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Combining a complete histology atlas with a concise, clinically oriented text, Histology from a Clinical Perspective, 2nd Edition, integrates essential ...
Combining a complete histology atlas with a concise, clinically oriented text, Histology from a Clinical Perspective, 2nd Edition, integrates essential basic science information and related pathology to ensure mastery of fundamental histology topics and the confidence to apply concepts effectively in practice. Explanatory text in each chapter is paired with expanded figure legends in an innovative layout that presents light and electron micrographic images of a tissue, a diagrammatic representation of the same tissue, and an example of how the tissue may be modified by a pathologic process in abundant Clinical Correlations. Rich with clinical vignette USMEL-style review questions and additional self-assessment resources, this student-friendly approach reflects the most up-to-date clinical perspectives and instills the understanding and skills to excel in today’s clinical settings.
New clinical-vignette USMLE-style questions prepare students for course and board exams.
New From Histology to Pathology feature clarifies the impact of pathologic conditions on basic tissue structure with side-by-side comparisons.
Detailed labels on the more than 1,300 illustrations and micrographs help you identify structures at a glance.
Key Conceptssections and Chapter Summary tables streamline learning with quick access to essential chapter and section takeaways.
More than 100 Clinical Correlations accompany examination of normal tissues and structures and visually reinforce relevant pathology.
Additional digital feature:
Flash cards deliver engaging, interactive review of key structures and characteristics of cells, tissues, and organs.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
June 8, 2022
Dongmei Cui MD (hon), PhD
William P. Daley MD
Department of Pathology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
Contents Preface vii Acknowledgments viii Figure Credits ix Expert Consultants and Reviewers (Second Edition) x Expert Consultants (First Edition) xii UNIT 1 n B ASIC PRINCIPLES OF CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 1 1 n Illustrated Glossary of Histologic and Pathologic Terms 1 2 n Cell Structure and Function 11 UNIT 2 n BASIC TISSUES 37 3 n Epithelium and Glands 37 4 n Connective Tissue 79 5 n Cartilage and Bone 110 6 n Muscle 134 7 n Nervous Tissue 157 8 n Blood and Hemopoiesis 181 Unit 3 n ORGAN SYSTEMS 207 9 n Circulatory System 207 10 n Lymphoid System 235 11 n Respiratory System 260 12 n Urinary System 287 13 n Integumentary System 312 14 n Oral Cavity 331 15 n Digestive Tract 35516 n Digestive Glands and Associated Organs 384 17 n Endocrine System 408 18 n Male Reproductive System 430 19 n Female Reproductive System 456 20 n Eye 479 21 n Ear 503 Appendix A n General Principles of Tissue Preparation and Staining 523 Appendix B n Answers and Explanations for Clinical Vignette Questions 528 Index 537
New clinical-vignette USMLE-style questions prepare students for course and board exams.
New From Histology to Pathology feature clarifies the impact of pathologic conditions on basic tissue structure with side-by-side comparisons.
Detailed labels on the more than 1,300 illustrations and micrographs help you identify structures at a glance.
Key Conceptssections and Chapter Summary tables streamline learning with quick access to essential chapter and section takeaways.
More than 100 Clinical Correlations accompany examination of normal tissues and structures and visually reinforce relevant pathology.
Additional digital feature:
Flash cards deliver engaging, interactive review of key structures and characteristics of cells, tissues, and organs.
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