Lower Quarter Screen 177
    ¦ Chapter Summary 183
    9 Ankle and Foot .................................................................................................................................185
    Betsy Myers, June Hanks, and Jeremiah Tate
    ¦ Functional Anatomy of Joints 185
    ¦ Biomechanics of Ankle–Foot Complex 197
    ¦ Arches of the Foot 203
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of the Ankle and Foot 204
    ¦ Patient History: Ankle and Foot Joint 204
    ¦ Physical Examination of the Ankle and Foot 205
    ¦ Common Foot Pathologies 224
    ¦ Common Ankle Pathologies 233
    ¦ Differential Diagnosis 245
    ¦ Additional Joint Mobilization Treatment Techniques 246
    ¦ Additional Therapeutic Exercises 248
    ¦ Chapter Summary 251 10 Knee .................................................................................................................................................. 260
    Betsy Myers and June Hanks
    ¦ Functional Anatomy 260
    ¦ Biomechanics 265
    ¦ Muscles About the Knee and Patellofemoral Joint 268
    ¦ Palpation 271
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of the Knee 274
    ¦ History: Knee Joint 274
    ¦ Physical Examination of the Knee 275
    ¦ Common Knee Pathologies 290
    ¦ Differential Diagnosis 311
    ¦ Additional Joint Mobilization Techniques 311
    ¦ Additional Therapeutic Exercises 316
    ¦ Chapter Summary 320
    11 Hip ......................................................................................................................................................330
    Betsy Myers and June Hanks
    ¦ Functional Anatomy 330
    ¦ Biomechanics 338
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of the Hip 341
    ¦ Patient History: Hip Joint 341
    ¦ Physical Examination: Hip Joint 342
    ¦ Common Hip Pathologies 352
    ¦ Differential Diagnosis 363
    ¦ Additional Joint Mobilization Treatment Techniques 363
    ¦ Additional Therapeutic Exercises 367
    ¦ Chapter Summary 370
    12 Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint ............................................................................................. 375
    Betsy Myers and June Hanks
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint 375
    ¦ Patient History: Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint 375
    ¦ Physical Examination: Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint 381
    ¦ Diagnosis of Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint Pathology 393
    ¦ Nonspecific Low Back Pain 394
    ¦ Pathoanatomic Classifications of Low Back Pain 404
    ¦ Chapter Summary 420
    UPPER QUARTER ............................................................................................................. 427
    13 Upper Quarter Screen ...................................................................................................................428
    Betsy Myers
    ¦ Purpose of the Upper Quarter Screen 428
    ¦ General Rules for Upper Quarter Screening 428
    ¦ Components of the Upper Quarter Screen 428
    ¦ Chapter Summary 434
    14 Shoulder Complex ..........................................................................................................................435
    Betsy Myers and June Hanks
    ¦ Functional Anatomy 435
    ¦ Joints of the Shoulder Complex 438
    ¦ Muscles 447
    ¦ Palpation 453 ¦ Introduction to the Examination of the Shoulder Complex 455
    ¦ Patient History: Shoulder Complex 455
    ¦ Physical Examination: Shoulder Complex 458
    ¦ Common Shoulder Pathologies 474
    ¦ Differential Diagnosis 495
    ¦ Additional Joint Mobilization Techniques 496
    ¦ Additional Therapeutic Exercises 499
    ¦ Chapter Summary 504
    15 Elbow Complex ................................................................................................................................513
    Betsy Myers and June Hanks
    ¦ Functional Anatomy 513
    ¦ Arthrokinematics 526
    ¦ Palpation 527
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of the Elbow 528
    ¦ Patient History: Elbow Complex 529
    ¦ Physical Examination: Elbow Complex 530
    ¦ Common Elbow Pathologies 540
    ¦ Differential Diagnosis 554
    ¦ Additional Joint Mobilization Treatment Techniques 554
    ¦ Additional Therapeutic Exercises 556
    ¦ Chapter Summary 561
    16 Wrist and Hand Complex ..............................................................................................................566
    Betsy Myers, June Hanks, and Zachary Sutton
    ¦ Functional Anatomy 566
    ¦ Osteology 566
    ¦ Joints of the Wrist and Hand Complex 571
    ¦ Ligaments of the Wrist and Hand Complex 577
    ¦ Muscles of the Wrist and Hand Complex 579
    ¦ Specific Anatomic Regions of the Wrist and Hand Complex 590
    ¦ Nerves Supplying the Wrist and Hand 592
    ¦ Palpation of the Wrist and Hand 596
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of the Wrist and Hand Complex 597
    ¦ Patient History: Wrist and Hand Complex 597
    ¦ Physical Examination: Wrist and Hand 598
    ¦ Common Wrist and Hand Pathologies 613
    ¦ Differential Diagnosis 630
    ¦ Additional Joint Mobilization Treatment Techniques 630
    ¦ Additional Therapeutic Interventions 632
    ¦ Chapter Summary 636
    17 Cervical and Thoracic Spine .........................................................................................................641
    Betsy Myers and June Hanks
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of Cervical and Thoracic Spine 641
    ¦ Patient History 641
    ¦ Physical Examination: Cervical and Thoracic Spine 646
    ¦ Palpation 661
    ¦ Diagnosis of Cervical and Thoracic Spine Pathology 664
    ¦ Nonspecific Neck Pain 664
    ¦ Pathoanatomic Causes of Neck Pain and Cervical Syndromes 665
    ¦ Thoracic Pathologies 672
    ¦ Additional Exercises and Manual Therapy for the Cervicothoracic Region 681
    ¦ Chapter Summary 689 18 Temporomandibular Joint ............................................................................................................695
    Betsy Myers and June Hanks
    ¦ Functional Anatomy 695
    ¦ Joint Structure and Ligaments 698
    ¦ Muscles 700
    ¦ Arthrokinematics 702
    ¦ Palpation 703
    ¦ Introduction to the Examination of Temporomandibular Joint 706
    ¦ Patient History: Temporomandibular Joint 706
    ¦ Physical Examination: Temporomandibular Joint Complex 707
    ¦ Common Temporomandibular Joint Pathologies 714
    ¦ Interventions for Temporomandibular Dysfunction 716
    ¦ Expected Outcomes 721
    ¦ Chapter Summary 721
    PART V
    PAIN MANAGEMENT .........................................................................................................725
    19 Pain Management: A  Mechanism-Centered Approach ..........................................................726
    Craig A. Wassinger and Gisela Sole
    ¦ Pain Science Definitions and Epidemiology 726
    ¦ Anatomy and Physiology 726
    ¦ Biopsychosocial Model and the Pain Neuromatrix Theory 727
    ¦ Pain Types 728
    ¦ Psychosocial Considerations in Pain 729
    ¦ Initial Pain Assessment Considerations 731
    ¦ Interventions 733
    ¦ Chapter Summary 739
    APPLIED CLINICAL REASONING ....................................................................................745
    20 Case Studies ....................................................................................................................................746
    Betsy Myers
    ¦ Introduction to Case Studies 746
    ¦ Chapter Summary 761
    Appendix A: Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................... 763
    Appendix B: Osteokinematic and Arthrokinematic Motions ............................................................................... 766
    Appendix C: Peripheral and Segmental Nerve Innervation ................................................................................. 768
    Index ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 771
    • Updated coverage instills a practical foundation aligned with current and emerging manual therapy theory and practice.
    • Updated streamlined organization emphasizes clinical application and helps students study more efficiently.
    • Nearly 1,000 illustrations and photographs clarify therapeutic techniques in full color. 
    • Treatment-focused approach delivers a robust reference and practice-oriented guide in a single resource.
    • A Case Study chapter, as well as additional case studies included in key clinical chapters, reinforces the clinical application of fundamental concepts.
    • Chapter objectives keep students focused on essential concepts.
    Lippincott® Connect features: 
    • Full access to the digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study experience. 
    • Carefully curated resources, such as interactive diagrams, audio and video tutorials, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further comprehension. 
    Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can: 
    • Pool content from books across your entire library into self-created Study Collections based on discipline, procedure, organ, concept or other topics. 
    • Display related text passages, video clips and self-assessment questions from each book (if available) for efficient absorption of material. 
    • Annotate and highlight key content for easy access later. 
    • Navigate seamlessly between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and highlights in a single view/page. 
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Management of Common Orthopaedic Disorders

Management of Common Orthopaedic Disorders

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