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NCLEX-RN REVIEW MADE INCREDIBLY EASY, 6E is designed to help nursing students prepare to take the licensing examination. The book blends critical content review in an easy-to-follow and bulleted format, pharmacology tables that summarize core medication information, and thousands of questions covering all the Client Need categories of NCLEX and the major content areas of pre-licensure programs. The book is divided into seven parts. Part I explains the basics of NCLEX test construction and gives ideas to students about how they should prepare. Parts II to V are designed to support the four major content areas of pre-licensure programs: medical-surgical, psychiatric/mental health, maternity, and pediatric nursing. Within these four sections, each begins with a bulleted content review of essential concepts, followed by multiple questions and answers in a side-by-side format. Part VI, “Issues in Nursing,” emphasizes content areas that do not easily fall in any of the other sections: management/supervision and ethical/legal issues. Part VII consists of two comprehensive tests. One contains 75 questions (the minimum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive) and the other contains 265 questions (the maximum number of items any student taking the NCLEX RN will receive). The product offers more than 3,000 questions that prompt active learning and higher-order thinking. The questions align with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2019 RN test plan and are written in the style used on the licensing examination. Other features include the use of all the types of alternate-format questions found on the licensing examination, detailed rationales for both correct and incorrect answers, and information about the NCLEX-RN. An accompanying code gives student access to a 7-day free trial of Lippincott PassPoint-RN.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Incredibly Easy! Series®
Publication Date
September 17, 2019
Candice Rome
ix ix Contents Part I Surviving the NCLEX ® 1 1 Preparing for the NCLEX ® 3 2 Passing the NCLEX ® 13 Part II Care of the Adult 19 3 Cardiovascular Disorders 21 4 Hematologic & Immune Disorders 54 5 Respiratory Disorders 83 6 Neurosensory Disorders 118 7 Musculoskeletal Disorders 158 8 Gastrointestinal Disorders 181 9 Endocrine Disorders 206 10 Genitourinary Disorders 231 11 Integumentary Disorders 256 Part III Care of the Psychiatric Client 269 12 Somatic Symptom & Related Disorders 271 13 Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, Stress-Related, & Mood Disorders 283 14 Cognitive Disorders 305 15 Personality Disorders 316 16 Schizophrenia Spectrum & Other Psychotic Disorders 332 17 Substance Use Disorders 345 18 Dissociative Disorders 360 19 Sexual Dysfunctions & Gender Dysphoria 372 20 Eating Disorders 384 Part IV Maternal–Neonatal Care 397 21 Antepartum Care 399 22 Intrapartum Care 416 23 Postpartum Care 432 24 Neonatal Care 446Contents x Part V Care of the Child 465 25 Growth & Development 467 26 Cardiovascular Disorders 470 27 Hematologic & Immune Disorders 500 28 Respiratory Disorders 524 29 Neurosensory Disorders 552 30 Musculoskeletal Disorders 573 31 Gastrointestinal Disorders 594 32 Endocrine Disorders 617 33 Genitourinary Disorders 638 34 Integumentary Disorders 663 Part VI Issues in Nursing 685 35 Management & Leadership 687 36 Ethical & Legal Issues 692 Appendices 699 Comprehensive T est 1 701 Comprehensive T est 2 716 Credits 776 Commonly Used Abbreviations 779 Commonly Used English to Metric Conversion Equations 779 Normal Adult Laboratory V alues 780 Normal Pediatric Laboratory Values 781 Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development 781 Heart Sounds 782 Breath Sounds 783
USD $79.99
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