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Hematopathology of the Skin

Clinical & Pathological Approach
Edition: 2
Publication Date:
April 28, 2023
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The most comprehensive reference book on diagnosing cutaneous hematologic disorders available, Hematopathology of the Skin: Clinical and Pathological Approach, 2nd ...
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  • The most comprehensive reference book on diagnosing cutaneous hematologic disorders available, Hematopathology of the Skin: Clinical and Pathological Approach, 2nd Edition, provides interdisciplinary guidance from more than 40 global experts in the fields of dermatopathology, dermatology, hematopathology, and hemato/oncology. Edited by Dr. Alejandro A. Gru, Dr. András Schaffer, and Dr. Alistair Robson, this concise yet comprehensive reference features a logical, consistent format heavily illustrated with high-quality clinical and pathological images throughout. Unparalleled in scope, it is a well-written, easy-to-follow resource for clinicians who care for patients with cutaneous hematologic neoplasms. 
    • Emphasizes cutaneous inflammatory conditions and reactive lymphoproliferations that resemble hematologic malignancies and often cause diagnostic dilemmas 

    • Includes new editorial board member Dr. Alistair Robson, a globally recognized world expert on skin lymphomas 

    • Uses a consistent chapter format that covers disease definition; clinical, histological, immunophenotypic, and genetic findings; detailed molecular and immune pathogenesis; detailed differential diagnoses; and a capsule summary 

    • Features hundreds of high-quality clinical and pathological images, tables, and figures that clearly explain key concepts 

    • Follows the classification guidelines of the World Health Organization and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 

    • Contains the most recent (2022) updates to WHO and EORTC classifications as well as an increased number of international contributing authors 

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Publication Date
    April 28, 2023
  • Alejandro Ariel Gru MD
    The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center
    Columbus, Ohio
    Contributors ..............................................................................vii
    Preface ................................................................................... xiii
    Part I
    Immunobiology and Molecular Pathogenesis 1
    1 Cutaneous T - cell immunobiolog y ....................................... 1
    Emmanuella Guenova, Andy C. Hsi, and András Schaffer
    2 Cutaneous B- cell immunobiology .................................... 12
    Alejandro A. Gru and José Cabeçadas
    3 NK cell immunobiology .................................................... 21
    Aharon G. Freud and Madelie Sellers
    4 Mononuclear phagocytic system of the skin–guide to
    pathologists .................................................................... 26
    Kate Roussak and Eynav Klechevsky
    5 Mast cells in the skin ...................................................... 34
    Tina L. Sumpter
    6 Molecular pathogenesis of primary cutaneous T- cell
    lymphomas ..................................................................... 40
    Sean Whittaker
    7 Molecular pathogenesis of primary cutaneous
    B- cell lymphomas ........................................................... 50
    Alejandro A. Gru and Pierluigi Porcu
    Part II
    Laboratory Techniques 59
    8 Flow cytometric analysis in hematopathology diagnosis .... 59
    Safa Najidh, Julia Almeida, Jacques J. M. van Dongen,
    and Maarten H. Vermeer
    9 PCR- based gene rearrangement studies .......................... 73
    Ian S. Hagemann
    10 FISH and cytogenetic techniques ..................................... 81
    Andrea L. Salavaggione and Alejandro A. Gru
    11 Next- genera tion sequencing ............................................ 97
    Ian S. Hagemann
    Part III
    Primary Cutaneous T- Cell Lymphomas 103
    12 Approach to the diagnosis of primary cutaneous
    T - cell lymphomas .......................................................... 103
    Alistair M. Robson, Alejandro A. Gru, and András Schaffer
    13 Mycosis fungoides......................................................... 109
    Alistair M. Robson, Rein Willemze, Julia Scarisbrick,
    Amy C. Musiek, Emmilia Hodak, Alejandro A. Gru,
    and András Schaffer
    14 Sézary syndrome .......................................................... 143
    Ellen J. Kim, Paul Haun, Martine Bagot,
    Maxime Battistella, and András Schaffer
    15 Primar y cutaneous CD30- positive T - cell
    lymphoproliferative disorders ........................................ 158
    Rebecca L. King, Werner Kempf, Amy C. Musiek,
    and Andrew L. Feldman
    16 Subcutaneous panniculitis- like T - cell lymphoma ........... 178
    Alejandro A. Gru, Laura Beth Pincus, and
    Y ann Charlie- Joseph
    17 Cutaneous CD4
    small to medium
    lymphoproliferative disorder and other
    proliferations with TFH phenotype ................................. 193
    Sanam Loghavi, Farrah Bakr, Helmut Beltraminelli,
    Alistair M. Robson, and Michael T. Tetzlaff
    18 Aggressive cytotoxic primary cutaneous T- cell
    lymphomas ................................................................... 203
    Jacqueline M. Junkins- Hopkins and Ellen J. Kim
    19 Primary cutaneous peripheral T- cell lymphoma, not
    otherwise specified ....................................................... 220
    Alistair M. Robson, Andy C. Hsi, Amy C. Musiek,
    and András Schaffer
    20 Primary cutaneous CD8
    acral lymphoproliferative
    disorder ........................................................................ 225
    Alistair M. Robson, Farrah Bakr, Melissa Pulitzer,
    and Werner Kempf
    21 Granulomatous CD8- positive lymphoproliferative
    disorder associated with immunodeficiency .................. 233
    Werner Kempf and Christina Mitteldorf
    22 An approach to the treatment of mycosis
    fungoides/Sézary syndrome and CD30 positive
    lymphoproliferative disorders ........................................ 238
    Pietro Quaglino, Egle Ramelyte, Andrea Roggo,
    Crystal Gao, Rein Willemze, Stephen Lade,
    and H. Miles Prince
    Part IV
    Primary Cutaneous NK/T- Cell Malignancies 256
    23 Extranodal natural killer/T- cell lymphoma,
    nasal type ..................................................................... 256
    Carlos Barrionuevo-Cornejo and
    Leticia Quintanilla-Martinez
    24 Hydroa vacciniforme lymphoproliferative disorder ......... 262
    Jose A. Plaza and J. Martin Sangueza
    25 Natural killer–cell leukemias/lymphomas ...................... 270
    Aharon G. Freud and Madelie SellersPart V
    Systemic T- and NK- Cell Lymphomas With Cutaneous

    Dissemination 280
    26 Systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma ...................... 280
    Alejandro A. Gru and Werner Kempf
    27 T- cell prolymphocytic leukemia ..................................... 291
    Alejandro A. Gru
    28 Skin manifestations of angioimmunoblastic T- cell
    lymphoma ..................................................................... 298
    Nicolas Ortonne
    29 Adult T - cell leukemia/lymphoma.................................... 311
    Melissa Pulitzer
    Part VI
    Primary Cutaneous B-Cell Lymphoproliferative
    Disorders 322
    30 Approach to the diagnosis of cutaneous B- cell
    lymphomas ................................................................... 322
    Alejandro A. Gru and Elaine S. Jaffe
    31 Primary cutaneous follicle center B- cell lymphoma ........ 336
    Antonio Subtil and Michi M. Shinohara
    32 Primary cutaneous marginal zone B- cell lymphoma ...... 347
    Katalin Ferenczi, Farrah Bakr, and Alistair M. Robson
    33 Primary cutaneous diffuse large B- cell lymphoma ......... 360
    Christina MItteldorf, Alejandro A. Gru,
    and José Cabeçadas
    34 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis ...................................... 378
    Yasmin Hambaroush and Alejandro A. Gru
    35 Mucocutaneous EBV- and HHV- 8 associated
    lymphoproliferative disorders in acquired
    immunodeficiency ......................................................... 388
    Alejandro A. Gru, Melissa Pulitzer, and András Schaffer
    36 An approach to the treatment of primary cutaneous
    B- Cell lymphomas ......................................................... 405
    Pablo L. Ortiz-Romero and Mariana Cravo
    Part VII
    Systemic B-Cell Lymphomas With Cutaneous
    Dissemination 413
    37 Systemic follicular lymphoma, marginal zone
    lymphomas, and lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma ............ 413
    Alejandro A. Gru and Antonio Subtil
    38 Intravascular large B- cell lymphoma ............................. 423
    Alejandro A. Gru and Maxime Battistella
    39 Cutaneous involvement in systemic diffuse large
    B- cell lymphomas ......................................................... 431
    Alejandro A. Gru and Yvonne Perner
    40 Cutaneous mantle cell lymphoma .................................. 455
    José Cabeçadas and Alejandro A. Gru
    41 Cutaneous manifestations of chronic lymphocytic
    leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma ......................... 463
    Alejandro A. Gru and Maxime Battistella
    42 Cutaneous plasma- cell neoplasms ................................ 474
    Liaqat Ali, Jozef Malysz, and José Cabeçadas
    43 Cutaneous involvement by Hodgkin’s lymphoma ........... 480
    Alejandro A. Gru, András Schaffer, and Maxime Battistella
    Part VIII
    Cutaneous Reactive Infiltrates 492
    44 Pityriasis lichenoides chronica ....................................... 492
    Emily Y. Chu and Werner Kempf
    45 Jessner lymphocytic infiltrate and tumid lupus
    erythematosus .............................................................. 498
    Juanita Duran and Jose A. Plaza
    46 Pigmented purpuric dermatoses .................................... 503
    Casey A. Carlos
    47 Chronic actinic dermatitis—actinic reticuloid ................ 506
    Sena J. Lee and András Schaffer
    48 CD30 pseudolymphomas ............................................... 510
    Jacqueline M. Junkins- Hopkins and Werner Kempf
    49 Pseudolymphomatous reactions with associated
    cutaneous neoplastic proliferations ............................... 525
    Sara C. Shalin and Bruce R. Smoller
    50 Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia and related
    entities .......................................................................... 542
    Alejandro A. Gru
    51 Pseudolymphomas at sites of vaccination and
    in tattoos ....................................................................... 562
    Priyadharsini Nagarajan
    52 Lymphoid proliferations in association with viral
    and bacterial infections ................................................. 567
    Priyadharsini Nagarajan
    53 Cutaneous plasmacytosis .............................................. 572
    M. Yadira Hurley and Gillian Heinecke
    54 Cutaneous IgG4- related disease .................................... 577
    Alejandro A. Gru
    55 Lymphomatoid contact dermatitis.................................. 582
    Caitlin M. Brumfiel, Meera H. Patel, Alejandro A. Gru,
    and Matthew J. Zirwas
    56 Annular lichenoid dermatosis of youth ........................... 588
    Alejandro A. Gru
    57 Eosinophilic dermatosis of hematologic malignancy ...... 592
    Joya Sahu and Jason B. Lee
    Part IX
    Precursor Lymphoid and Myeloid Neoplasms 598
    58 Precursor B- and T- cell neoplasms ................................ 598
    Alejandro A. Gru and Maxime Battistella
    59 Leukemia cutis/aleukemic leukemia cutis/myeloid
    sarcoma ........................................................................ 608
    Kari E. Sufficool and John L. Frater
    60 Cutaneous manifestations of myeloproliferative
    neoplasms .................................................................... 621
    Richard Danialan and Carlos A. Torres- Cabala 61 Cutaneous extramedullary hematopoiesis ..................... 635
    Shadi Khalil and András Schaffer
    62 Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm ................. 638
    M. Yadira Hurley, Joseph D. Khoury, Alejandro A. Gru,
    Tony Petrella, and Martin Dittmer
    Part X
    Cutaneous Mast Cell Proliferations 650
    63 Mast cell neoplasms ..................................................... 650
    Clive E. Grattan and Hans- Peter Horny
    Part XI
    Benign and Malignant Histiocytic Disorders 664
    64 Molecular classification of histiocytoses ........................ 664
    Jennifer Picarsic and Benjamin H. Durham
    65 Langerhans cell proliferations and related
    disorders (“L” group) ..................................................... 674
    Jacob R. Bledsoe, Jennifer Picarsic, Louis P . Dehner,
    and Rosalynn M. Nazarian
    66 Rosai–Dorfman disease ................................................. 684
    Kristin C. Smith and M. Yadira Hurley
    67 Non- Langerhans cell histiocytoses (C and H groups) ...... 690
    Andrea P . Moy, Jacob R. Bledsoe, Louis P . Dehner,
    and Rosalynn M. Nazarian
    68 Histiocytic and dendritic cell sarcomas .......................... 702
    Archana Shenoy and Louis P . Dehner
    69 Intralymphatic histiocytosis and Melkersson–Rosenthal
    syndrome ...................................................................... 708
    Andrea P . Moy, Louis P . Dehner, and Rosalynn M. Nazarian
    Part XII
    Lymphoid Proliferations of Special Sites/Special
    Populations 717
    70 Oral lymphoproliferative disorders ................................. 717
    Kristin K. McNamara
    71 Ocular lymphoproliferative disorders ............................. 751
    Carolina M. Gentile and Paola de la Iglesia Niveyro
    72 Cutaneous hematolymphoid proliferations in children .... 770
    Julia Scarisbrick, Louis P . Dehner, and Alejandro A. Gru
    73 Alopecia in lymphoproliferative disorders ...................... 820
    Allen F. Shih, Ali Al- Haseni, and Lynne J. Goldberg
    74 Cutaneous adverse reactions to chemotherapeutic
    agents ........................................................................... 834
    Jacob Nosewicz, Brittany O. Dulmage, Jose A. Plaza,
    and Benjamin H. Kaffenberger
    75 Cutaneous adverse reactions to immunotherapy ........... 867
    Kelsey Nusbaum, Abraham Korman, Catherine G. Chung,
    Benjamin H. Kaffenberger, and Brittany O. Dulmage
    Part XIII
    Cutaneous Manifestations Associated With
    Hematologic Malignancy 872
    76 Sweet and histiocytoid sweet syndrome ........................ 872
    Jacqueline M. Junkins- Hopkins and Viktoryia Kazlouskaya
    77 Wells syndrome (eosinophilic cellulitis) .......................... 883
    Melinda Jen and Adam I. Rubin
    78 Vasculitis ....................................................................... 887
    Alejandro A. Gru
    79 Paraneoplastic pemphigus ............................................ 897
    Katherine France, Milda Chmieliauskaite,
    and Faizan Alawi
    80 Cryoglobulinemia .......................................................... 903
    Alejandro A. Gru
    81 Granulomatous reactions ............................................... 910
    Zoe O. Brown- Joel and Karolyn A. Wanat
    82 Pyoderma gangrenosum ............................................... 914
    Campbell L. Stewart and Roberto Novoa
    83 Schnitzler syndrome ...................................................... 917
    Viktoryia Kazlouskaya and Jacqueline M. Junkins- Hopkins
    Index ..................................................................................... 921
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Hematopathology of the Skin

Hematopathology of the Skin

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