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Outcome-Based Massage

Across the Continuum of Care
Edition: 4
Publication Date:
September 1, 2022
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Praised for its engaging approach and contemporary coverage, Outcome-Based Massage: Across the Continuum of Care, 4th Edition, continues a tradition ...
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  • Praised for its engaging approach and contemporary coverage, Outcome-Based Massage: Across the Continuum of Care, 4th Edition, continues a tradition of excellence in equipping students for success on board reviews and transitioning theory into clinical practice. Reflecting the fields of massage therapy, physical therapy, athletic training, education, psychology, medicine, and physiology, author ck Andrade and a team of experts deliver a comprehensive understanding of Outcome-Based Massage™ and its clinical applications at an accessible breadth and depth. This extensively updated edition integrates principles and techniques across the continuum of care and aligns content with the latest evidence, clinical practice guidelines, and healthcare regulations to help users confidently meet clients’ unique needs and achieve superior treatment outcomes.
    • NEW! 27 Quick Treatment Guidesprovide step-by-step guidance for wellness outcomes and clinical conditions, including COVID-19.
    • NEW! 14 Application of Outcome-Based Massage Clinical Cases with Outcome-Based Massage™ Clinical Decision-Making exercises and sample treatment plans and 24 Clinical Cases with sample examination and treatment plans demonstrate client examination and treatment in multiple care settings across the continuum of care.
    • NEW! Digital health measures and telehealth principles, techniques, cautions, and Clinical Case expand students’ comprehensive care capabilities for client examination and treatment using new digital technologies.
    • NEW! Updated evidence for massage techniques integrated with instructions on manual technique reflects the latest clinical approaches, including guidance on managing sensitive areas, client safety, and clinical documentation. 
    • NEW! Online Practice Diaries clarify massage techniques and sequences with palpation training, step-by-step instructions, reliable photographs and illustrations, and online video clips.
    • Precise, instructive photographs, and videos walk students through common techniques.
    • Review sections in each chapter reinforce essential concepts, hone students’ critical thinking capabilities, and emphasize the practical application of chapter content.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.5 x 11
    Publication Date
    September 1, 2022
  • Carla-Krystin Andrade PhD
    • NEW! 27 Quick Treatment Guidesprovide step-by-step guidance for wellness outcomes and clinical conditions, including COVID-19.
    • NEW! 14 Application of Outcome-Based Massage Clinical Cases with Outcome-Based Massage™ Clinical Decision-Making exercises and sample treatment plans and 24 Clinical Cases with sample examination and treatment plans demonstrate client examination and treatment in multiple care settings across the continuum of care.
    • NEW! Digital health measures and telehealth principles, techniques, cautions, and Clinical Case expand students’ comprehensive care capabilities for client examination and treatment using new digital technologies.
    • NEW! Updated evidence for massage techniques integrated with instructions on manual technique reflects the latest clinical approaches, including guidance on managing sensitive areas, client safety, and clinical documentation. 
    • NEW! Online Practice Diaries clarify massage techniques and sequences with palpation training, step-by-step instructions, reliable photographs and illustrations, and online video clips.
    • Precise, instructive photographs, and videos walk students through common techniques.
    • Review sections in each chapter reinforce essential concepts, hone students’ critical thinking capabilities, and emphasize the practical application of chapter content.
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Outcome-Based Massage

Outcome-Based Massage

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975153809
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